Cash Flow Management Analysis

Menu Path: Cash Management Images\bluerarw.gif Cash Flow Management Analysis


Analyze cash flow.


Use Cash Flow Management Analysis to analyze your incoming and outgoing cash flow for specific time intervals. You can view cash flow data summarized or in detail, and you can graph the cash flow data as a bar or line graph. For information on set up required before performing analysis, see Setting Up Cash Flow Analysis.

Analyzing Cash Flow

To analyze cash flow:

  1. Select the time interval and end date for which you want to display cash flow data.

  2. Select filter options for your cash flow data.

  3. Select whether you want to display a summary or detailed analysis.

  4. Select whether you want to display data as a bar or line graph on the Graph tab.

  5. Click the Trend Sensitivity tab and specify the increasing and decreasing percentages for cash flow categories that you want to highlight and the colors you want to use. You can also set a highlight color to use if cash accounts are below the minimum account balance, or above the maximum account balance.

  6. If you want to change the currency exchange rates used for cash flow data, click the Exchange Rates tab, select the appropriate check boxes in the Use Override Rate column, and enter exchange rates in the Override Rate column.

  7. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays data based on your selections in steps 1-6.

  8. Click the Graph tab to display a graphical representation of your data.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Cash Flow Management Analysis window.

Show Data

Click this button to display data on the Results tab based on your selections on the Select and Trend Sensitivity tabs.

Save Settings

Click this button to save settings on the Trend Sensitivity tab.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All (Companies)

Select this check box to display cash flow data for all company codes. This check box is selected by default.

Company Code

Enter a company code for which to display cash flow data, or click the Lookup button to select a company code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Name (Company)

Enter a company name for which to display cash flow data, or click the Lookup button to select a company name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

All (Cash Accounts)

Select this check box to display cash flow data for all cash accounts. This check box is selected by default.

Cash Account

Enter a cash general ledger account for which to display cash flow data, or click the Lookup button to select a cash general ledger account. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.


Enter a cash general ledger account description for which to display cash flow data, or click the Lookup button to select a cash general ledger account description. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

All (Cash Flow Account Groups)

Select this check box to display cash flow data for all cash flow account groups. This check box is selected by default.

Cash Flow Account Group Code

Enter a cash flow account group code for which to display cash flow data, or click the Lookup button to select a cash flow account group code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it. For information on setting up cash flow account groups, see Cash Flow Account Group Maintenance.

Name (Cash Flow Account Group)

Enter a cash flow account group name for which to display cash flow data, or click the Lookup button to select a cash flow account group name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it. For information on setting up cash flow account groups, see Cash Flow Account Group Maintenance.

Time Interval

Click the Lookup button to select one of the following time intervals by which to summarize cash flow data:

  • Bi-Weekly

  • Daily

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Semi-Monthly

  • Weekly

End Date

Enter the last date for which to display cash flow data, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Include Sales Orders

Select this check box to include sales order transactions in the cash flow analysis.

Include Sales Orders on Credit Hold

Select this check box to include sales orders transactions on credit hold in the cash flow analysis. This check box is only enabled if the Include Sales Orders check box is selected.

Include Sales Forecast

Select this check box to include remaining sales forecast amounts in the cash flow analysis.

Example If $10000 is forecast for a specific month, and $7500 is on open orders, the remaining sales forecast amount is $2500. If this check box is selected, this amount is included in the cash flow analysis.

Include Manual Adjustments

Select this check box to include inflow cash flow manual adjustments in the cash flow analysis. These are adjustments entered in Cash Flow Manual Adjustment Maintenance or imported in Cash Flow Manual Adjustment Import.

Include On Hold Transactions

Select this check box to include on-hold transactions in the cash flow analysis.

Include Purchase Orders

Select this check box to include purchase order transactions in the cash flow analysis.

Include Purchase Forecast

Select this check box to include purchase forecast transactions in the cash flow analysis.

Include Manual Adjustments

Select this check box to include outflow cash flow manual adjustments in the cash flow analysis. These are adjustments entered in Cash Flow Manual Adjustment Maintenance or imported in Cash Flow Manual Adjustment Import.


Click the Lookup button to select the currency for displayed amounts in the cash flow analysis. If you are displaying cash flow data for a single cash account or cash flow account group, this defaults to the currency for the account or cash flow account group. If you are displaying cash flow data for a single cash flow account group for which a default display currency is not set up, or you are not displaying cash flow data for a single account or cash flow account group, this defaults to the currency for the functional ledger.


Select whether to view a summarized or detail view of cash flow data. If you select the Detail radio button, data is displayed for cash flow categories and cash flow subcategories. If you select the Summary radio button, only data for cash flow categories is displayed.

Graph Type

Select whether to display data on the Graph tab as a bar or line graph.

Net Cash Flow

Select whether to display net cash flow.

Categories to Graph

Select the check box for each cash flow category you want to graph on the Graph tab. For information on setting up cash flow categories, see Cash Flow Category Maintenance.

Trend Sensitivity Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Minimum Account Balance Alert

Enter a color to use to highlight the ending cash amount on the Results tab if the ending balance for an account is below the minimum account balance set up for the account.

Maximum Account Balance Alert

Enter a color to use to highlight the ending cash amount on the Results tab if the ending balance for an account is above the maximum account balance set up for the account.

Trend Sensitivity

This grid displays cash flow categories and subcategories and allows you to configure how trends are highlighted on the Results tab. You can set data to display in a color for both increasing and decreasing percentages to draw attention to important trends.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Cash Flow

This grid displays cash flow information for the time interval selected on the Select tab. The grid includes rows for all cash flow categories, and also the following three rows:

  • Past Due Accounts Receivable - The first column for this row displays accounts receivable past its cash flow date. You can move accounts receivable out of this row and into a cash flow category row by changing the cash flow date.

  • Past Due Sales Orders - If a sales order is past the order's required date, it is included in this row in the column related to using its date rules against the current date. If a sales order has a manually updated cash flow date that occurs in the future, the software looks back to determine what the required date would have been, and if it occurs in the past, it is included in the column related to its cash flow date. You can move sales orders out of this row and into a cash flow category row by changing the cash flow date to something that is greater than the current date plus the payment terms and date rules.

  • Past Due Purchase Orders - If a purchase order is past the order's delivery date, it is included in this row in the column related to using its date rules against the current date. If a purchase order has a manually updated cash flow date that occurs in the future, the software looks back to determine what the delivery date would have been, and if it occurs in the past, it is included in the column related to its cash flow date. You can move purchase orders out of this row and into a cash flow category row by changing the cash flow date to something that is greater than the current date plus the payment terms and date rules.

Note Cash flow dates are calculated based on supplier and customer rules set up in Cash Flow Customer Group Maintenance and Cash Flow Supplier Group Maintenance. You can change cash flow dates manually in Cash Flow Detail Inquiry.

Double-click data in a row other than the Ending Cash row to display Cash Flow Detail Inquiry, which allows you to view specific cash flow transaction information. Double-click data in the Ending Cash row to display Cash Flow Ending Cash Detail, which allows you to view the ending cash amounts for each cash account.

Note If you double-click data for the Beginning Cash category, Cash Flow Category Maintenance appears, and allows you to see the general ledger accounts that are included in the Beginning Cash category.

Graph Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This graph displays a visual representation of data displayed on the Results tab.

Exchange Rates Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Exchange Rates

This grid displays current currency exchange rates. If you want to change an exchange rate for cash flow analysis (for example, if you expect an exchange rate to change in the near future), select the check box for the rate in the Use Override Rate column, and then enter the rate in the Override Rate column. If you do not override exchange rates, cash flow data is based on the exchange rate for each transaction.