Creating Supplier Production Monitoring Tasks

If you edit this topic, review Creating Product Lifecycle Management Tasks.

Supplier production monitoring tasks can be used to track data for supplier production monitoring workflows. Most tasks represent a step in a supplier production monitoring process, such as entering a measurement or value.

The process for creating tasks depends on the task type and format. The format of the task determines what kind of data can be entered for it. The following types and formats are available:

Section and tabpage tasks are special tasks that are used to group and organize other tasks.

Note Create tabpage and section tasks before the tasks you want to include on a tab or section.

To view information on creating tasks for a specific format, select one of the following:

Creating Tabpage Tasks

To create tabpage tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Tabpage button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the tab name users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  9. If you do not want to enable Simplified mode by default for the tab in Monitoring Definition Designer, clear the Group Tasks check box. For information on Simplified mode, see Using Monitoring Definition Designer.

  10. If you want the tasks for the tabpage to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the tabpage when the user launches a workflow in which the tabpage is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  11. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  12. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security setting for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  13. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  14. If you want users to have access to ribbon buttons that launch other programs when viewing the tab, click the Ribbon Links button in the ribbon, and set up the buttons in Ribbon Link Maintenance. When you are finished setting up ribbon links, click the Exit button in the ribbon to close the Ribbon Link Maintenance window and return to the Monitoring Task Maintenance window.

  15. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating Section Tasks

To create section tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Section button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the section name users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  9. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a tabpage format task in which the section task will be included.

  10. If you do not want to enable Simplified mode by default for the section in Monitoring Definition Designer, clear the Group Tasks check box. For information on Simplified mode, see Using Monitoring Definition Designer.

  11. If you want the tasks for the section to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the section when the user launches a workflow in which the section is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  12. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  13. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  14. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  15. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating Character Tasks

To create character tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Task button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the field label users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  9. If you want the task to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the task when the user launches a workflow in which the task is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  10. If you want the task to not be automatically marked complete when data is imported for it, clear the Mark Task Completed After Import check box.

  11. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Format field, and select Character.

  12. Enter the width of the field (in characters) for the task in the Width field.

  13. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a section or tabpage format task in which the character task will be included.

  14. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  15. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  16. If you want to perform any validation of the data for the task, click the Validation tab. If you do not want to perform any validation, skip to step 19.

  17. If you want to set up a sanity check for the task that ensures task values are within a range of values, select the Uses Sanity Check check box, and then enter the range of values in the Start and End fields.

  18. If you want to validate values for the task, select the Use Validation check box. You can validate values in two ways: from a list of entered values or from a database field. If you want to validate from a list of values, select the Validate from List check box, click the List button, and then enter the values in Monitoring Task Validation Maintenance. If you want to validate from a field, click the Lookup button to the right of the Validation Field field, and select the field.

  19. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  20. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating Date Tasks

To create date tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Task button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the field label users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  9. If you want the task to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the task when the user launches a workflow in which the task is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  10. If you want the task to not be automatically marked complete when data is imported for it, clear the Mark Task Completed After Import check box.

  11. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Format field, and select Date.

  12. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a section or tabpage format task in which the date task will be included.

  13. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  14. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  15. If you want to perform any validation of the data for the task, click the Validation tab. If you do not want to perform any validation, skip to step 17.

  16. If you want to set up a sanity check for the task that ensures task values are within a range of values, select the Uses Sanity Check check box, and then enter the range of values in the Start and End fields. You can also enter a positive or negative number of days for the start and end date to allow for additional flexibility.

  17. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  18. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating Decimal Tasks

To create decimal tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Task button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the field label users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  9. If you want the task to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the task when the user launches a workflow in which the task is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  10. If you want the task to not be automatically marked complete when data is imported for it, clear the Mark Task Completed After Import check box.

  11. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Format field, and select Decimal.

  12. Enter the number of digits (not including decimal places) for data for the task in the Integer Places field.

  13. Enter the number of decimal places for data for the task in the Decimal Places field.

  14. If you want to use separator characters (commas, periods, etc.) between thousands, select the Use Thousands Separators check box.

  15. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a section or tabpage format task in which the decimal task will be included.

  16. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  17. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  18. If you want the task to be used in a formula for another calculated task, enter a unique identifier in the Calculation Formula ID field.

  19. If you want the task to be an automatically calculated value, select the Calculation Column check box, and enter the formula for the value in the Calculation field.

  20. If you want to perform any validation of the data for the task, click the Validation tab. If you do not want to perform any validation, skip to step 23.

  21. If you want to set up a sanity check for the task that ensures task values are within a range of values, select the Uses Sanity Check check box, and then enter the range of values in the Start and End fields.

  22. If you want to validate values for the task, select the Use Validation and Validate from List check boxes, then click the List button, and enter the values in Lifecycle Task Validation Maintenance.

  23. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  24. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating File Path Tasks

To create file path tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Task button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the field label users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a section or tabpage format task in which the character task will be included.

  9. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  10. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  11. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  12. If you want the task to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the task when the user launches a workflow in which the task is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  13. If you want the task to not be automatically marked complete when data is imported for it, clear the Mark Task Completed After Import check box.

  14. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Format field, and select File Path.

  15. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  16. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating Grid Tasks

To create grid tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Task button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  9. If you want the task to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the task when the user launches a workflow in which the task is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  10. Select the Grid radio button.

  11. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a section or tabpage format task in which the grid task will be included.

  12. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  13. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  14. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  15. Click the Grid Columns tab.

  16. Enter a sequence number for a column in the grid in the Sequence field.

  17. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Data Type field, and select a data type. If you select Character, enter the width (in characters) for the column in the Width field. If you select Integer or Decimal, set up the integer and/or decimal places and select whether to use thousands separators.

  18. Enter a label to display in the column header for the column in the Label field.

  19. If you want the column to be used in a formula for another calculated column, enter a unique identifier in the Calculation Formula ID field.

  20. If you want the column to be an automatically calculated value, select the Calculation Column check box, and enter the formula for the value in the Calculation field.

  21. If you want to validate values for the column, select the Use Validation check box. You can validate values in two ways: from a list of entered values or from a database field. If you want to validate from a list of values, select the Validate from List check box, click the List button, and then enter the values in Monitoring Task Validation Maintenance. If you want to validate from a field, click the Lookup button to the right of the Validation Field field, and select the field.

  22. Click the Enter button.

  23. Repeat steps 16 to 22 for all columns you want to include in the grid.

  24. If you want to set up a default number of rows or enter data in specific cells in the grid, click the Default Rows button, and set up the rows and data in Default Rows.

  25. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating Integer Tasks

To create integer tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Task button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the field label users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  9. If you want the task to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the task when the user launches a workflow in which the task is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  10. If you want the task to not be automatically marked complete when data is imported for it, clear the Mark Task Completed After Import check box.

  11. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Format field, and select Integer.

  12. Enter the number of digits (not including decimal places) for data for the task in the Integer Places field.

  13. If you want to use separator characters (commas, periods, etc.) between thousands, select the Use Thousands Separators check box.

  14. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a section or tabpage format task in which the integer task will be included.

  15. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  16. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  17. If you want the task to be used in a formula for another calculated task, enter a unique identifier in the Calculation Formula ID field.

  18. If you want the task to be an automatically calculated value, select the Calculation Column check box, and enter the formula for the value in the Calculation field.

  19. If you want to perform any validation of the data for the task, click the Validation tab. If you do not want to perform any validation, skip to step 22.

  20. If you want to set up a sanity check for the task that ensures task values are within a range of values, select the Uses Sanity Check check box, and then enter the range of values in the Start and End fields.

  21. If you want to validate values for the task, select the Use Validation and Validate from List check boxes, then click the List button, and enter the values in Lifecycle Task Validation Maintenance.

  22. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  23. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating Logical Tasks

To create logical tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Task button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the check box label users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If you want the task to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the task when the user launches a workflow in which the task is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  9. If you want the task to not be automatically marked complete when data is imported for it, clear the Mark Task Completed After Import check box.

  10. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Format field, and select Logical.

  11. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a section or tabpage format task in which the logical task will be included.

  12. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  13. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  14. If you want to make the task a field with Yes/No values instead of a check box, click the Validation tab, and select the Use Validation check box. Select the Validate from List check box, click the List button, and then enter the values Yes and No in Lifecycle Task Validation Maintenance.

  15. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  16. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.

Creating Text Tasks

To create text tasks:

  1. In Monitoring Task Maintenance, click the New Task button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a workflow type for the task in the Workflow Type field.

  3. Enter a workflow level for the task in the Workflow Level field.

  4. Enter a name for the task in the Task Name field. This is the field label users see when performing data entry.

  5. Enter a sequence number for the task in the Sequence field.

  6. Enter a description of the task in the Detailed Description field.

  7. Select the status of the task.

  8. If the task is not mandatory and can be skipped by the user, select the Can Be Skipped check box.

  9. If you want the task to automatically be assigned to a user that is a member of the team assigned to the task when the user launches a workflow in which the task is included, select the Automatically Assign User check box.

  10. If you want the task to not be automatically marked complete when data is imported for it, clear the Mark Task Completed After Import check box.

  11. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Format field, and select Text.

  12. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Section / Tabpage field, and select a section or tabpage format task in which the text task will be included.

  13. If you want the task to be assigned to a specific supplier production monitoring team by default, enter the team in the Default Team field.

  14. Click the Lookup button to the right of the Security field, and select the default security for the task. For information on setting up task security, see Using Supplier Production Monitoring.

  15. If you want to set up security settings for specific supplier production monitoring teams, click the Security tab. You can then enter a team in the Team field, select a security setting for the Security field, and click the Enter button.

  16. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The task is created.