Shipper Rate Maintenance

Menu Path: Warehouse Management Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Shipping and Delivery Logistics Images\bluerarw.gif Shipper Rate Maintenance


Define shipper rates by weight/volume and effective dates.


Use Shipper Rate Maintenance to create a complete freight calculation record based on a shipper zone. You can assign freight charges for carriers and their upper weight limit for each location. For more information, see Freight Maintenance Overview.

You can also import shipper rates in Shipper Rate Import.

Creating Shipper Rates

To create a shipper rate:

  1. Enter a location prefix or name in the Location Prefix or Name field.

  2. Select a record type (Shipper or Shipping Method) for the shipper rate.

  3. Enter the shipper ID or shipping method in the Shipper ID or Shipping Method field.

  4. Enter a shipping zone in the Shipping Zone field.

  5. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  6. Select a limit type (Weight, Volume, or Amount).

  7. Enter the limit amount.

  8. Enter an effective range of dates for the shipper rate in the Start Date and End Date fields.

  9. Enter the additional charge type in the Charge Type field. This charge should be set up to default as an amount in Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance.

  10. Enter a shipping charge amount and currency in the Shipping Charge fields.

  11. If the shipper rate is VAT-taxable, select whether the limit amount and shipping charge amount are inclusive or exclusive of VAT.

  12. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save the shipper rate. The shipper rate is created, and displays in the Shipper Rates grid.

Example For Location 01, New Jersey, Shipper ID UPS Ground, and Shipping Zone 1, the following are set up:

Weight/Volume Limit

Start Date

End Date

Shipping Charge













Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Shipper Rate Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new shipper rate.


Click this button to update the selected shipper rate.


Click this button to delete the selected shipper rate.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display shipper zones for the first shipper or shipping method.


Click this button to display shipper zones for the previous shipper or shipping method.


Click this button to display shipper zones for the next shipper or shipping method.


Click this button to display shipper zones for the last shipper or shipping method.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Location Prefix

Enter the location prefix of the warehouse shipping location for the shipper rate, or click the Lookup button to select a location prefix. If your company maintains more than one shipping location, you must define shipper rates for each location.


Enter the location name of the warehouse shipping location for the shipper rate, or click the Lookup button to select a location name. If your company maintains more than one shipping location, you must define shipper rates for each location.

Record Type

Select whether to view, create, edit, or delete shipper rates for a specific shipper or shipping method.

Shipper ID

Enter a shipper ID for the shipper rate, or click the Lookup button to select a shipper ID. This field is only available if you select the Shipper radio button. For information on setting up shipper ID's, see Shipper Maintenance.

Shipping Method

Click the Lookup button to select the shipping method, air or ground, for the shipper rate. This field is only available if you select the Shipping Method radio button.

Shipping Zone

Enter a shipper zone, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping zone. For information on setting up shipper zones, see Shipper Zone Maintenance.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Limit Type

Select whether the shipper rate limit is by weight, volume, or monetary amount.

Amount Includes VAT

Select this check box if the amount entered in the Upper Amount Limit field includes VAT. This check box is only available if you select the Amount radio button.

Note This check box is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Upper Weight\Volume Limit

Enter a weight or volume limit for the shipper rate, and click the Lookup button to select a unit of measure. This field is only available if you select the Weight or Volume radio button.

Note This is the maximum weight or volume that the selected carrier/shipping method accepts for shipments from this location to the selected shipping zone.

Upper Amount Limit

Enter a monetary amount limit for the shipper rate. This field is only available if you select the Amount radio button.

Start Date

Enter the first date in a range of effective dates for the shipper rate, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

End Date

Enter the last date in a range of effective dates for the shipper rate, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Charge Type

Enter a charge type for the shipper rate, or click the Lookup button to select a charge type. This must be a freight charge, and should be set up to default as an amount in Order Entry Additional Charge Maintenance.

Charge Includes VAT

Select this check box if the shipping charge amount entered in the Shipping Charge field includes VAT. If this check box is cleared and the charge is VAT-taxable, VAT is calculated based on the amount of the shipping charge.

Note This check box is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Shipping Charge

Enter a shipping charge amount for the shipper rate. This is the charge associated with each upper weight/volume/amount limit set for the selected shipper ID, shipping zone, and location. This charge uses the calculation method formula defined for each existing shipper ID in Shipper Maintenance. For more information on calculation methods, see Freight Maintenance Overview. Also, enter a currency for the shipping charge amount, or click the Lookup button to select a currency. The currency for the shipping charge defaults from the location's currency.

Shipper Rates

This grid displays all existing shipper rates for the selected location, shipper/shipping method, and shipping zone.