Pick alerts display on the Alerts tab in Pick Demand Create and Print and Pick Demand Reprint when a problem has occurred during the pick demand creation process. Pick alerts display a reason code that indicates the cause of the problem. The following reason codes may appear for a pick alert:
Runaway - Open pick demands exist that exceed the quantity to be shipped.
Planned BOL not Fully In Pick - The planned bill of lading is not fully being picked.
Lines Updated Since Selection - Order or bill of lading lines have changed.
Order Staging not Complete - Order staging is not complete.
Allocations Changed - Product allocations have changed.
U/M Break - Products are not available in the unit of measure needed for picking.
No Pick Bin - Products are in a bin from which picking is not allowed.
No Stock in Selected Zone - No product inventory is available in the selected zone.
Cycle Count by Product - A product cycle count is being performed.
Cycle Count by Bin - A bin cycle count is being performed.
No Package U/M - A product does not have a package unit of measure.
Pick Demand Locked on Print - Records are locked.
Allocated by Bin moves - Products are allocated to bin moves.
Picking Within X Days Before Expiration Date - Lot-tracked products are too close to expiration dates based on lot shipping rules.
Planned BOL Release Date - There is a difference between the bill of lading release date and the actual date.
Routing Interface Hold - Optimal routing must be calculated by the routing interface.
Undetermined - The reason a pick demand cannot be created cannot be determined.
Order U/M Split - Inventory in the order unit of measure is only available if you combine inventory in multiple bins, and should be moved to a single bin for picking.
Order In Use - The order record is locked.
Companion Product Cancellation - Companion products are not being properly shipped in proportion to related products. This occurs if a companion product is manually removed from an order.
Over Allocation - A product was over allocated. Inventory must be moved to the picking bin.
Billing Customer Zone - All inventory for a product exists in zones that are reserved for other billing customers.