Business Intelligence Export (legacy)

Menu Path: Business Intelligence (legacy) Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Business Intelligence Export (legacy)


Export data for business intelligence cubes.


Use Business Intelligence Export (legacy) to supply data for business intelligence cubes. For more information on individual cubes, see Business Intelligence (legacy) Overview.

Note These exports are generally set up as Scheduling Assistant tasks that can be run automatically during off-hours.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Business Intelligence Export (legacy) window.

Schedule Job

Click this button to display Task Schedule Options, which allows you to set up the schedule for exporting with Scheduling Assistant. This button is only available if you select the Schedule radio button.


Click this button to export business intelligence data.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Export Program Name

Click the Lookup button to select the export program name. Export program names are defined in External Interface Maintenance. For more information on default export program names, see Business Intelligence (legacy) Overview.

Export File Name & Path

Enter the path and file name for the exported data file. If this is not a network path, the path is on the application server (i.e., a path on the C: drive is the C: drive on the application server).


Select whether data is exported for a range of accounting periods or months.

All Dates

Select this check box to export data for all dates. This check box is selected by default.


Click the Lookup button and select the first period or month in a range of periods or months for which to export data. This Lookup button is only enabled if you clear the All Dates check box.


Click the Lookup button and select the last period or month in a range of periods or months for which to export data. This Lookup button is only enabled if you clear the All Dates check box.


Select whether the export file is run now or run by Scheduling Assistant. If you select the Schedule radio button, you can specify when the task occurs by clicking the Schedule Job button in the ribbon.