Backorder Release Priority

When backorders are released, the allocation of inventory is determined by the backorder release priority list.

The company-wide defaults for backorder release priority are stored in Customer Service Control Maintenance on the Effect on Inventory tab.

The backorder release priority for within orders is listed in the default hierarchy as follows:

The hierarchy can be rearranged by clicking the Up and Down buttons to the right of the hierarchy. Items listed at the top of the list are allocated inventory first during the allocation process. If a number is stored at the order level or the order class level, the higher the number, the sooner the order is released (stored numbers can range from 0 to 9999).

Example A backorder release priority of 99 is released before a backorder release priority of 1.

The backorder release priority for order types is listed by default as customer orders first, then by work orders.

The backorder release priority hierarchy defined in Customer Service Control Maintenance is the default for product categories set up on the Warehouse tab in Product Category Maintenance. When a new product is created in Product Maintenance, it generally uses its associated category’s defaults. Thus, the category’s backorder release priority defaults into the product’s backorder release priority. Furthermore, when product locations are created in Product Location Maintenance, they default from the product’s backorder release priority.

Additionally, if the Only Release Backorders Manually check box is enabled in Customer Service Control Maintenance, that setting is also copied to category, product, and product locations.

NOTE Backorder release priority hierarchies can be altered at any level. However, if you change a category’s priority after it has been associated with products, it will not change the existing products. In this situation, priority must be changed at the product level. The priority will take effect only for products that are assigned to the category after the category's priority is changed. This also applies for product locations. Product locations are not impacted by product priority changes after product’s have been associated with the locations. To change the priority, you must change it for the product location.

In Product Backorder Allocate, the backorder release priority defaults for products from the priority set up on the Warehouse tab in Product Location Maintenance.

In Customer Backorder Allocate and Customer Future Order Allocate, the backorder release priority defaults for customers from the priority set up on the Effect on Inventory tab in Customer Service Control Maintenance.

In Automatic Backorder Allocate, the backorder release priority defaults from the product location.