Voiding Reason

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To use Voiding Reason, perform one of the following:


View or enter an order voiding reason or void reason code.


Use Voiding Reason to enter the reason or reason code when voiding an existing order, or to view the voiding reason or reason code for a previously voided order.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Voiding Reason window. If you are voiding an order, after you click this button, click OK in Order Entry or Purchase Order Maintenance to continue voiding the order.


Click this button to close the Voiding Reason window.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Void Reason Code

If you are voiding an order, enter a void reason code to indicate why the order is being voided, or click the Lookup button to select a void reason code. For information on setting up void reason codes, see Void Reason Maintenance. For previously voided orders, this field displays the void reason code for the order (if applicable). This field is not available for purchase orders.

NOTE This field is disabled if you have entered a reason in the Reason field. In other words, you can either enter a reason or a reason code; you cannot enter both.


This field displays the description of the selected void reason code. This field is not available for purchase orders.


If you are voiding an order, enter the reason you are voiding the order. For previously voided orders, this field displays the reason the order was voided (if applicable). This field is only enabled if you have not entered any void reason code.

NOTE This field is disabled if you have selected a code in the Void Reason Code field. In other words, you can either enter a reason or a reason code; you cannot enter both.

Voided by

If you are voiding an order, this field displays your user ID. For previously voided orders, this field displays the user ID of the person who voided the order.