Customer Reward Renew

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Customers Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Rewards Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Reward Renew


Review customers for the next rewards period.


Use Customer Reward Renew to set up customers for the next renewal period of the same rewards program. When the customer reward period has expired, customers need to be set up for the next reward period, regardless of whether they have achieved a reward in the current period or not. When there are many customers renewing each month, Customer Reward Renew facilitates this renewal process. The alternative is to create new records in Reward Customer Maintenance, which if there are many customers renewing each month, can be a lengthy process. Using Customer Reward Renew streamlines the renewal process.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Customer Reward Renew window.

Show Data

Click this button to refresh data in the Rewards Customer grid.


Click this button to renew the rewards program for every customer in the Rewards Customer grid for which the check box is selected in the Renew column. If you click this button, selected, this will first warn the user "Renewals will be created for all selected customers. Ok to proceed?" If OK to proceed, then new records for the renewal period will be created. These new records can be subsequently edited in Rewards Customer Maintenance.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the Renew button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the Renew button in the ribbon.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Reward Program ID

Enter a customer rewards program ID, or click the Lookup button to select a customer rewards program ID. For information on setting up rewards programs, see Reward Program Maintenance.


Enter a customer rewards program name, or click the Lookup button to select a customer rewards program name. For information on setting up rewards programs, see Reward Program Maintenance.

Reward End Date

Enter a rewards end date for renewal purposes, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

Rewards Customer

This grid displays rewards customers that have passed the end date for the selected rewards program and end date. The grid contains the following columns:

  • Program ID - This column displays the rewards program ID.

  • Program Name - This column displays the rewards program name.

  • Reward Customer Code - This column displays the rewards customer code.

  • Reward Customer Name - This column displays the rewards customer name.

  • Renewal Start Date - This column displays the renewal start date of program (the day after the end date of the prior program). After you click Renew, you can edit this date.

  • Renewal End Date - This column displays the renewal end date of program (calculated based on the period of time of the prior program). After you click Renew, you can edit this date.

  • Renewal Reward Level Name - This column displays the renewal reward level name based on the prior program’s net sales level. Can be overridden by the user. After you click Renew, you can edit this rewards level.

  • Minimum Net Sales Amount - This column displays the minimum net sales amount based on the prior program's net sales. After you click Renew, you can edit this amount.

  • Maximum Returns Amount - This column displays the maximum returns amount based on the rewards level. After you click Renew, you can edit this amount.

  • Maximum Returns % - This column displays the maximum returns percentage based on the rewards level. After you click Renew, you can edit this percentage.

  • Renew - The check box in this column is selected to indicate you want to renew the rewards customer. After you click Renew, you can clear the check box for rewards customers you do not want to renew.

  • Reward Method - This column displays the rewards method (Credit or Other) based on the prior program's rewards method. After you click Renew, you can edit this method.

Double-click a row to display Reward Customer Maintenance, which allows you to view details for the previous rewards customer.