System ID Default Selection

Menu Path: None

To use System ID Default Selection, create a new system ID in System ID Maintenance.


Select default data for a new system ID.


Use System ID Default Selection to select default data for a new system ID, such as state/provinces or countries.

Selecting Default Data

To select default data:

  1. Double-click each type of default data you want to set up for the new system ID, or click the Add All button to set up all available default data..

  2. Click the Load button in the ribbon. The system ID is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the System ID Default Selection window without loading default data for the new system ID.


Click this button to load the default data in the Selected Defaults grid to the new system ID.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Available Defaults

This grid displays default data that can be loaded into the new system ID. To select data to load, double-click it in this grid, or select it, and click the Add button.


Click this button to add the default data selected in the Available Defaults grid to the Selected Defaults grid.

Add All

Click this button to add all default data in the Available Defaults grid to the Selected Defaults grid.


Click this button to remove the default data selected in the Selected Defaults grid.

Remove All

Click this button to remove all default data from the Selected Defaults grid.

Selected Defaults

This grid displays default data selected for the new system ID. To remove data, double-click it, or select it, and click the Remove button.