Work Order Purchase Order Create

Menu Path: None

To use Work Order Purchase Order Create, click the Components Create button in the ribbon in Work Order Maintenance.


Create purchase orders to order components for an outside processing work order.


Use Work Order Purchase Order Create to generate purchase orders to order components required for manufacturing an outside processing work order.

Creating Purchase Orders

To create purchase orders:

  1. Verify component information is correct in the Components grid, including the quantity, supplier, etc.

  2. Select the check box in the Select column for the components you want to order. If you want to select the check box for all components, click the Select All button in the ribbon.

  3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Question dialog box appears, confirms the purchase orders are created, and asks if you want to output the log file.

  4. If you want to output the log file, click the Yes button, and output the file in Work Order Purchase Order Print. If you do not want to output the file, click the No button.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Work Order Purchase Order Create window.


Click this button to create purchase orders for all components for which the check box in the Select column in the Components grid is selected.

Select All

Click this button to select the check box in the Select column for all components in the Components grid.

Deselect All

Click this button to clear the check box in the Select column for all components in the Components grid.

Inventory Matrix

Click this button to display Inventory Matrix Inquiry, which allows you to view component inventory information.

Inventory Location Transfer

Click this button to display One Step Inventory Location Transfer, which allows you to quickly transfer components from one location to another.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


WO #

This field displays the work order for which you are creating purchase orders.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays components required for the work order. Select the check box in the Select column for components for which you want to create purchase orders. You can use the Select All or Deselect All buttons in the ribbon to select or clear the check box in the Select column for all components.

You can also change the quantity ordered, supplier, purchase class, currency, and payment terms for the purchase order.