Journal Entry Hold Management

Menu Path: General Ledger Images\bluerarw.gif Journals Images\bluerarw.gif Journal Entry Hold Management


Release journal entries that are on hold and put journal entries on hold.


Use Journal Entry Hold Management to strictly control specific journal entries. If a journal entry was marked as hold for review, you must release it from hold before you can post it.

The default posting year appears automatically. You can change this and select a batch number.

Reviewing Journal Entries

To review journal entries:

  1. Select filter criteria for the journal entries you want to display.

  2. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays journal entries based on the criteria you selected in step 1.

  3. To release a journal entry, select the check box for it in the Select grid column, and click the Release button in the ribbon. After a journal entry is released from hold, it is available for posting in Journal Entry Post.

  4. To put a journal entry on hold (if you are displaying all unposted journal entries), select the check box for it in the Select grid column, and click the Hold button in the ribbon.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Journal Entry Hold Management window.

Show Data

Click this button to display journal entries on the Results tab based on the criteria selected on the Select tab.


Click this button to release all journal entries for which the check box is selected in the Select grid column. This makes the journal entries available for posting. If the On Hold radio button is selected on the Select tab, released journal entries no longer display after you click this button. This button is only available if the Results tab is displayed.


Click this button to put all journal entries for which the check box is selected in the Select grid column on hold. You cannot edit or post an on-hold journal entry until you release it from hold. This button is only available if the Results tab is displayed.

Journal Entry Detail

Click this button to display Journal Entry Detail, which allows you to view information for the selected journal entry. This button is only available if the Results tab is displayed.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All Batches

Select this check box to display unposted journal entries for all batches. This check box is selected by default.

From (Batch)

Enter the first batch in a range of batches for which to display unposted journal entries, or click the Lookup button to select a batch. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Batches check box.

To (Batch)

Enter the last batch in a range of batches for which to display unposted journal entries, or click the Lookup button to select a batch. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Batches check box.

All Posting Periods

Select this check box to display unposted journal entries for all posting periods.

From (Posting Period)

Click the Lookup buttons to select the first general ledger accounting period and year in a range of accounting periods and years for which to display unposted journal entries. These Lookup buttons are only enabled if the All Posting Periods check box is cleared. This defaults to the current default period and year.

To (Posting Period)

Click the Lookup buttons to select the last general ledger accounting period and year in a range of accounting periods and years for which to display unposted journal entries. These Lookup buttons are only enabled if the All Posting Periods check box is cleared. This defaults to the current default period and year.

Ledger ID

Enter a ledger ID for which to display journal entries, or click the Lookup button to select a ledger ID.

Note This field is only available if at least one consolidation ledger is set up.

Display Option

Select one of the following:

  • On Hold - Display only unposted journal entries that are on hold.

  • All - Display all unposted journal entries.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Journal Entries

This grid displays unposted journal entries that match the selected criteria. For each journal entry, the grid displays the journal entry number, batch number, period, hold status, comment, transaction date, currency, amount, and remark. The check box is selected in the On Hold column for journal entries that are on hold. Select the check box in the Select column for journal entries you want to put on hold or release from hold.