Charge Entry

Menu Path: None

To use Charge Entry, click the Additional Charges button in the ribbon in Purchase Order Maintenance or the Add Charges button in the ribbon in PO Line Item Entry or PO Style Entry.


View and maintain shipment charges and credits for a purchase order line item.


Use Charge Entry to create additional charges for purchase order line items, such as additional freight charges. For more information on additional charges and credits, see Additional Charge / Credit.

Note You can only create, edit, and delete additional charges for purchase order line items if you accessed this window from PO Line Item Entry.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Charge Entry window.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Charge Type

Enter the type of additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select an additional charge type. For information on setting up additional charge types, see Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

Note The Lookup window for this field does not display harmonization charges, but you can manually enter harmonization charges if necessary.


Click the Lookup button to select the currency for the additional charge. For additional charges set up with Other for the Supplier Type option, this defaults to the default currency for the supplier of the charge. Otherwise, it defaults to the currency entered in the Currency field on the Main tab in Purchase Order Maintenance.

Amount Type

These radio buttons indicate how the additional charge is calculated, and is based on how the additional charge is set up in Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.


Select whether the amount will be added to or subtracted from the order.


Enter a monetary value or percentage of the additional charge. You can enter an amount, percentage, per unit charge, per unit weight charge, per receipt charge, first receipt charge, or total receipt charge based on how the additional charge is set up in Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance.

VAT Taxable

Select this check box if VAT is assessed for the additional charge. This check box is only enabled if the line item for the additional charge is VAT taxable.

Note This check box is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance. This check box is only enabled for PO or Other supplier type purchase additional charges.

VAT Class Code

If the additional charge is VAT taxable, enter a VAT class code associated with the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT class code. This field is only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is selected. For information on setting up VAT class codes, see VAT Class Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance. This field is only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is selected.

VAT Rate/Amount

This field displays the VAT rate/amount for the additional charge based on the current rate for the VAT class entered in the VAT Class Code field.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Exempt Reason Code

If the additional charge is not VAT taxable and the purchase order is being shipped to a VAT-taxable country, enter a VAT exempt reason code to explain why the additional charge is exempt from VAT, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT exempt reason code. This field is only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is cleared. For information on setting up VAT exempt reason codes, see VAT Exempt Reason Maintenance. This field defaults from several sources in the following hierarchy:

  • Purchase Order

  • Purchase additional charge

  • Purchase class

  • Default VAT exempt reason for the country from which the order is shipping

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance. This field is only enabled for PO or Other supplier type purchase additional charges, and is only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is cleared.

VAT-Inclusive Amount

Enter the amount of the additional charge, including VAT. This field defaults to the sum of the additional charge amount and the VAT amount.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

VAT Supplier

If the additional charge is VAT taxable, enter the supplier code or name of the supplier collecting VAT for the additional charge, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select the supplier code or name. These fields are only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is selected.

Note These fields are only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance. These fields are only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is selected.

Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code (if applicable), or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code.


Enter a supplier name (if applicable), or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name.


Enter a comment for the additional charge.


Click this button to add the additional charge to the order. After you add the charge, it displays in the Additional Charges grid.


Click this button to delete the additional charge selected in the Additional Charges grid.

Additional Charges

This grid displays all additional charges entered for an order.


This field displays the total amount of the line item.

Item VAT

This field displays the total VAT amount of the line item.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Item W/VAT

This field displays the total amount of the line item, including any VAT amount.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Product Duty Basis

This column displays the total product duty basis for each line item.


This field displays the sum of all additional charges for the line item.

Charge VAT

This field displays the sum of VAT amounts for all additional charges for the line item.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Charges W/VAT

This field displays the sum of all additional charges for the line item, including any VAT amounts.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Charge Duty Basis

This column displays the total purchase additional charge duty basis for each line item. This includes charges set up to be included in the duty basis.


This field displays the total amount of the line item and all additional charges.

VAT Total

This field displays the total amount of the VAT amounts for the line item and additional charges.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Item Total W/VAT

This field displays the total amount of the line item and all additional charges, including any VAT amounts.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.