Drop Browser Settings

Menu Path: None

To use Drop Browser Settings, right-click a grid in a Lookup window, and select Drop Browser Settings.


Change grid settings in a Lookup window.


Use Drop Browser Settings to change the default options for positioning and sorting grids in Lookup windows.

Note All options are set for a specific grid, and not a combination of the grid and window from which it is accessed. You must close and reopen a Lookup window before you can see the changes applied.

You can reset grid settings for all Lookup windows in Default Options Update.

Toolbar Buttons




Click this button to save grid settings and close the Drop Browser Settings window.


Click this button to close the Drop Browser Settings window.

Fields and Buttons



Automatic Reposition

Select this check box to automatically display the selected data in the field for which the Lookup button is clicked at the top of the Lookup window.

Example A field contains a product code. You select this check box for the Lookup window for the field. If you enter a product code in that field, and click the Lookup button, the entered product code displays at the top of the Lookup window. If you do not want this to occur, clear this check box.

If the Override Default Position To/Sort check box is selected, the Lookup window is positioned based on the field selected in the Default Sort/Position field.

Override Default Position To/Sort

Select this check box if you want to override the default sort order for the grid in the Lookup window.

Default Sort/Position

Select the default table field by which to sort and position the grid in the Lookup window. This field is only enabled if you select the Override Default Position To/Sort check box.

NOTE You cannot sort by a column that was added to the Lookup window by using Browser Column Maintenance.


Select whether to display data for the field selected in the Default Sort/Position field in ascending or descending order. This field is only enabled if you select the Override Default Position To/Sort check box.