Customer Service Control Maintenance

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Module Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Service Control Maintenance


Set up and maintain system-level settings for the Customer Service module.


Use Customer Service Control Maintenance to set up various customer service defaults, including user options, system defaults, and product category defaults.

Note Changing the defaults in this window do not override any corresponding options already set in User Extended Options or Product Category Maintenance. However, the options set up in this window are used as the default for new users or categories.

Setting Up Default Customer Service Settings

To set up default settings for the Customer Service module:

  1. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  2. Select default settings.

  3. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The module settings are updated.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Customer Service Control Maintenance window.


Click this button to update customer service options.


Click this button to accept changes to customer service options.

When you click this button, the entered folder paths are validated. If any invalid paths are found, the Question dialog box appears and asks you whether you want to correct the invalid folders. If you want to leave the invalid folders, click the No button. If you want to change the invalid folders and output the Directory Status Report that lists the folders, click the Yes button.


Click this button to reject changes to customer service options.

Customer Service Control Maintenance has the following tabs:



Order Entry

Set up options used during order entry.


Set up options for importing orders in Order Import.

Credit Check

Set up credit and margin checking options.


Set up cost and pricing options.

Account Resolution

Set up the hierarchy for general ledger account mask lookup.

Effect on Inventory

Set up picking, receiving, and backorder options.

User Labels

Set up additional user-defined date fields for order entry.

Commissions / Allowances

Set up commission and customer allowance options.

Print Options

This tab is only used when outputting the Directory Status Report. This report lists invalid folders that you have set up in Customer Service Control Maintenance, and is output if you click the OK button in the ribbon, and then the Yes button.

Order Entry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button

Default Type


Allow Multiple Location Ship from


Select this check box to allow products for a single order to ship from multiple locations. If this check box is cleared, all products for an order are shipped from the same location, and the Location button is not available in the ribbon in O/E Line Item Entry.

Prompt for New Location on Backorder

User Extended Options

Select this check box to allow users to select an alternate location for backordered products during order entry. This check box is only enabled if the Allow Multiple Location Ship from check box is selected.

Warn on Return on Non-Stocked Items


Select this check box to display a warning message if a user selects a nonstocked product during return order processing.

Allow Entry of Return Orders Default

User Extended Options

Select this check box to allow new users to enter return orders by default. If you select this check box, the Can enter return orders check box is automatically selected in User Extended Options when you create a new user ID.

Use Sales Restrictions


Select this check box to enable the use of sales restrictions during order entry. Sales restrictions are defined and maintained by customer, sales representative, or division in Sales Restriction Maintenance.

Fleet Delivery Auto-select Required Date


Select this check box if you want the required date to be calculated automatically for sales orders on which a fleet delivery shipper is selected. If this check box is selected, the required date is calculated by selecting the next eligible delivery route (and date) for the customer. For more information, see Shipper Maintenance.

Allow User to Change Price at Order Time

User Extended Options

Select this check box to allow users to enter a different price for products when entering an order.

Use Automatic Freight Calculations


Select this check box to enable the use of automatic freight calculations that have been defined in programs accessed from the Shipping and Delivery Logistics menu of the Warehouse module. If this check box is selected, freight is automatically calculated during order entry based on the freight rates defined for shippers in Shipper Rate Maintenance. The Additional Charges tab in Order Entry will display a Freight button that is used in the automatic calculation. For more information, see Shipper Selection Rule Maintenance, Shipper Zone Maintenance, and Shipper Rate Maintenance.

Track Returns by Invoice Line Number


Select this check box to not allow returns to exceed the value of each invoice line. If you select this check box and a user attempts to enter a return for a line item from an invoice that has already been fully returned, a warning message appears and prevents the user from continuing.

Note If you clear this check box, users can enter multiple returns that exceed the amount of an invoice line item.

Allow Price Change for Product Created 'on Fly'

User Extended Options

Select this check box to allow users to enter a different price for products created on the fly.

Use Companion Products


Select this check box to enable companion product functionality.

Set Cancel After Date = Required Date


Select this check box to automatically set the cancel after date with the required date during order entry. This is typically used for fleet delivery situations where the customer does not want to backorder any product that cannot be delivered by the required date.

Allow Manual Allocation of Inventory


Select this check box to allow users to manually change quantity allocated for sales order line items.

Update Route on Backorder Release


Select this check box to update the route and required date when backordered line items are released.

Auto Cancel After Date Processing


Select this check box to automatically cancel sales order line items during the pick demand creation or backorder/future order allocation process (before pick demands are created) for line items with a cancel after date before today’s date. If this check box is cleared, you must manually cancel backorders in Cancel After Date Update.

Allow Order Import Product Optimization


Select this check box to allow order import product optimization, which maximizes allocations by changing the unit of measure. If you select this check box, and then import sales orders with decimal allocations that include order quantities greater than available quantities, imported units of measure are converted to the product unit of measure.

Example Available inventory for product A is 1 case12 and 6 bottles. An order is placed for 3 case12s. If this check box is cleared, the software allocates 1 case12 and backorders 2 case12s. If this check box is selected, the software creates two order lines: one for 2 case12s, with 1 case12 allocated, and one for 12 bottles, 6 of which are allocated.

Note Do not select this check box if you use EDI or if you send customers order acknowledgments because line items on acknowledgments may end up being different from the line items on your customer's purchase orders.

Allow Order Pad Multiple U/M Entry


Select this check box to allow order entry in order pads using both the selling and stocking units of measure for products. If this check box is cleared, users can only enter quantities in the selling units of measure in order pads. This check box is cleared by default.

Use Allocated Inventory for Release


Select this check box to allow automatic backorder and future order allocation to use inventory reserved for an order's customer, billing customer, or division in Product Inventory Reservation Maintenance or Customer Inventory Reservation Maintenance.

Hold Paper Order Acknowledgments for Batch Printing


Select this check box to hold printed order acknowledgments for batch printing in Order Acknowledgment Print.

Allow Manual Order Line Cancellation


Select this check box to allow users to manually cancel order line items. This setting can be overridden for specific users.

Automatically Invoice Drop Ship Customers


Select this check box to automatically create confirmed pick demands and adjust inventory for drop-ship orders when creating vouchers for the associated purchase orders. If you clear this check box, you must use Drop Ship Purchase Order Confirmation to create confirmed pick demands and adjust inventory for drop-ship orders.

Note You cannot change this setting if any drop-ship orders are in process.

Export CRM Task Appointments


Select this check box to export CRM tasks as appointments in Outlook.

Auto Generate Sales Contract Codes


Select this check box if you want the system to automatically generate contract codes and contract code stage IDs for new sales contracts. If this check box is selected, contract codes are generated with a two-character SC (sales contract) prefix and an 11-digit sequential number. If this check box is cleared, contract codes are manually entered.

Order Weight U/M


Click the Lookup button to select the default weight unit of measure for orders. Units of measure for weight are defined and maintained in Unit of Measure Maintenance.

Order Volume U/M


Click the Lookup button to select the default volume unit of measure for orders. Units of measure for volume are defined and maintained in Unit of Measure Maintenance.

Enter Order Quantity As


Select whether quantities on orders will be entered as integers or decimals.

If Price is not Found, Return


Select whether to display zero or the default price on an order if the product price is not found using the price hierarchy that is defined in the Cost/Pricing tab. If you select Default Price, the price used is the price entered in the Default Price field on the Cost/Pricing tab.

Allow Return of Products not on a Selected Invoice


Select whether users can enter a product on a return order that is not on the related accounts receivable invoice. Select one of the following options:

  • Yes - Users can enter products on return orders that are not on related invoices.

  • No - Users can only enter products on return orders if the products are on related invoices.

  • Warn - Users can enter products on return orders that are not on related invoices, but a warning message is displayed.

On Order History Price Look Up


Select whether the price on the original order will be displayed, or whether the price will be recalculated. Either option can be selected during order entry.

Days until Quote Expires


Enter an integer value for the number of days in which an entered quote will expire. During quote order entry, the system will read the quote order’s created date and assign the quote expiration date this number of days after the created date.

Drop Ship PO Class


Enter the default purchase order class used during order entry for a drop ship order, or click the Lookup button to select a purchase order class. This can be overridden by the default purchase order class set up for specific order classes in Order Class Maintenance.

Purchase order classes are defined and maintained in Purchase Class Maintenance.

Days for Recent Purchases


Enter the default number of days of order history to use to display products previously bought by a customer when the Recent Purchases button is clicked in O/E Line Item Entry.

Special Order PO Class


Enter the default purchase order class used during order entry for a special order. Purchase order classes are defined and maintained in Purchase Class Maintenance.

On the Fly Product Creation

User Extended Options

Click the Lookup button to specify if new products can be created during order processing. This will be the default setting for users, but can be changed in User Extended Options. Select one of the following options:

  • Allowed - Users can create a new product on the fly.

  • Non Stock Only - Users can only create non-stocked products on the fly.

  • Not Allowed - Users cannot create new products during order processing.

For more information, see Products On The Fly.

Note If you select Allowed or Non Stock Only, the New Item button appears to the right of the Name field in O/E Line Item Entry.

Round Price Adj


Select Yes to round price adjustments to a specific number of decimal places.

Example If you are using list price minus discount pricing (using the price matrix functionality), you could end up with a rounding issue. For example, a price matrix for a $10 list price and .5912 multiplier would result in $10 as the unit price, and -4.088 as the price adjustment (if you select No for the Round Price Adj option). If you select the Yes radio button, then the invoice provided to the customer, displays the list price as $10 and the discount as  -$4.09 resulting in a net price of $5.91. If there were 10 lines with the same or similar price matrix results, then the invoice lines would add to $59.10 even though the invoice total would appear as $59.12.

Create/Update price record on quote entry

User Extended Options

Select whether to create or update a customer-product price matrix when a quote is entered. This will be the default setting for users, but can be changed in User Extended Options. Select one of the following options:

  • None - Do not create or update the customer-product price matrix when a quote is entered.

  • Ask - When a quote is entered, display a message, asking whether to create or update the customer-product price matrix.

  • Automatic - If a quote is entered for a customer with a manually entered price for a product, a customer specific-product specific price matrix record is generated. The price matrix’s expiration date is the expiration date loaded on the quote order. If there already exists a price matrix record for the specific customer-product, the system will extend the original price matrix’s record with the date of the quote expiration date. If you have dates that overlap, the system creates continuous records with the specific customer-product combination. It will set the old existing record as planned and make the new record active. If at some point you update the quote and change the price, a new price matrix is created based on the customer-product for the new price.

Decimals to Round Price Adj


If Yes is selected for the Round Price Adj option, then enter the number of decimal places. This field is only enabled if Yes is selected for the Round Price Adj option.

Order Qty Min/Mult Manual


Select how the software manages product quantities entered during order entry if they do not match the minimum and multiple values set up for the products in Product Maintenance.

Select one of the following options:

  • Round - Round down to the closest multiple of the multiple value set up for the product in Product Maintenance.

  • Warn - Display a warning message, that informs the user that the minimum or multiple values do not match the product settings.

  • Stop - Prevent the order from being processed with the invalid quantity.

Round Price


Select Yes to net the price calculated and round it to the number of decimals specified in the Decimals to Round Price field, always leaving the price adjustment as zero. If you select No, the price calculated could be a combination of the values entered in the Price and Price Adj. Amt/Price Adj. Perc. fields in O/E Line Item Entry.

Order Qty Min/Mult Automatic


Select how the software manages product quantities entered using Order Import if they do not match the minimum and multiple values set up for the products in Product Maintenance.

Select one of the following options:

  • Round - Round down to the closest multiple of the multiple value set up for the product in Product Maintenance, and log a warning message.

  • Warn - Log a warning message, that informs the user that the minimum or multiple values do not match the product settings.

  • Stop - Display an error message, that stops the import process.

Images\warning.gif If you select Warn, a warning message appears for EDI orders with quantities below the minimum or not meeting the multiple requirement. If you select Round, an error message appears for EDI orders with quantities below the minimum, and the software does not round down order quantities.

Decimals to Round Price


If Yes is selected for the Round Price option, then enter the number of decimal places. This field is only enabled if Yes is selected for the Round Price option.

Allocation Qty Min/Mult Manual


Select how the software handles allocations for manually entered orders if the allocated quantities do not match the minimum and multiple values set up for the products in Product Maintenance, Product Location Maintenance, or Customer Product Maintenance. Product customer minimum and maximum allocation settings override product location settings, which override product settings.

Select one of the following options:

  • Round - Round down to the closest multiple of the multiple allocation value set up for the product, which is greater than or equal to the minimum allocation value set up for the product. If the quantity to be allocated is less than the minimum, the order line is backordered. A warning message is also displayed to indicate the allocated quantity was rounded.

  • Warn - Display a warning message, that informs the user that the minimum or multiple values do not match the product's settings. The user can select to ignore the warning message or change the quantities.

Sales Restriction Method


Select a method of determining the sales restriction to use. Sales restrictions are determined based on the following sales restriction hierarchy:

  1. Customer Product

  2. Sales Representative Product

  3. Customer Division Product

  4. Sales Restriction Group Product

  5. Customer Subcategory

  6. Sales Representative Subcategory

  7. Customer Division Subcategory

  8. Sales Restriction Group Subcategory

  9. Customer Category

  10. Sales Representative Category

  11. Customer Division Category

  12. Sales Restriction Group Category

Select one of the following methods for determining sales restrictions:

  • Default - Determine sales restrictions in order by the sales restriction hierarchy.

  • Smallest - Determine sales restrictions as the smallest restriction found in the sales restriction hierarchy until an unrestricted sales restriction is found. For example, if a Division Product sales restriction is set up as unrestricted, the smaller of the customer product or sales representative product restriction is used.

Allocation Qty Min/Mult Automatic


Select how the software handles allocations for imported orders if the allocated quantities do not match the minimum and multiple values set up for the products in Product Maintenance, Product Location Maintenance, or Customer Product Maintenance. Product customer minimum and maximum allocation settings override product location settings, which override product settings. This option also affects backorder and future order allocations in Automatic Backorder Allocate and Automatic Future Order Allocate.

Select one of the following options:

  • Round - Round down to the closest multiple of the multiple allocation value set up for the product, which is greater than or equal to the minimum allocation value set up for the product. If the quantity to be allocated is less than the minimum, the order line is backordered. A warning message is also logged to indicate the allocated quantity was rounded.

  • Warn - Log a warning message, that informs the user that the minimum or multiple values do not match the product's settings.

Previous Order Price Option


Click the Lookup button to select how pricing is determined when copying products from a previous order in Items for Previous Order. Select one of the following:

  • Recalculate - Recalculate the prices for products added from a previous order.

  • Leave price as is - Use the same prices for products as the previous order.

The Lookup button is only enabled if the Allow user to edit previous order price option check box is selected for your user ID in User Extended Options.

Default Required Date

Order Entry

Select this check box to automatically enter a default required date during order entry. If this check box is selected, the required date is calculated based on the value in the Days From Order Date field.

NOTE This setting can be overridden for specific EDI trading partners and customers.

Days From Order Date


Enter a number of business days past the current date to use to calculate a default required date for sales orders. The required date can still be manually changed for orders.

Note The required date will not use this default if the shipper selected for an order is a fleet delivery shipper with a defined route/stop for the customer or if the Default Required Date check box is cleared.

NOTE This setting can be overridden for specific EDI trading partners and customers.

Backorder Promise Date


Click the Lookup button to select an option for calculating promise dates for backorders. Select one of the following options:

  • Enter - Automatically calculate a promise date for backordered products entered during order processing (if possible).

  • Ignore - Do not calculate or prompt for a promise date for backordered products entered during order processing.

  • Prompt - Allow users to display and optionally assign a promise date for backordered products entered during order processing. For more information, see Available to Promise Inquiry.

CRM Organizer Email


Enter the email address of the CRM organizer. This is used for CRM calendar appointments sent out using the iCalendar format.

Import Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button

Default Type



Order Import

Enter the default email address to which to send the log for imported orders, or click the Lookup button to select the email address.

Import Directory

Order Import

Enter the default path and folder from which to import orders in batches, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder.

Import Extension

Order Import

Enter the default file extension for orders imported in batches.

Example txt

Success Archive Directory

Order Import

Enter the default path and folder into which to move import files that successfully import, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder.

Error Archive Directory

Order Import

Enter the default path and folder into which to move import files that do not successfully import, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select the folder.

Require Complete Order Validation

Order Import

Select this check box to only import orders if there are no errors during the import process. If this check box is cleared, order import files can be partially imported with successfully imported order data saved to the folder entered in the Success Archive Directory field, and data for orders with errors saved to the folder entered in the Error Archive Directory field.

Example An order import file contains 600 orders. There are errors for 30 of the orders. If you select this check box, none of the orders are imported. If you clear this check box, 570 orders are imported and 30 are not imported.

You can override this setting in Order Import.

Credit Check Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button

Default Type


Hold Priority


Select how the software handles sales orders that are on both margin and credit hold. Select one of the following options:

Update Orders on Credit Hold


Select whether users can update orders on credit hold. Select one of the following:

  • Yes - Allow updates to orders on credit hold.

  • No - Not allow updates to orders on credit hold.

  • Warn - Display a warning message, which indicates the user is about to update an order that is on credit hold.

Cost/Pricing Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button

Default Type


Default Price


Click the Lookup button to select the default price type for products if no price matrix can be found. This can be changed at the product-location level. You can select one of the four list prices defined in the 1st-4th List Price Label fields (if these are defined), or one of the following:

  • Avg Cost

  • Std Cost

  • LIFO

  • FIFO

  • Lot Cost

  • Serial Cost

  • Burden Cost

  • Last Cost

1st-4th List Price Label


Enter the labels that will appear for the product list prices. You can define up to four labels. The labels entered here appear as options, when you click the Lookup button for the Default Price field.

Example Retail, Dealer, Wholesale, Automotive

Accounting Cost


Click the Lookup button to select the default general ledger accounting cost basis used in Product Category Maintenance, which determines the current cost of a product to be shipped. This can be changed on the product and/or product-location level. Costing is done for each product at a specific location, and so any changes should be made to a product at the product/location level in Product Location Maintenance.

Note The costing methods selected here are used as defaults in Product Category Maintenance, though the costing may be changed for each category. In addition, when you define a new product, you will be asked if you want to use the category defaults for costing. The final costing method is assigned in product-location.

Sales Reporting Cost


Click the Lookup button to select the default sales reporting cost basis used in Product Category Maintenance. Sales reporting cost is displayed on sales reports and inquiries.

Commission Cost


Click the Lookup button to select the default commission cost basis used in Product Category Maintenance. Commission cost is displayed on commission reports and inquiries.

Price User-Def. 1-3 Label


Enter price labels that appear in price matrix windows. These labels are used for custom reporting only.

Default Regular Price


Click the Lookup button to select the default regular price.  You can select one of the four list prices defined in the 1st-4th List Price Label fields (if these are defined).

This field is used in conjunction with the Use GL Sales Discounts check box on the Account Resolution tab.

Note If you are using percent of discount sales type commission rates, you must enter the default regular price. If you do not enter the default regular price, commissions are not calculated for percent of discount sales type commission rates. For more information on setting up commission rates, see Commission Rate Maintenance.

Price Lookup


This grid displays the price matrix priority. This allows you to select the method of hierarchy for finding a price of an item. Select a price matrix that you want to move up or down in the priority, and then click the or button to change the priority. Use the up and down arrows to assign the hierarchy. You can select one of the following:

(Price Lookup)


Click this button to move the selected price matrix up in the Price Lookup grid.

(Price Lookup)


Click this button to move the selected price matrix down in the Price Lookup grid.

Price Region Priority


This grid displays the price region priority. The following options are available:

  • All - Ignore the selected Price Region Location option.

  • Other - Use a specific region for the location, as set up in Location Maintenance.

(Price Region Priority)


Click this button to move the selected price region up in the Price Region Priority grid.

(Price Region Priority)


Click this button to move the selected price region down in the Price Region Priority grid.

Price Region Location


Select whether the price region is obtained using the sales or shipping location when using the price region in the price matrix. For more information on sales and shipping locations, see Sales Location / Shipping Location.

Use Best Price Lookup


Select this check box if you want all customers to get the best price available after examining all pertinent price matrix records.

Note If you want to control this on a customer-by-customer basis, use the Use Best Price radio set in Customer Maintenance.

Require Price Change Reason

User Extended Options

Select this check box to require users to enter a valid price change reason code when manually overriding a price. For more information, see Price Change Reason Code FAQ.

Redistribute Free Goods Cost


Select this check box to distribute the cost of free goods to the sales and commission cost of the products that triggered the addition of free goods to a sales order.

NOTE This may include free goods set up as companion products.

If you select this check box, margin checking also includes the cost of free goods. This check box is cleared by default.

Include Free Goods Cost in Best Price Lookup


Select this check box to include the cost of free goods when calculating the best price for products. This does not change the calculated prices, but may change the price that is determined as the best price (when including the free goods). This check box is cleared by default.

Account Resolution Tab Fields and Buttons

Note The account resolution set up on this tab is used for order processing. It is not used for the Accounts Receivable module.

Field or Button

Default Type




This grid displays all types of accounts that will have an impact on order processing. Select an account to display the available areas from which a mask for the account can be defined in the Mask List grid.

Example The accounts receivable account used in orders can be stored in the customer record, the order class, or the shipping location for the order. The software will look at the three records in the sequential order you select here, and will attempt to group together a full general ledger account number based on the masks stored in each. If the same part of the general ledger account is found in more than one place, the first one found will be used.

For more information, see General Ledger Account Resolution and Order Entry System Overview.

Mask List


This grid displays the available areas from which a mask for the account selected in the Accounts grid can be defined. Select a mask that you want to move up or down in the priority, and then click the or button to change the priority.

Note Order is the order class selected for a customer order.


Click this button to move the selected mask in the Mask List grid up in the hierarchy.


Click this button to move the selected mask in the Mask List grid down in the hierarchy.

Use G/L Sales Discount


Select this check box to record a separate entry for sales discounts in the general ledger.

Example A line item's net price to the customer is $80. The default regular price is $100. If this check box is selected, the general ledger entry is a debit to the accounts receivable account for $80, a credit to the sales account for $100, and a debit to the sales discount account for $20. If this check box is cleared, the general ledger entry is a debit to the accounts receivable account for $80 and a credit to the sales account for $80.

Effect on Inventory Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button

Default Type


Allow Return Code Override at Receipt Time

User Extended Options

Select this check box to allow the return code to be changed when receiving additional product from a return (that was not on the original return order).

Only Release Backorders Manually


Select this check box to only allow backorders to be manually released in Product Backorder Allocate or Customer Backorder Allocate. This check box is cleared by default, which means backorders will be automatically released (using Automatic Backorder Allocate), and pick demand for filled backorders can be printed. Orders can also be released manually if this check box is cleared if you select to show all backordered products.

Use Express Return Receipt


Select this check box to automatically link together all programs used to receive a return and turn it into a credit memo. If you select this check box, the Express Receipt, Receipt and Confirmation, Price/Charges Review, and Credit Memo Print check boxes are selected by default in Return Order Receiving Entry. If you leave these check boxes selected, after you click the Receive button in the ribbon in Return Order Receiving Entry, all windows for the process flow open automatically (Return Order Receipt Confirm, Return Order Credit Memo Authorize, and Print Credit Memo).

Do not confuse this option with the Express Return Orders check box in Order Class Maintenance, which enables you to create a credit memo directly from Order Entry.

Default Trans to Location to Sales Location


Select this check box to default the sales location to the location entered for the transfer-to location for manually entered and imported transfer orders. If this check box is selected, the sales location automatically changes to the transfer-to location after users select a transfer-to location during transfer order entry.

Display Service Items in Pick Confirmation


Select this check box to display service products in addition to merchandise products during pick demand confirmation. A product is defined as being a service product (not inventoried) or merchandise (inventoried) in Product Maintenance.

Allow Larger U/M Picking Recommendations


Select this check box to permit a larger unit of measure to be broken to fulfill a sales order allocation for a smaller unit of measure. The alternative would be to replenish the smaller unit of measure. Upward picking takes precedence over downward picking.

Note A product has three units of measure - each, case/10, and pallet/100. There are 3 each, 1 case/10, and 1 pallet/100 available. A new sales order is created for 2 case/10. If this check box is selected, the pick demand for this sales order will have a line item for 1 case/10 and another line item to break the pallet/100 to pick another case/10.

Use Advanced Packaging

User Extended Options

Select this check box to enable pick and pack functionality if you need to keep track of what is in every package. This setting may be overridden by the user or zone settings. For more information, see Advanced Packaging FAQ.

Note When this check box is selected, Pick Demand Confirm always defaults the picked quantity from the recommended quantity, and the Default to As Is button in Pick Demand Confirm check box in User Extended Options is ignored.

Allow Smaller U/M Picking Recommendations


Select this check box to permit a larger unit of measure to be assembled from smaller units of measure to fulfill a sales order allocation.

Note A product has three units of measure - each, case/10, and pallet/100. There are 11 each, 0 case/10, and 1 pallet/100 available. A new sales order is created for 1 case/10. If this check box is selected, the pick demand for this sales order will have a line item for 10 each to assemble to 1 case/10.

Allow User to Change Backorder Status

User Extended Options

Select this check box to allow users to access the Cancel Backorder check box in Pick Demand Confirm.

Use O/E Control B/O Release Priority


Select this check box to override the backorder release priority selected in Product Location Maintenance with the one set up here in Customer Service Control Maintenance.

Example If all product backorder release priority is the same, you can avoid extra maintenance at the product location level.

Hold Inventory for Backorders


Select this check box to use new receipts to release backorders before being using the receipts for new orders.

Allow Inventory Reservations to be Reallocated


Select this check box if you want to allow users to manually reallocate inventory from reservations. If you select this check box, the Reallocation Allowed check box is enabled in Product Inventory Reservation Maintenance and Customer Inventory Reservation Maintenance when users create or update reservations. Inventory is only allowed to be reallocated for specific reservations for which the Reallocation Allowed check box is selected.

Within Order


This grid displays the backorder release priority. It allows you to define the sequential order in which the following items should be checked to release backordered goods:

  • Order Date - defined on the order

  • Order Class - selected on the order; the priority number is assigned in Order Class Maintenance

  • Order Priority - defaults from the customer; can be overridden on the order

  • Required Date - defined on the order

Note For this sequential priority, you also define which order type the backorder release priority should address first; customer orders or work orders.

Note For automatic order deallocation, the priority is in the reverse order of backorder release. For more information, see Automatic Order Deallocation FAQ.

(Backorder Release Priority)


Click this button to move the selected order data up in the Within Order grid.

(Backorder Release Priority)


Click this button to move the selected order data down in the Within Order grid.

Order Type


This grid displays the order types for the backorder release priority. Select an order type to move up or down in the backorder release priority.

(Order Type)


Click this button to move the selected type up in the Order Type grid. This button is only enabled if you clear the Use O/E Control B/O Release Priority check box.

(Order Type)


Click this button to move the selected type down in the Order Type grid. This button is only enabled if you clear the Use O/E Control B/O Release Priority check box.

Preferred Shipper


Enter the default shipper to be used for order entry if the customer ship-to address does not have one defined, or click the Lookup button to select the default shipper. Shippers are defined and maintained in Shipper Maintenance.

Default Return Code


Enter the default code designated to return orders, or click the Lookup button to select the default code. Return codes are defined and maintained in Return Code Maintenance.

User Labels Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button

Default Type


User Date Label 1-10


Enter labels for dates used for additional user-defined dates required for order entry.

Placement Label


Enter a label for the placement field in Incentive Goal Maintenance.

Minimum Placement Label


Enter a label for the minimum placement field in Incentive Goal Maintenance.

Sold As Multiplier


Enter a label for the radio button on the Delivery Rates tab in Driver Commission Maintenance, which allows users to calculate driver commissions based on a sold-as multiplier..

Label Code


Enter the label code of a label to use on the Delivery Rates tab in Driver Commission Maintenance, or click the button to the right of this field to display Label Maintenance, which allows you to select a label code.

Commissions / Allowances Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button

Default Type


Rounding Option


Select one of the following options for rounding quantities based on the unit of measure for supplier allowance deals:

  • UP - Round up to the next highest integer.

  • Normal - Round up or down to the next highest or lowest integer (whichever is closer).

  • Down - Round down to the next lowest integer, even if the original quantity is an integer.

  • None - Do not round at all.

Example If the unit of measure for a supplier allowance deal is case12 (a case with 12 units) and an order is for 26 units, 2.167 case12 is calculated for the order, and this option determines how the quantity is rounded. If UP is selected, the quantity is rounded to 3 case12. If Normal or Down is selected, the quantity is rounded to 2 case12. If None is selected, the quantity is not rounded at all. In this scenario, if the supplier allowance deal is for 3 case12, the supplier allowance is only paid if the UP option is selected.

Default Deal Type

Supplier Allowance Deal Maintenance

Select one of the following deal types to use as the default for new supplier allowance deals:

  • Units - Calculate invoice amounts for deals based on quantity breaks.

  • Price - Calculate invoice amounts based on a specific price. Do not use this option for deals for multiple products.


Supplier Allowance Deal Maintenance

Select the default unit of measure to use for supplier allowance deals. These radio buttons are only available if you select the Units radio button.


Supplier Allowance Deal Maintenance

Click the Lookup button to select the default sales currency for supplier allowance deals. This button is only available if you select the Price radio button.

Commission Rate Resolution


This grid displays the commission rate priority. This allows you to select the method of hierarchy for finding a commission rate.  Commission rates are defined and maintained in Commission Rate Maintenance. Select a commission rate combination that you want to move up or down in the priority, and then click the or button to change the priority. Commission rates can be defined in the following combinations:

  • Sales Agent, Customer, Product - Sales Representative/Customer/Product

  • Sales Agent, Customer, Commission Class - Sales Representative/Customer/Commission Class

  • Sales Agent, Commission Book, Product - Sales Representative/Commission Book/Product

  • Sales Agent, Commission Book, Commission Class - Sales Representative/Commission Book/Commission Class

  • Commission Group, Customer, Product -  Commission Group/Customer- Product

  • Commission Group, Customer, Commission Class - Commission Group/Customer/Commission Class

  • Commission Group, Commission Book, Product - Commission Group/Commission Book/Product

  • Commission Group, Commission Class, Commission Book - Commission Group/Commission Book/Commission Class

(Commission Rate Resolution)


Click this button to move the selected commission rate combination up in the Commission Rate Resolution grid.

(Commission Rate Resolution)


Click this button to move the selected commission rate combination down in the Commission Rate Resolution grid.

Default Payable at


Select one of the following options as the default in Commission Rate Maintenance:

  • Invoice - Mark commissions as paid for commission rates when invoices are created. If you select this option, commissions are paid based on invoice reference dates.

  • Payment - Mark commissions as paid for commission rates when invoices are paid by customers. If you select this option, commissions are paid based on invoice payment dates.

Commission on Price Matrix Price


Select this check box to calculate commissions based on the price matrix price of products. If you clear this check box, commissions are calculated based on the invoiced product prices, which may include discounts.

Customer Allowance Resolution


This grid displays the customer allowance resolution hierarchy. This hierarchy determines which customer allowance rules apply when an invoice line item qualifies for conflicting customer allowance rules. For information on setting up customer allowance rules, see Customer Allowance Rule Maintenance.

Select a customer allowance combination that you want to move up or down in the hierarchy, and then click the or button to change the hierarchy.

(Customer Allowance Resolution)


Click this button to move the selected customer allowance combination up in the Customer Allowance Resolution grid.

(Customer Allowance Resolution)


Click this button to move the selected customer allowance combination down in the Customer Allowance Resolution grid.

Print Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Output Option

Select one of the following output options:

  • Screen - Output to a PDF so you can immediately view the report.

  • File - Output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited file to be stored for later use. If you select this option, specify the file type and either the output folder or file name.

  • Printer - Output to a selected printer. If you select this option, specify a printer in the Printer field.

  • Email - Output to your default email application. If you select this option, you are prompted to select recipients for the email, then an email is created with the report attached as a PDF file.

  • Excel - Output directly to Excel. You can specify the location of the Excel application in the Spreadsheet File field in User Profile Maintenance. If you output to Excel, the report may include additional information.

Save Report File

Select this check box to save the Crystal Reports report (.rpt) file for the report to the folder entered in the Report Working Directory field for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. You can use the report file to customize the report. For more information, see Crystal Reports FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Screen radio button.

Save Access Database File

Select this check box to save the Access database (.mdb) file for the report to the folder entered in the Report Working Directory field for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance. You can use the Access database file to customize the report. For more information, see Crystal Reports FAQ. This check box is only available if you select the Screen radio button.

Output File Type

Select whether to output to a PDF, Excel, Access, or delimited (CSV, DAT, or TXT) file. These radio buttons are only available if you select the File radio button.

Specify File Name

Select this check box to specify the file name of the output report. This check box is only available if you select the File radio button.

Output Directory

Enter the location for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location. This field is only available if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Output File Name

Enter a location and file name for the output report, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location and file name. The file extension of the file name should match the selected output file type. This field is only available if you select the Specify File Name check box.

Excel Format Name

Enter an Excel format name, or click the Lookup button to select an Excel format name. Excel formats can be set up to specify which fields are output to Excel, and the order and sort order of the fields. This field is only available if you select the Excel radio button.

Format Maintenance

Click this button to display Excel Format Maintenance, which allows you to set up Excel formats. This button is only available if you select the Excel radio button.

Save As Type

Click the Lookup button to select whether to save the delimited file as a CSV, DAT, or TXT file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button, and only enabled if the Specify File Name check box is cleared.

Include header

Select this check box to include a row of header information in the exported delimited file, which labels the data. This check box is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Enter a comma (,), caret (^), or vertical bar (|) as a delimiter for the exported delimited file. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.

Enclosing Character

If you want to use single or double quotation marks around data exported to a delimited file, enter ' or " in this field. Even if this field is left blank, text fields that have commas or carriage returns are enclosed in quotes. This field is only available if you select the Delimited radio button.


Click the Lookup button to select a printer. This field is only available if you select the Printer radio button.


Enter a subject for the report email. This field is only available if you select the Email radio button. If you leave this field blank, the subject is the report title.

Report File Prefix

Enter a prefix for the report file name. This field is only available if you select the Email radio button.

Add Additional Comments

Select this check box if you want to include additional comments with the emailed report. If you select this check box, the Additional Comments window appears after you click the Print button in the ribbon, and allows you to enter the comments. This check box is only available if you select the Email radio button.

Print Full Heading on All Pages

Select this check box to include the entire heading from the first page of the report on all pages of the report. This check box is cleared by default, and only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button.

Print Title Line on All Pages

Select this check box to include the report title, page number, and printed date/time on all pages of the report. This check box is selected by default and only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button, and if the Print Full Heading on All Pages check box is cleared.

Report Language 1

Enter the first language for the report, or click the Lookup button to select a language.

Report Language 2

Enter the second language for the report, or click the Lookup button to select a language. If you enter a language in this field, the report is printed in this language and the language entered in the Report Language 1 field.

Horizontal Shading

Select this check box to include horizontal shading on alternate lines of the report to make it easier to read report data. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you select the Screen, File, Printer, or Email radio button.


Select this check box to collate the printed copies of the report (if you are printing multiple copies of the report). This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button and enter a value greater than 1 in the Number of Copies field.

Example You are printing five copies of a 20 page report to distribute to five different people. Leave this check box selected, so that pages 1-20 of the first copy prints, then pages 1-20 of the second copy, etc. If you clear this check box, five copies of page 1 prints, then five copies of page 2, etc.

Horizontal Shading Color

Click the Lookup button to select the color of horizontal shading on the report. This Lookup button is only enabled if you select the Horizontal Shading check box.

Number of Copies

Enter the number of copies of the report to print. This field is only enabled if you select the Printer radio button.


These radio buttons are disabled in this window.

Task Occurs

These radio buttons are disabled in this window.


These fields and radio buttons are disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.

Task Description

This field is disabled in this window.

Scheduling Assistant Queue

This field is disabled in this window.

External Email

This check box is disabled in this window.

Screen Alert

This check box is disabled in this window.

Internal Email

This check box is disabled in this window.

Report Files

This grid displays report files set up for the report, and is only available if report files are set up for the program in Report File Maintenance. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Print - Select the check box in this column to output the report file.

  • Number of Copies - Enter the number of copies of the report file to print. This column is only available if you select the Printer radio button.

  • Report Description - This column displays the description of each report file.

  • Report Filename - This column displays the .rpt file name for each report file.

  • Report Name - This column displays the name of each report file.

The tables below indicate the fields in Customer Service Control Maintenance that are used as defaults for other programs. The table displays the field in Customer Service Control Maintenance, and the related field in User Extended Options, Product Category Maintenance, or Supplier Allowance Deal Maintenance.

Order Entry Tab field

Related User Extended Options Field

Allow Entry of Return Orders Default

Can Enter Return Orders

Allow Users to Change Price at Order Time

Can Change Price at Order Time

Allow User to Change Price for product created ’on fly’

Can Change Price for product created ’on fly’

Prompt for New Location on Backorder

Prompt for New Location on Backorder

Allow Manual Order Line Cancellation

Allow Manual Order Line Cancellation

On the Fly Product Creation

On the Fly Product Creation

Create/Update price record on quote entry

Create/Update price record on quote entry

Inventory Tab field

Related User Extended Options Field

Allow Return Code Override at Receipt Time

Allow User to Override Return Codes at Receipt Time

Allow User to Change Backorder Status

Can Change Backorder Status

Inventory Tab field

Related Product Category Maintenance Field

Hold Inventory for Backorders

Hold Inventory for Backorders

Only Release Backorders Manually

Only Release Backorders Manually

Allow upward picking

Allow upward picking

Allow downward picking

Allow downward picking

Backorder Release Priority

Backorder Release Priority

Cost/Pricing Tab field

Related Product Category Maintenance Field

Accounting Cost

Accounting Cost

Sales Reporting Cost

Sales Reporting Cost

Commission Cost

Commission Cost

Cost/Pricing Tab field

Related User Extended Options Field

Require Price Change Reason

Require Price Change Reason

Commissions / Allowances Tab field

Related Supplier Allowance Deal Maintenance Field

Default Deal Type

Deal Type




Sales Currency

The following are system defaults, meaning that if you change an option, the option is used throughout the entire system.

Customer Service Control Maintenance Tab


Order Entry

Allow Multiple Location Ship From

Order Entry

Allow Manual Allocation of Inventory

Order Entry

Use Sales Restrictions

Order Entry

Fleet delivery auto-select required date

Order Entry

Use automatic freight calculations

Order Entry

Track returns by invoice line number

Order Entry

Allow Order Pad Multiple U/M Entry

Order Entry

Hold Paper Order Acknowledgments for Batch Printing

Order Entry

Order Weight U/M (Unit of Measure)

Order Entry

Order Volume U/M (Unit of Measure)

Order Entry

Set Cancel After Date = Required Date

Order Entry

Use Companion Products

Order Entry

Cancel backorders at pick demand creation

Order Entry

Enter order quantity as integer or decimal

Order Entry

If price is not found return zero or list price

Order Entry

Allow item on return order if not on selected invoice - Yes/No/Warn

Order Entry

On order history price look up recalculate or use original

Order Entry

Days until quote expires

Order Entry

Days for recent purchases

Order Entry

Order minimum/multiple - Round down/Warn

Order Entry

Round Price - Yes/No

Order Entry

Decimals to Round Price

Order Entry

Round Price Adj - Yes/No

Order Entry

Decimals to Round Price Adj

Order Entry

Drop Ship PO Class

Order Entry

Special Order PO Class

Order Entry

Backorder Promise Date


Use express return receipt


Display Service Items in Pick Confirmation


Use Advanced Packaging


Default transfer to location to sales location


Price Region Priority


Price Region Location


Use Best Price Lookup


Redistribute Free Goods Cost


Include Free Goods Cost in Best Price Lookup