Putaway Group Maintenance

Menu Path: Warehouse Management Images\bluerarw.gif Shipping and Receiving Images\bluerarw.gif Putaway Group Maintenance


Add, update, or delete putaway groups used for directed putaway logic.


Use Putaway Group Maintenance to define directed putaway groups and rules of recommending bin locations.

The first step is to create logical putaway groups, which are product/location/unit of measure records that logically follow the same rules. Every putaway group can have multiple rules that can be sequenced so that if one rule does not apply, it will search for the next rule, then the next rule, until all rules are exhausted.

Since different warehouses have different layouts, resources, and constraints, and because some companies maintain certain information about the physical capacity of bins and/or the physical characteristics of products, directed putaway was designed to work with different degrees of information. It can be set up to be as complex or as simple as the warehouse, products, and information available.

After putaway rules are established, a directed putaway bin is set up in Dock Maintenance. Typically, this directed putaway bin is a staging area where receipts are temporarily staged before physically putting products away in bins. Then, directed putaway demands are created in Directed Putaway and Bin Replenish, using the created putaway rules. After the receipted products have been physically put away in bins, they are confirmed to the actual putaway bin.

Creating Putaway Groups

To create a putaway group:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter the putaway group name in the Putaway Group Name field.

  3. Enter a description of the putaway group in the Description field.

  4. Enter the location for the putaway group in the Location field.

  5. Enter dimensional settings for the putaway group in the Dimensional U/M, Cube U/M, Weight U/M, Height, Cube, Net Tare Weight, Length, Gross Packaged Weight, and Width fields.

  6. Select options for the first rule/constraint combination for the putaway group, and click the Enter button. Repeat this for all rule/constraint combinations for the putaway group.

  7. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The putaway group is created.

Copying Putaway Groups

Copying putaway groups is an efficient way of setting up multiple similar groups.

To copy a putaway group:

  1. Enter the putaway group name you want to copy from in the Putaway Group Name field.

  2. Click the Copy button in the ribbon.

  3. Edit the putaway group settings for the new putaway group.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The putaway group is created.

Deleting Putaway Groups

Note Before deleting a putaway group, make sure that product and product/location records with that putaway group have been re-assigned to other valid putaway groups. You cannot delete a putaway group that is being used on a product/location record.

To delete a putaway group:

  1. Enter the putaway group name you want to delete in the Putaway Group Name field.

  2. Click the Delete button in the ribbon.

  3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The putaway group is deleted.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Putaway Group Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new putaway group.


Click this button to update the selected putaway group.


Click this button to delete the selected putaway group.


Click this button to copy the selected putaway group options to another putaway group.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, Delete, or Copy button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, Delete, or Copy button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first putaway group.


Click this button to display the previous putaway group.


Click this button to display the next putaway group.


Click this button to display the last putaway group.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Putaway Group Name

Enter a putaway group name, or click the Lookup button to select a putaway group name.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter a description of the putaway group.


Enter the warehouse location prefix or name that uses the putaway group, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select a location prefix or name.

Dimensional U/M

Enter the unit of measure for the height, length, and width for the putaway group, or click the Lookup button to select the unit of measure. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.

This field is required if you enter a value in the Height, Length, or Width field.

Cube U/M

Enter the unit of measure for the volume for the putaway group, or click the Lookup button to select the unit of measure. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.

This field is required if you enter a value in the Height, Length, Width, or Cube field.

Weight U/M

Enter the unit of measure for the weight for the putaway group, or click the Lookup button to select the unit of measure. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.

This field is required if you enter a value in the Gross Packaged Weight or Net Tare Weight field.


Enter the height for the putaway group. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.

This field is required if you enter a value in the Length or Width field.


Enter the volume for the putaway group. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.

This field is calculated automatically if you enter a value in the Height, Length, and Width fields.

Net Tare Weight

Enter the net tare weight for the putaway group. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.


Enter the length for the putaway group. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.

This field is required if you enter a value in the Height or Width field.

Gross Packaged Weight

Enter the gross packaged weight for the putaway group. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.


Enter the width for the putaway group. If every product in the group has the same dimensions (e.g., products that are sold in cases where the only difference is flavor), these dimensions can be set up for the group instead of being entered individually for every product/location record. The objective is to reduce setup time for products with similar physical characteristics.

This field is required if you enter a value in the Height or Length field.


Select a putaway rule:

  • Empty Bin - Put away to the first empty bin.

  • Same Product - Put away to a bin that already has the same product in it.

  • Same Product/UM - Put away to a bin that already has the same product stored in the same unit of measure.

  • Primary Pick Bin - Put away to the primary pick bin for the product and unit of measure.

  • Primary Pick Zone - Put away to the primary pick zone for the product and unit of measure.

  • Primary Putaway Bin - Put away to the primary putaway bin for the product.


Select one of the following zone constraints:

  • All Zones - Putaway can occur in all zones.

  • Specific Zone -  Putaway can occur only in a specific zone.

  • Primary Pick Zone - Putaway can occur only in the primary pick zone.

  • Not Applicable - There is no zone constraint. This is selected automatically if you select the Primary Pick Bin, Primary Pick Zone, or Primary Putaway Bin radio button in the Rule radio set.

Dimensional Constraint

Select one of the following dimensional constraints:

  • None - There is no dimensional constraint.

  • Weight - Putaway is constrained by the weight capacity of the bin.

  • Cube - Putaway is constrained by the cube capacity of the bin.

  • Height - Putaway is constrained by the height capacity of the bin.

  • Height & Weight - Putaway is constrained by the height and weight capacity of the bin.

  • Cube & Weight - Putaway is constrained by the cube and weight capacity of the bin.

  • Primary Pick Bin Max - Putaway is constrained by the primary pick bin’s maximum quantity.

Velocity Constraint

Select one of the following velocity constraints:

  • Ignore Velocity - There is no velocity constraint. This is selected automatically if you select the Primary Pick Bin or Primary Putaway Bin radio button.

  • Match Bin Velocity - Putaway must match the bin velocity.

  • Higher Velocity Bin - Put away higher velocity bins first.

  • Lower Velocity Bin - Put away lower velocity bins first.


Enter a zone, or click the Lookup button to select a zone. This field is only enabled if you select the Specific Zone radio button.


Click this button to add the rule/constraint combination to the putaway group.


Click this button to delete a selected rule/constraint combination in the Rules grid.


This grid displays combinations of rules and constraints for the putaway group. You can click the up and down arrow buttons to change the sequence of the rule/constraint combinations.