Return Order Receipt

Menu Path: None

To use Return Order Receipt, click the Receive button in the ribbon in Return Order Receiving Entry.



Use Return Order Receipt to enter the quantities for products that you received for a specific return order. Each time you receive a returned order, a receipt number is assigned to the received products.

Receiving Products

  1. If all the received quantities equal the expected quantities, click the As Is button in the ribbon. If the quantities differ, enter the received quantities in the Received Qty column.

Note If you are receiving a fixed kit, you can only enter received quantities in the same ratio of components as required for the kit.

  1. Click the Receive button in the ribbon. The number that has been assigned to the receipt is displayed.

Adding Additional Products

To add additional products:

  1. Click the Add button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter the product you want to add in the Product Code or Name field.

  3. Enter the quantity returned in the Qty field.

  4. Enter a return code in the Return Code field.

  5. Click the OK button.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Return Order Receipt window.


Click this button to accept the received quantity for each line item.


Click this button to update the receiving entry. This button is only available after you click the OK or Cancel button in the ribbon or if you are updating a completed return order receipt.

As Is

Click this button to enter a quantity equal to the expected quantity minus the previously received quantity in the Received Qty column of the Line Items grid for each line item.


Click this button to add additional line items to the receipt.


Click this button to accept an added line item. This button is only available after you click the Add button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an added line item. This button is only available after you click the Add button in the ribbon.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Order Number

This field displays the return order number.

Customer Name

This field displays the customer name for the return order.

RA #

Enter the return authorization number.

Customer Code

This field displays the customer code for the return order.

Customer Ref #

Enter a customer reference number.

External Receipt #

Enter an external receipt number.

Display UM Type

Click the Lookup button to select the type of unit of measure to use for displayed quantities.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Line Items

This grid displays return order line item information. Enter the received quantity for each line item in the Received Qty column.

Note The quantity received cannot be greater than the expected quantity.

Position to Line #

Enter the line number of a return order line you want to select in the Line Items grid.

Product Code

Enter the product code of a product you are receiving, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This field is only available after you click the Add button in the ribbon.


Enter the product name of a product you are receiving, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. This field is only available after you click the Add button in the ribbon.


Enter the quantity of the product you are receiving. This field is only available after you click the Add button in the ribbon.

Return Code

Enter the return code for the product you are receiving, or click the Lookup button to select a return code. This field is only available after you click the Add button in the ribbon.