Sales Restrictions FAQ

Question: Is there a way to limit the amount of product a customer can buy or that a sales representative can sell?

Answer: Yes, you can use Sales Restriction Maintenance to assign sales restrictions for products/categories/subcategories and assign a quantity restriction to a customer. Sales restrictions can also be created for sales representatives and customer divisions.

Question: Can a future restriction be set up?

Answer: No, restrictions go into effect immediately and expire on the expiration date.

Question: What happens if there are open orders for a product that is being restricted for a customer?

Answer: The open order quantity is automatically transferred to the used quantity.

Example Product 123 was restricted to a quantity of 10 for customer ABC on 12/10/2020 and the restriction expires on 1/31/2021. There was a quantity of 6 on open orders when this was set up, so the customer can now only order an additional quantity of 4 until 1/31/2021.

Question: Can a product be restricted for some customers and unrestricted for other customers?

Answer: Yes, indicate the customers that have restrictions, then select the All Others and Unrestricted check boxes to indicate that other customers have no restrictions.

Question: If there are customer restrictions, sales representative restrictions, customer division restrictions, and sales restriction group restrictions set up for the same product, what happens?

Answer: During order entry line item processing, a search will take place through the sales restrictions records to determine what quantity of the product being ordered can be sold to the customer. All sales restrictions records that the order fits into will be looked at until failure. After a failure is found, the search fails and the user is not allowed to order that quantity. If the search failed or the user is allowed to order a lesser quantity and the user has the ability to override sales restrictions at order time (set up in User Extended Options), the user will be prompted to accept or deny the override. If the user does want to override, the quantity originally entered can be ordered. If the user does not have permission to override restrictions, the original quantity cannot be ordered. However, if the user does not have permission to override restrictions, but is allowed to order a lesser quantity, a message will prompt asking if they want to order a smaller quantity.

Each product that has a sales restriction record will continually be updated based on the quantity ordered. If a backordered product is cancelled, the sales restriction record is updated accordingly. The quantity of the backorder cancelled is subtracted form the used quantity. This is done so that sales restrictions searches are not necessary at backorder release time.

Question: If different sales restrictions are set up for customers, sales representatives, and divisions, which restriction is used?

Answer: The sales restriction used depends on the selected Sales Restriction Method option in Customer Service Control Maintenance.