Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Additional Charges Images\bluerarw.gif Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance


Maintain additional charges for purchase orders.


Use Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance to enter new purchase additional charges, or view, update, or delete existing charges. A purchase additional charge can be used as a purchase order charge or as an additional line item charge.

Creating Purchase Additional Charges

To create a purchase additional charge:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a charge type and description of the charge. You can also enter a default comment for the charge.

  3. Select whether the additional charge is used for purchase orders only, returns only, or both.

  4. Select the amount type for the additional charge. For information on the amount types, see Purchase Additional Charges and Landed Cost FAQ.

  5. Select whether the charge is positive or negative. Selecting a negative charge will assign a negative amount each time the additional charge is entered in Purchase Order Maintenance.

  6. Select the supplier type. Select PO if the charge belongs to the supplier for the purchase order. Select Other if the charge belongs to a supplier other than the purchase order supplier. If you select Other, you must also enter a supplier.

  7. Select the Include in Landed Cost check box if you want the additional charge to be allocated among the products on purchase orders. This also eliminates the need for a separate account mask to be entered for the additional charge (because the general ledger account distribution will follow what is set up for the products).

  8. Select the Freight Charge check box if the charge is a freight charge. You can also specify whether the charge can be updated in the warehouse when the order is received, and whether the charge is displayed separately on the purchase order.

  9. If the charge will be included in duty basis for another charge that is used in harmonization charges, select the Include in Duty Basis check box.

  10. Select the Used in Harmonization Charges check box if the charge will be included in harmonization charges. This functions in conjunction with Harmonization Code Maintenance. For more information, see Implementing Duty Calculations FAQ. If the charge will include other charges in the duty basis, select the Include Charges in Duty Basis check box.

  11. If VAT must be calculated for the charge for specific countries, click the VAT tab, and enter country-specific VAT information. If you also want to set up specific VAT general ledger accounts for the charge, click the VAT Accts tab, and enter the accounts.

  12. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save the new charge. The purchase additional charge is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Purchase Additional Charge Maintenance window.


Click this button to create a new purchase additional charge.


Click this button to update the selected purchase additional charge.


Click this button to delete the selected purchase additional charge.

NOTE You cannot delete a purchase additional charge that is used for a purchase automatic additional charge.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first purchase additional charge.


Click this button to display the previous purchase additional charge.


Click this button to display the next purchase additional charge.


Click this button to display the last purchase additional charge.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Charge Type

Enter a name for the purchase additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a purchase additional charge.


This field displays the revision number for the selected purchase additional charge. The revision number automatically increases by one every time a user saves changes to a purchase additional charge.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter a description of the purchase additional charge.

Default Comment

Enter a default comment for the purchase additional charge. This comment appears when the charge is selected in Purchase Order Maintenance.

Used for

Select whether the additional charge is used for purchases, returns, or both purchases and returns.

Amount Type

Select one of the following amount types for the additional charge:

  • Percent

  • Per Unit

  • Per Unit Weight

  • Per Receipt

  • First Receipt

  • Total Receipt

For information on the amount types, see Purchase Additional Charges and Landed Cost FAQ.

Default Amount

Select whether the additional charge is a positive or negative amount, and enter the amount.

For Every

If you selected the Per Unit radio button, enter the number of units for which the amount is charged.

If you selected the Per Unit Weight radio button, enter the weight for which the amount is charged, then enter the weight unit of measure, or click the Lookup button to select the weight unit of measure.

Supplier Type

Select one of the following supplier types:

  • PO - Use if the charge belongs to the supplier for the purchase order.

  • Other -  Use if the charge belongs to a supplier other than the supplier for the purchase order. If you select this option, enter a supplier in the Supplier field.

  • None - If you select this option, enter an offset mask in the Offset Mask field.


Enter a supplier code or name for the additional charge, or click the Lookup buttons to select a supplier code or name. These fields are only enabled if you select the Other check box.

Offset Mask

Enter an offset mask for the additional charge, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to enter a general ledger account by element. This field is only available if you select the None radio button.

Include in Landed Cost

Select this check box if the additional charge is to be allocated among the products on a purchase order. The charge will then become part of the landed cost of the product(s) affected. If this check box is selected, the Charge Mask and Recon Mask fields are disabled because the additional charge will be reconciled to accounts payable clearing and the accounts associated with the products will be received against the purchase order. This check box is selected by default.

Distribute by

Select how the charge is distributed if you selected the Per Receipt, First Receipt, or Total Receipt radio buttons. If you select the Percent radio button, Cost is selected automatically. If you select the Per Unit radio button, Units is selected automatically. If you select the Per Unit Weight radio button, Weight is selected automatically.

Charge Mask

Enter a charge mask based on how your general ledger account resolutions are set up, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to enter a general ledger account by element. This field is only enabled if you clear the Include in Landed Cost check box.

Recon Mask

Enter a recon mask based on how your general ledger account resolutions are set up, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to enter a general ledger account by element. This field is only enabled if you clear the Include in Landed Cost check box.

Updateable in Warehouse

Select this check box to allow the charge to be updated during the receipt of goods in the warehouse. This check box is cleared by default.

Freight Charge

Select this check box if the additional charge is a freight charge. This check box is cleared by default.

Display Separately on PO

Select this check box if you do not want to display allocated additional charges to the products on a purchase order. The additional charge is displayed as a separate product on a purchase order. This check box usually should be selected, and is selected by default.

Used in Harmonization Charges

Select this check box if the additional charge will be used for purchase automatic additional charges associated with harmonization codes. An additional charge can only be selected in Purchase Automatic Additional Charge Maintenance for a harmonization code if this check box is selected. This check box is cleared by default.

Note If this check box is selected for an additional charge, it is not displayed in the Lookup window for the Charge Type field in Charge Entry, but the additional charge can be manually entered for a purchase order line item.

Include in Duty Basis

Select this check box if the additional charge is included in the duty basis when duty is collected on additional charges. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if the Percent radio button is not selected in the Amount Type radio set.

Include Charges in Duty Basis

Select this check box to include other additional charges (for which the Include in Duty Basis check box is selected) in the duty basis for the additional charge. This check box is only enabled if the Percent radio button is selected in the Amount Type radio set and the Used in Harmonization Charges check box is selected.

VAT Accounts Tab Fields and Buttons

Note This tab is disabled if you select None for the Supplier Type option. This tab is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Field or Button


Input VAT Clearing

Enter all or part of the input VAT clearing general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the purchase additional charge, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to select all or part of an account by element. For more information on input VAT clearing accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Note You can enter asterisks (*) for account elements you do not want to resolve from the purchase additional charge. You must enter an asterisk for each digit in the account element. For example, if an element has a length of four, you must enter four asterisks.

Input VAT

Enter all or part of the input VAT general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the purchase additional charge, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to select all or part of an account by element. For more information on input VAT accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Note You can enter asterisks (*) for account elements you do not want to resolve from the purchase additional charge. You must enter an asterisk for each digit in the account element. For example, if an element has a length of four, you must enter four asterisks.

Input VAT Write-off

Enter all or part of the input VAT write-off general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the purchase additional charge, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to select all or part of an account by element. For more information on input VAT write-off accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Note You can enter asterisks (*) for account elements you do not want to resolve from the purchase additional charge. You must enter an asterisk for each digit in the account element. For example, if an element has a length of four, you must enter four asterisks.

Input VAT Pending

Enter all or part of the input VAT pending general ledger account to use when resolving the account from the purchase additional charge, or click the Lookup button to display G/L Prompting, which allows you to select all or part of an account by element. For more information on input VAT pending accounts, see VAT Account Resolution.

Note You can enter asterisks (*) for account elements you do not want to resolve from the purchase additional charge. You must enter an asterisk for each digit in the account element. For example, if an element has a length of four, you must enter four asterisks.

VAT Tab Fields and Buttons

Note This tab is disabled if you select None for the Supplier Type option. This tab is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance.

Field or Button


VAT Taxable

Select this check box if the country uses VAT for the selected purchase additional charge. This check box is only enabled if you select PO or Other for the Supplier Type option on the Main tab.

Default VAT Supplier

Enter the supplier code or name of the default VAT supplier to which you will pay VAT for the additional charge for the country, or click one of the Lookup buttons to select a supplier code or name.


Click this button to add the VAT information for the country to the selected purchase additional charge.


Enter a country code for which you want to add VAT information to the selected purchase additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a country code. For information on setting up countries, see Country Maintenance.

VAT Class Code

Enter a VAT class code to associate with the country for the selected purchase additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT class code. For information on setting up VAT classes, see VAT Class Maintenance. This field is only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is selected.

VAT Exempt Reason Code

Enter a VAT exempt reason code to associate with the country for the selected purchase additional charge, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT exempt reason code. For information on setting up VAT exempt reasons, see VAT Exempt Reason Maintenance. This field is only enabled if the VAT Taxable check box is cleared.


Click this button to remove the selected country-specific VAT information from the Countries grid.


This grid displays country-specific VAT information for the selected purchase additional charge. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Country - This column displays the country code for each country for which VAT information is entered for the purchase additional charge.

  • VAT Taxable - The check box in this column is selected for each country for which VAT is calculated for the purchase additional charge.

  • VAT Class Code - This column displays the VAT class code associated with each country for the purchase additional charge.

  • VAT Exempt Reason Code - This column displays the VAT exempt reason code associated with each country for the purchase additional charge.

  • Current VAT Rate - This column displays the current VAT rate for the class code associated with each country for the purchase additional charge. The VAT rate is defined by the VAT class.

  • Estimated VAT Amount - This column displays the estimated amount of VAT calculated for the purchase additional charge for each country. This is calculated as the current VAT rate multiplied by the amount of the purchase additional charge. This is not calculated for percentage additional charges.

  • VAT Supplier Code - This column displays the VAT supplier code associated with each country for the purchase additional charge.

  • VAT Supplier Name - This column displays the VAT supplier name associated with each country for the purchase additional charge.