Voucher Audit Detail

Menu Path: None

To use Voucher Audit Detail, click the Voucher Detail button in the ribbon in Voucher Audit Inquiry.


View voucher audit detail information.


Use Voucher Audit Detail to display detailed voucher audit information, such as changes in status or payment method.

Fields that changed for the selected audit sequence number display in a red font. Changed fields are determined based on the previously selected audit sequence number for the voucher.

Example A voucher has four audit sequence number records. Different fields will display in a red font for the second record, based on whether you selected the first, third, or fourth record before selecting the second record In Voucher Audit Inquiry.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Voucher Audit Detail window.

A/P Journal Entry Detail

Click this button to display Journal Detail for Entry, which allows you to view journal entry account detail information. This button is only available if a posted voucher is selected.

Lookup Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Voucher #

This field displays the voucher number.


This field displays the two-letter abbreviation for the voucher type.

Audit Sequence #

This field displays the audit sequence number.


This field displays the total number of audit sequence numbers for the voucher.

Supplier Name

This field displays the supplier name for the voucher.

Supplier Code

This field displays the supplier code for the voucher.

Reference #

This field displays the reference number for the voucher.

Updated Date

This field displays the date the voucher was last updated.

Batch #

This field displays the batch number for the voucher.

Updated Time

This field displays the time the voucher was last updated.


This field displays the status of the voucher.

Updated By

This field displays the user ID of the person who last updated the voucher.

Payment Method

This field displays the payment method for the voucher.


This check box is selected if the voucher was cancelled.

Payment Terms

This field displays the payment terms for the voucher.

Void Date

This field displays the voucher was voided (if it was voided).

Freight ID

This field displays the freight ID for the voucher.

Void by

This field displays the user ID of the person that voided the voucher (if it was voided).

Discount Date

This field displays the discount date for the voucher.

On Hold

This check box is selected if the voucher is on hold.

Discount Taken

This field displays the amount of discount taken for the voucher.

Entered Currency

This field displays the currency in which the voucher was entered.

On-Hold Date

This field displays the on-hold date for the voucher (if it is on hold).

Write Off/Other Taken

This field displays the write-off or other amount for the voucher.

Days on Hold

This field displays the number of days the voucher has been on hold (if it is on hold).

A/P Journal #

This field displays the accounts payable journal number for the voucher.

Created Date

This field displays the date the voucher was created.

Transferred to G/L Date

This field displays the date the journal entry was transferred to the general ledger.

Created By

This field displays the user ID of the person that created the voucher.

Transferred to G/L by

This field displays the user ID of the person that transferred the journal entry to the general ledger.


This check box is selected if the voucher requires a 1099.

Associated Voucher #

This field displays the voucher number of any associated voucher.


This check box is selected for inbound vouchers (vouchers for inventory that is not yet received).

Voucher Image File

This field displays the image folder and file name for the voucher.

View Image

Click this button to view the invoice image entered in the Voucher Image File field. Images are attached to vouchers in Voucher Entry or Voucher Edit.