Credit Hold Inquiry

Menu Path: None

To use Credit Hold Inquiry, double-click a credit hold task, or click the Credit Hold button in the ribbon in Credit Task Management, Collection Task Management, or Credit Task Management Inquiry.


Review the reasons for orders on credit hold and determine whether to release the orders.


Use Credit Hold Inquiry if you are a credit team member, and you want to review why an order is on credit hold, and then decide whether to release it.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Credit Hold Inquiry window.


Click this button to update the credit status, reminder date, or priority for an order. This button is not available if you accessed this window from Credit Task Management Inquiry.


Click this button to release the order from credit hold. When you click this button, the Information dialog box appears, and asks you if you want to release all orders for the credit customer. Click the Yes button to release all orders for the credit customer. Click the No button to only release the displayed order. If you release multiple orders and the Display Report check box is selected on the Select tab in Credit Task Management, the Credit Task Release Report is output, and provides information on the released orders.

If you release an order that uses finance terms, the Approval Code window appears, and allows you to enter the finance company's approval code. If you release an order on hold for credit card authorization, the Credit Card Authorization window appears, and allows you to authorize the credit card.

This button is not available if you accessed this window from Credit Task Management Inquiry.


Click this button to accept changes to a credit task. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.


Click this button to reject changes to a credit task. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Credit Inquiry

Click this button to display Customer Aging and Credit Inquiry, which allows you to view credit and aging information for customers.

Order Inquiry

Click this button to display Order Edit, which allows you to view and update information for the order associated with the credit task.

Note If you are not authorized to use Order Edit, the Order Entry window appears instead, and allows you to view and update information for the associated order. If you are not authorized to use Order Edit or Order Entry, the Order Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view order information for the associated order.

Payment History Inquiry

Click this button to display Customer Payment History Inquiry, which allows you to view payments made by a paying customer.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Credit Customer Code

This field displays the credit customer code.

Name (Credit Customer)

This field displays the credit customer name.


Click the Lookup button to select the currency for displayed amounts.

Customer Code

This field displays the customer code.

Name (Customer)

This field displays the customer name.


Click the Lookup button to select the credit status for the credit customer. This field is only enabled after you click the Update button in the ribbon. For information on setting up credit status codes, see Credit Status Reason Maintenance.


This check box is selected if an order is on credit hold because the customer was inactive for a specific amount of time.

Order Class

This check box is selected if an order is on credit hold for because the customer ordered more than a specific amount for a specific order class.


This check box is selected if an order is on credit hold because the payment terms for the order were not the default payment terms for the customer.

Credit Score

This check box is selected if an order is on credit hold because the customer's credit score was below the minimum credit score.


This check box is selected if an order is on credit hold because the related paying customer had an NSF payment.

Credit Limit

This check box is selected if an order is on credit hold because the customer's adjusted accounts receivable balance plus the amount of open sales orders exceeds the customer's credit limit.

Past Due

This check box is selected if an order is on credit hold because the adjusted past due balance is greater than or equal to the minimum past due balance or percent.

Credit Card Authorization

This check box is selected if an order is on credit hold because the order requires credit card authorization.

Reminder Date

Enter the reminder date, or click the drop-down arrow to select the reminder date. This field is only enabled after you click the Update button in the ribbon.


Enter the priority of the order. This field is only enabled after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Order# (This Order)

This field displays the order number of the order on credit hold.

Order Class (This Order)

This field displays the order class of the order on credit hold.

Payment Terms (This Order)

This field displays the payment terms of the order on credit hold.

Required Date

This field displays the required date of the order on credit hold.

Order Total

This field displays the total amount of the order on credit hold.

Open Amount

This field displays the open amount of the order on credit hold.

Order# (Last Order)

This field displays the order number of the customer's last order.

Order Class (Last Order)

This field displays the order class of the customer's last order.

Payment Terms (Last Order)

This field displays the payment terms of the customer's last order.

Order Date

This field displays the order date of the customer's last order.

Order Amount

This field displays the amount of the customer's last order.

Default Payment Terms

This field displays the customer's default payment terms.

Open Orders on Hold

This field displays the amount of open orders still on hold.

Open Orders Released

This field displays the amount of open orders released from being on hold.

Adjusted A/R Balance

This field displays the adjusted past due balance.

Credit Exposure

This field displays the sum of open orders and adjusted accounts receivable balance.

Credit Limit

This field displays the total credit limit allowed for the customer.

Credit Availability

This field displays the difference between the credit exposure and the credit limit.

Credit Limit Overage %

This field displays the percentage of the credit limit that you allow to be over the credit limit.

Over Limit Trigger

This field displays the over limit trigger, which is equal to Credit Limit + (Credit Limit x Credit Limit Overage %).

Future Open Orders

This field displays the amount of open orders with future required dates that have not been credit checked yet.

Actual Score

This field displays the customer's actual credit score.

Date Changed (Actual Score)

This field displays the date the customer's actual credit score was changed.

Minimum Score

This field displays the customer's minimum credit score.

Date Changed (Minimum Score)

This field displays the date the customer's minimum credit score was changed.

Adjusted Past Due Aging

This grid displays the past due accounts receivable adjusted past due balance by aging bucket.

All NSF Payments

Select this check box to display all NSF payments for the customer. This check box is selected by default.

Last X Months

Enter a number of months for which to show NSF payments in the NSF Payments grid. This field is only enabled if you clear the All NSF Payments check box.

Show Data

Click this button to show NSF payments in the NSF Payments grid for the entered number of months.

NSF Payments

This grid displays the customer's NSF payments based on the selected criteria above the grid.

Last NSF Payment Date

This field displays the date of the customer's last NSF payment.

Total NSF Payment Amount

This field displays the total amount of the customer's NSF payments displayed in the NSF Payments grid in the general ledger currency.

Number of NSF Payments

This field displays the total number of the customer's NSF payments displayed in the NSF Payments grid.