Work Order Maintenance

If you edit this topic, review Work Order Inquiry.

Menu Path: Manufacturing Images\bluerarw.gif Work Order Processing Images\bluerarw.gif Work Order Maintenance


Maintain work orders.


Use Work Order Maintenance to maintain existing work orders that were issued in Work Order Create, Configuration Kit Work Order Create, or Create Work Orders. You can edit or void existing work orders that do not have a work order status of Completed. The copy feature allows you to simulate an existing work order’s details (a work order’s status is irrelevant).

Work Order Maintenance also allows you to create standalone work orders. This method does not use minimum and maximum values because ordered quantities are manually entered.

You can also correct invalid general ledger accounts that may prevent a completed work order from being posted. Notes can be created for both new and existing work orders.

If labels are required, see Receiving Labels Print.

Note Work orders are printed in Material Issue. You can reprint work orders in Material Issue Reprint.

For more information on using Work Order Maintenance, select one of the following activities:

For more information on processing work orders, see Work Order Process Flows.

For information on creating and processing work orders for outside processing, see Using Outside Processing for Manufacturing.

Creating a Standalone Work Order

To create a standalone work order:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter the location prefix or name for the location for the work order in the Location or Location Name field.

  3. Enter a product code or name for the work order in the Product Code or Product Name field. The following fields are automatically populated if values were set up for the fields in Bill of Material Maintenance:

    • Version

    • Revision

    • Description

    • Estimated Time

    • Backorder Priority

    • Project #

Note You can change the value for some of these fields.

  1. If you want to use a version/revision of the product's bill of material other than the primary routing (for example, if you need to use alternate equipment), click the Version / Revision button and select a version/revision.

  2. Enter a description of the work order in the Description field.

  3. Enter the total number of finished goods you want to build in the Quantity Ordered field.

  4. Enter the dates and times the work order are expected to be started and completed in the Expected Start Date/Time and Expected Finish Date/Time fields.

  5. Enter a backorder release priority for the work order in the Backorder Priority field.

  6. If the work order is associated with a specific general ledger project, enter the project number in the Project # field.

  7. If the work order is not yet finalized, clear the Finalized check box.

  8. Click the Routing Details tab.

  9. Verify the operations and work centers are correct for the work order. You can double-click an operation to change the work center for it.

  10. Click the Components tab.

  11. If substitute components and/or quantity changes are allowed for a component, and you want to change the components and/or quantities, select an operation, double-click a component, enter the changes, and click the Enter button. If you are allowed to add additional components, and you want to add a component, select the operation, click the Add Additional Component button, enter the component information, and click the Enter button.

  12. Click the Cost Categories tab.

  13. Add, update, or delete cost categories for the work order. If you are allowed to add additional cost categories, and you want to add a cost category, enter the cost category information, and click the Enter button.

  14. Click the Other Information tab.

  15. Enter any other information required for the work order in the work order user-defined fields.

  16. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The work order is created. You can now print the work order in Material Issue.

Determining a Work Order’s Status

The WO Status field on the Main tab indicates the stage a work order is in. A work order can have one of the following statuses:

Editing or Copying a Work Order

After a work order is created, it can be edited for any corrections or updates. It can also be copied. By copying work orders, you can efficiently generate work orders that are similar to each other. A work order can be edited until its status changes to Completed. Completed work orders were confirmed and therefore cannot be changed. However, you can copy completed work orders. You can also copy voided work orders.

To edit an existing work order:

  1. Enter a work order number in the WO # field.

  2. Click the Edit button in the ribbon.

  3. Make any changes to the work order.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The work order is updated.

To copy an existing work order:

  1. Enter a work order number in the WO # field.

  2. Click the Copy button in the ribbon.

  3. Make any changes to the work order.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The work order is created.

  5. Verify that the work order status is Open. If the status is Hold, it implies insufficient inventory of the component products is available to fill the work order. For more information, see Determining a Work Order's Status.

Voiding a Work Order

A work order can be voided until its status is Issued. This status implies components for the work order are issued, so it is too late to void the work order.

Note You can still void a work order if the only material issues for the work order are for backflushed components, or for operations with no components.

To void a work order:

  1. Enter a work order number in the WO # field.

  2. Click the Void button in the ribbon.

  3. Enter the reason you are voiding the work order in the Reason field.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The Question dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm you want to void the work order.

  5. Click the Yes button. The work order is voided and the status changes to Voided.

Note A voided work order cannot be printed in Work Order Maintenance, Material Issue, or Material Issue Reprint. Voided work orders cannot be edited, but a voided order can be copied to create a new work order.

Correcting Invalid General Ledger Accounts

The Accounts button in the ribbon is only available in Work Order Maintenance if your user ID is authorized to update general ledger accounts in User Extended Options (see below for details on granting authority to access general ledger accounts).

To correct invalid general ledger accounts:

  1. Enter a work order number in the WO # field.

  2. Click the Edit button in the ribbon.

  3. Click the Accounts button in the ribbon to display WO Account. This window displays account line items that are associated with each account type.

  4. Select the Bad Accounts Only check box to display only accounts that need to be corrected.

  5. Double-click an account to display the account number information below the grid.

  6. Enter a valid account number in the WO Account field.

  7. Click the Enter Account button to enter the account.

  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for all other bad accounts that need to be corrected.

  9. Click the Exit button in the ribbon to return to Work Order Maintenance.

  10. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save the changes to the accounts. The work order is updated.

Note These steps only allow you to correct accounts for a specific work order.  If you need to permanently correct a general ledger account for a specific account type, you should go to the source of the account; that is, where the account was originally defined. For example, for cost category accounts, use Cost Category Maintenance.

Granting Authority to Update General Ledger Accounts

Authority to update general ledger accounts is set up in User Extended Options, and is usually provided by a database administrator who has access to that window.

To grant authority to access general ledger accounts:

  1. In User Profile Maintenance, enter a user ID in the User ID field.

  2. Click the User Extended Options button in the ribbon to display User Extended Options.

  3. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  4. Click the Warehouse tab.

  5. Select the Allowed to Update Accounts check box.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The user ID is updated.

  7. Click the Exit button in the ribbon.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Work Order Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new work order.


Click this button to update the selected work order.

You can edit cost categories for a work order only if the work order has not been confirmed. If the bill of the material for a work order is set up to allow you to add cost categories, you can only add cost categories if the work order is not completed. If the bill of the material for a work order is set up to allow you to add components, you can only add components if the work order is not finalized.


Click this button to copy the selected work order.


Click this button to void the selected work order.

Show Data

Click this button to refresh data on the Relationships or Orders tab. This button is only available if you click the Relationships or Orders tab and are not creating, editing, copying, or voiding a work order.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Edit, Copy, or Void button in the ribbon. If the work order includes components that require subassembly (i.e., the components are manufactured from other components), the Question dialog box appears, and asks if you want to create work orders for the subassembly products. Click the Yes button to display Work Order Subassembly Creation, which allows you to proceed to create the subassembly work orders.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Edit, Copy, or Void button in the ribbon.


Click this button to put the selected work order on manual hold. This button is only available after you click the New, Edit, or Copy button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display Receiving Labels Print, which allows you to print labels for the work order.


Click this button to display WO Account, which allows you to view general ledger accounts used for a work order, and correct incorrect accounts. This button is only available if the Allowed to Update Accounts check box is selected for your user ID on the Warehouse tab in User Extended Options.

Users To Notify

Click this button to display Users To Notify, which allows you to select users to notify when the work order is built.

Line Item User Defined Fields

Click this button to display Line Item User Defined Fields, which allows you to view and enter data for user-defined fields associated with the selected component. This button is only available if you click the Components tab.

Service Items Create

Click this button to create purchase orders for service items for the work order (if the purchase orders were not created when the work order was created).

Components Create

Click this button to display Work Order Purchase Order Create, which allows you to order components for an outside processing work order.


Click this button to display Work Order Purchase Order Select, which allows you to select purchase orders associated with the work order for components and/or service items.

Confirm On Order

Click this button to order all purchase orders associated with selected work order. After you order the purchase orders, you are asked whether you want to issue materials for the work order. Click the Yes button to display Material Issue.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for a work order.


Click this button to display Remark Entry, which allows you to enter remarks for a selected work order.

Material Cancel

Click this button to display Material Cancel, which allows you to cancel material issues for the selected work order. This button is only available if material was issued for the selected work order and if you are not editing the work order.

Material Issue

Click this button to display Material Issue, which allows you to print the selected work order and issue materials for it.

Cost Variance

Click this button to display Cost Variance Detail, which allows you to view cost variance for the selected work order. This button is only available if you are allowed to view costs and a cost variance basis is set up in Manufacturing Control Maintenance.

APS System

Click this button to log in to Galaxy APS for scheduling manufacturing.

Note You must set up integration with Galaxy APS in Scheduling Control Maintenance before using this button.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


WO #

Enter an existing work order number, or click the Lookup button to select an existing work order number. This number is assigned automatically when a new work order is created.

All WOs

Click this button to select a work order from a Lookup window that contains all work orders.


Enter the location prefix in which the product for the work order is built, or click the Lookup button to select a location prefix. Locations are physical warehouses defined in Location Maintenance. This field defaults to the location prefix entered for your user ID in User Extended Options, or the location entered for a product in Bill of Material Maintenance.

Location Name

Enter the location name in which the product for the work order is built, or click the Lookup button to select a location name. Locations are physical warehouses defined in Location Maintenance. This field defaults to the location name entered for your user ID in User Extended Options, or the location entered for a product in Bill of Material Maintenance.

Product Code

Enter a product code for which you want to view or set up a work order, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This is the product you want to build. Products are defined and maintained in Product Maintenance. You can only create work orders for products for which an active bill of material is set up and for which the Build check box is selected in the Replenishment Path section on the Buying tab in Product Location Maintenance.

Product Name

Enter a product name for which you want to view or set up a work order, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. This is the product you want to build. Products are defined and maintained in Product Maintenance. You can only create work orders for products for which an active bill of material is set up and for which the Build check box is selected in the Replenishment Path section on the Buying tab in Product Location Maintenance.


This field displays the version number of the bill of material for the selected work order. This defaults to the version of the primary routing of the bill of material.


Click this button to select a version and revision of the bill of material to use for the selected work order.


This field displays the revision number of the bill of material for the selected work order. This defaults to the revision of the primary routing of the bill of material.


Enter a short description of the work order.

Quantity Ordered

Enter the quantity of the product for the work order.

Quantity Completed

This field displays the quantity of the product completed for the selected work order.

Estimated Time

This field displays the estimated time for the work order. Click the Lookup button to select whether the time is in hours, minutes, or seconds. The estimated time is the time it takes to complete the entire work order.

Expected Start Date

Enter the expected date work will start for the work order, or click the drop-down arrow to select the date.

Expected Start Time

Enter the expected time work will start for the work order, and click the Lookup button to select AM or PM.

Expected Finish Date

Enter the expected date work will finish for the work order, or click the drop-down arrow to select the date. This defaults based on cost categories for the work order that are set up to be included in total work time.

Expected Finish Time

Enter the expected time work will finish for the work order, and click the Lookup button to select AM or PM.

Backorder Priority

Enter the backorder release priority for the work order. The backorder release priority can be between 0 and 999, with 0 being the lowest and 999 being the highest. Any backordered work orders for the defined bill of material product are released in Work Order Allocate based on the priority that is assigned for the product. For example, if two separate work orders that contain similar component products are on backorder due to insufficient inventory, the product that was assigned the higher backorder release priority is released first.

Project #

Enter a project number associated with the work order, or click the Lookup button to select a project number. General ledger projects are defined in Project Maintenance, and are used to track expenses against a general ledger account.


Enter the reason you are voiding a work order. This field is only available if you are voiding a work order or viewing a previously voided work order.

Voided on

This field displays the date the work order was voided. This field is only available if you are voiding a work order or viewing a previously voided work order.

WO Status

This field displays the status of the work order. The work order status is automatically updated at different stages of work order processing. When you first create a work order, the status is Open to indicate the work order is not yet printed.

Hold Reason

This field displays the reason the displayed work order is on hold (if it is on hold).

Voided by

This field displays the user ID of the person that voided the work order. This field is only available if you are voiding a work order or viewing a previously voided work order.


This check box is selected if the work order is an express work order.


Select this check box if the work order is finalized. This check box is selected by default for new work orders. This check box can be cleared for an existing work order if material has not yet been issued for the work order. You cannot add components to a finalized work order. When a work order is marked as finalized, components are allocated for the work order, and backflushed components are issued.


This check box is selected if the work order is backordered.

Routing Details Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Operation Code

This field displays the operation code if you are editing the work center for an operation.

Name (Operation)

This field displays the operation name if you are editing the work center for an operation.

Work Center Code

Enter the work center code for the work center in which the operation will be performed, or click the Lookup button to select a work center code. For information on setting up work centers, see Work Center Maintenance. This field is only enabled after you double-click an operation in the Operations grid.

Note You cannot change the work center for a finalized work order.

Name (Work Center)

Enter the work center name for the work center in which the operation will be performed, or click the Lookup button to select a work center name. For information on setting up work centers, see Work Center Maintenance. This field is only enabled after you double-click an operation in the Operations grid.

Note You cannot change the work center for a finalized work order.


Click this button to update the work center for an operation.


Click this button to cancel a change to the work center for an operation.


This grid displays operation information for the selected work order. You can double-click an operation to change the work center assigned to it.

Orders Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays sales orders associated with the selected work order. Select an order and click one of the arrow buttons at the right of this grid to change the order priority of the selected order.

Double-click an order to display Order Edit, which allows you to view and update information for the order.

Note If you are not authorized to use Order Edit, the Order Entry window appears instead, and allows you to view and update information for the order. If you are not authorized to use Order Edit or Order Entry, the Order Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view order information for the order.

Component Purchase Orders

This grid displays purchase orders for components of the selected work order for outside processing.

Double-click a purchase order to display Purchase Order Maintenance, which allows you to view and edit information for the purchase order. If you are not allowed to use Purchase Order Maintenance, Purchase Order Inquiry appears instead, and allows you to view information for the purchase order.

Service Item Purchase Orders

This grid displays service item purchase orders associated with the selected work order for outside processing.

Double-click a purchase order to display Purchase Order Maintenance, which allows you to view and edit information for the purchase order. If you are not allowed to use Purchase Order Maintenance, Purchase Order Inquiry appears instead, and allows you to view information for the purchase order.

Relationships Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Issued Material

This grid displays material issue transactions associated with the selected work order.

Work Order Confirmations

This grid displays work order confirmations associated with the selected work order.

Components Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays all operations for the work order routing. You can view the operations on the Routing Details tab. Select an operation to view or edit the components for the operation.

Product Code

This field displays the component product code for the selected component. Component products are items or parts that make up a product to be built or become a finished good. Component products are tracked by product, location, and bin, but cannot be tracked by lot or serial number. Finished products however, can be tracked by lot or serial number. You can enter a product code in this field if substitutes are allowed for a component.

Add Additional Component

Click this button to add an additional component to the work order. This button is only available if the Allow Additional Components check box is selected for the product's bill of material in Bill of Material Maintenance.


Click this button to cancel the addition of a component to the work order. This button is only available after you click the Add Additional Component button.

Product Name

This field displays the component product name for the selected component. Component products are items or parts that make up a product to be built or become a finished good. Component products are tracked by product, location, and bin, but cannot be tracked by lot or serial number. Finished products however, can be tracked by lot or serial number.


Click this button to display Substitute Products, which allows you to select a substitute product for a selected component. This button is only available if component substitutions are allowed for the bill of material associated with the work order, and is only available after you double-click a component for which substitute products are set up in Substitute Product Maintenance.

Per Unit Quantity

These fields display the quantity of the selected component product required to build the finished good, and the unit of measure for the component product.


Click this button to enter an additional component, substitute component, or component quantity change.

Scrap Factor

This field displays the scrap factor for the component. This is the excess quantity of the component that is typically scrapped during the manufacturing process, and for which material must be issued.

Example A bill of material is set up to require 10 feet of component A with a scrap factor of 1. This indicates that 11 feet of component A are required to manufacture the finished product.


Click this button to clear any entered changes to components.

Quantity Needed

These fields display the quantity needed of the selected component product, and the unit of measure for the quantity. You can enter a quantity in this field if quantity changes are allowed for a component. The unit of measure is defined in Product Maintenance, and cannot be changed.

Must Use Primary Work Order Bin

This check box is disabled in this window.

Primary Work Order Bin

This field is disabled in this window.

Must Backflush

This check box is disabled in this window.

Backflush Bin

This field is disabled in this window.


This grid displays component products for the selected operation. Double-click a product to view component information for it.

If the Allow Substitutions check box is selected in Bill of Material Maintenance for a component, you can double-click the component in this grid, and enter a substitute product in the Product Code field.

If the Allow Quantity Change check box is selected in Bill of Material Maintenance for a component, you can double-click the component in this grid, and enter a different quantity in the Per Unit Quantity field.

If the work order is for a configuration kit, double-click a bill of material group to display Group Maintenance, which allows you to view and edit component information for the group.

The Product Type column indicates whether each component is a product or a phantom assembly.

If you are authorized to change allocations for work orders, you can edit values in the Qty Alloc column.

Note You cannot change allocations for completed or cancelled work orders, and you cannot change allocations for issued materials. You cannot allocate more quantity than is available or needed for a work order. You also cannot allocate more quantity than you have left to complete for a work order.

Cost Categories Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays all operations for the work order routing. You can view the operations on the Routing Details tab. Select an operation to view or edit the cost categories for the operation.

Category Code

Enter a cost category code that you want to associate with the operation, or click the Lookup button to select a cost category code. You can only enter or select a cost category code that is set up for the location for the work order. This field is only enabled if the Allow Additional Cost Categories check box is selected in Bill of Material Maintenance for the bill of material of the product/location for the work order.

Category Name

Enter a cost category name that you want to associate with the work center, or click the Lookup button to select a cost category name. You can only enter or select a cost category name that is set up for the location for the work order. This field is only enabled if the Allow Additional Cost Categories check box is selected in Bill of Material Maintenance for the bill of material of the product/location for the work order.


Enter a sequence number to indicate the order in which work for the cost category is performed.

Example If work for three cost categories is performed for the operation, you can enter 10 for the cost category performed first, 20 for the cost category performed second, and 30 for the cost category performed last.

Included in Total Work Time

Select this check box if the cost category is used to calculate the operation time and expected finish date for the work order. This check box is selected by default if the cost category is set up to be included in total work time.

Override (Time)

Select this check box if you want to override the default time for the cost category. This check box is cleared by default.


These fields display the time and unit of time (seconds, minutes, or hours) for the selected cost category. The time type (Per Unit or Fixed) is also displayed to indicate whether the time is the overall time it takes to complete work for the operation or the time for each unit of product worked on for the operation. If you select the Override check box to the left of these fields, you can enter the time it takes for work for the cost category to be performed in the displayed unit of time.

Cost Type

This field displays one of the following cost types for the selected cost category:

  • Fixed - The cost for the cost category is fixed and not related to units manufactured or the time it takes to perform work.

  • Per Unit - The cost for the cost category is calculated per unit of finished good manufactured.

  • Per Hour - The cost for the cost category is calculated per hour of work.

Override (Multiplier)

Select this check box if you want to override the default cost category multiplier for the operation. This check box is cleared by default. This check box is only available if the selected cost category's cost type is Per Unit.


This field displays the multiplier for the cost category if the cost is for a subunit of a product.

Example The cost category is for painting legs of a chair. Enter 4 as the multiplier if all 4 legs are always painted.

This value is used as the product quantity ordered for the service product purchase order for outside processing.

If you select the Override check box to the left of this field, you can change the multiplier for the cost category and operation.

This field is only available if the selected cost category's cost type is Per Unit.

Override (Labor Rate)

Select this check box if you want to override the default cost category labor rate for the operation. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled for internal processing work centers.

Labor Rate

These fields display the labor rate, rate currency, and cost type for the selected cost category. If you select the Override check box to the left of these fields, you can change the labor rate for the operation.

Override (Overhead Rate)

Select this check box if you want to override the default cost category overhead rate for the operation. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled for internal processing work centers.

Overhead Rate

These fields display the overhead rate and rate currency for the selected cost category. If you select the Override check box to the left of these fields, you can change the overhead rate for the operation.

Service Product Code

Enter the product code of the service product associated with the cost category, or click the Lookup button to select a service product code. This is typically entered for outside processing to indicate that product that is added to the automatically generated purchase order. This field is only enabled for external processing work centers.


Enter the product name of the service product associated with the cost category, or click the Lookup button to select a service product name. This is typically entered for outside processing to indicate that product that is added to the automatically generated purchase order. This field defaults to the service product name associated with the cost category. This field is only enabled for external processing work centers.

Purchase Class

Enter the purchase class to use for the automatically generated purchase order if the cost category is used for outside processing, or click the Lookup button to select the purchase class. This field defaults to the purchase class associated with the cost category. This field is only enabled for external processing work centers.


Click this button to enter the cost category for the selected operation of the work order.


Click this button to remove the selected cost category in the Cost Categories grid from the work order.

Cost Categories

This grid displays cost categories for the selected operation. Double-click a cost category to edit information for it.

Other Information Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Work Order User Defined 1-20

Enter the appropriate information in these work order user-defined fields. The label names and validations for these fields are set up in User Defined Fields Maintenance.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Lines Total

This field displays the sum of the cost of all components for the work order.

Cost Category Total

This field displays the sum of the cost for all cost categories for the work order.


This field displays the total cost for the work order, which is equal to the amounts in the Lines Total and Cost Category Total fields.

Per Stocking U/M Total

This field displays the total per stocking unit of measure.


This field displays the currency for the work order.