Task Schedule Options

Menu Path: None

To use Task Schedule Options, perform one of the following:


Update Scheduling Assistant tasks.


Use Task Schedule Options to submit a Scheduling Assistant task for a date or for a range of days along with a time to run the task. The options in the Task Schedule Options window are also available in all windows that allow you to select process options.

Scheduling Tasks

To schedule a task:

  1. If the task will output a report, select an output option. If you are outputting to a file, select the file type and file name. If you are outputting to a printer, select the printer and page length. If you are outputting to email, enter the email address of the recipient.

  2. Select the time and date for the processing to start. If the task is a recurring task, select how often the task occurs.

  3. If the task is triggered by another task, enter the triggering task.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Task Schedule Options window, and save your changes.


Click this button to close the Task Schedule Options window without saving your changes.

General Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Output Option

Select one of the following output options:

  • File - Output to a specified file to be stored for later use. If you select this option, specify the output file name and location in the Output File Name field.

  • Printer - Output to a selected printer. If you select this option, specify a printer in the Printer field and the page length in the Page Length field.

  • Email - Output to your default email application.

  • Export to Excel - Output directly to Excel. You can specify the location of the Excel application in the Spreadsheet File field in User Profile Maintenance.

  • Contact - Output to customer contacts via your default email application. If you select this option, when you click the Print button in the ribbon, Output Option Selection appears, and allows you to select an output option for customers or suppliers without contacts. This option is only available for tasks that can be output to contacts.

Note These radio buttons are only enabled if you accessed this window from Scheduling Assistant Management, and if the task will output a report.

Output File Type

Select whether to output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited (CSV, DAT, or TXT) file. These radio buttons are only enabled if the File radio button is selected.

Specify File Name

Select this check box to specify the file name of the output file. This check box is only available if the File radio button is selected.

Excel Format Name

Enter an Excel format name, or click the Lookup button to select an Excel format name. Excel formats can be set up to specify which fields are output to Excel, and the order and sort order of the fields. This field is only available if you select the Excel or Export to Excel radio button.

Format Maintenance

Click this button to display Excel Format Maintenance, which allows you to set up Excel formats. This button is only available if you select the Excel or Export to Excel radio button.

Output Directory

Enter the location for the output file, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location. This field is only available if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Output File Name

Enter an output file name for the task. This field is only available if you select the Specify File Name check box..

Save As Type

Click the Lookup button to select whether to save the delimited file as a CSV, DAT, or TXT file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button, and only enabled if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Include header

Select this check box to include a row of header information in the exported delimited file, which labels the data. This check box is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Enter a comma (,), caret (^), or vertical bar (|) as a delimiter for the exported delimited file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.

Enclosing Character

If you want to use single or double quotation marks around data exported to a delimited file, enter ' or " in this field. Even if this field is left blank, text fields that have commas or carriage returns are enclosed in quotes. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Click the Lookup button to select a printer. This field is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button.

Page Length

Enter the page length. This field is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button.


Click the Lookup button to select an email address from your address book. This Lookup button is only enabled if you select the Email radio button.

Task Occurs

One of the following options is selected:

  • Once - Output the task at a specified date and time.

  • Every - Output the task on a recurring basis.

  • After - Output the task after a specified task is completed.

Task Occurs

Select one of the following:

  • Day of Week - Output the task every week on the selected days.

  • Days - Output the task after a specified number of days, starting on a specified date.

  • Month - Output the task on the first or last day of each month, starting on a specified date.

  • Time - Output the task after a specified number of minutes, starting on a specified date.

These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Every radio button.

Day of Week

Select the day(s) of the week to output the task.

These check boxes are only enabled if you select the Every or Next radio button.

Repeat Every X Days

Enter a number of days after which to output the task. This field is only available if you select the Days radio button.

Repeat On

Click the Lookup button and select whether to output the task on the first or last day of the month. This field is only available if you select the Month radio button.

Repeat Every X Minutes

Enter a number of minutes after which to output the task. This field is only available if you select the Time radio button.


Enter the time to output the job, and select AM or PM.


Enter the date or first date to output the task. This field is only available if you Once or Every radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Id

Click the Lookup button to select a task ID that will trigger the task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Name

This field displays the name of the triggering task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Description

This field displays the description of the triggering task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Task Description

Enter a description of the task. This can help users understand the purpose of a recurring task.

Scheduling Assistant Queue

Enter an active Scheduling Assistant queue for the task, or click the Lookup button to select a Scheduling Assistant queue. This defaults to the default queue for your user ID. This field is only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button, and you are assigned to a queue other than the Default queue.

External Email

Select this check box to send an email (outside of Apprise, using SMTP) when the task is completed.

Screen Alert

Select this check box to display an alert when the task is completed.

Internal Email

Select this check box to send an internal Apprise email when the task is completed.