Cost Variance Detail

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To use Cost Variance Detail, click the Cost Variance button in the ribbon in Work Order Maintenance or Work Order Inquiry.


View work order cost variance.


Use Cost Variance Detail to see the settings that were used to determine cost variance for a work order. The cost variance settings are from the bill of material or if the settings were not adjusted on the bill of material, from Manufacturing Control Maintenance.

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Click this button to close the Cost Variance Detail window.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Work Order #

This field displays the work order number for which you are viewing cost variance information.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Cost Variance Basis

This field displays the cost or price that was used as a comparison value for determining cost variance. This is set up in Manufacturing Control Maintenance.

Cost Variance Basis Value

This field displays the value for the work order based on the cost variance.

Lower Bound %

This field displays the lower cost variance percentage limit for the work order. If the estimated cost for manufacturing the product is less than this percentage of the cost variance comparison value, the work order is either placed on cost variance hold or a warning is displayed. This percentage is entered in Manufacturing Control Maintenance, but can be overridden for the bill of material.

Note The value that is compared to the estimated cost for the cost variance comparison is displayed in the Cost Variance Basis Value field.

Minimum Cost

This is the minimum allowable estimated cost based on the cost variance basis value and the lower bound percentage.

Upper Bound %

This field displays the upper cost variance percentage limit for the work order. If the estimated cost for manufacturing the product is greater than this percentage of the cost variance comparison value, the work order is either placed on cost variance hold or a warning is displayed. This percentage is entered in Manufacturing Control Maintenance, but can be overridden for the bill of material.

Note The value that is compared to the estimated cost for the cost variance comparison is displayed in the Cost Variance Basis Value field.

Maximum Cost

This is the maximum allowable estimated cost based on the cost variance basis value and the upper bound percentage.

Per Stocking U/M Total

This field displays the estimated cost per stocking unit of measure for the work order. This field is displayed in orange if the estimated cost is not within the cost range displayed in the Minimum Cost and Maximum Cost fields.