Location Selection

Menu Path: None

To use Location Selection, click the Location button in the ribbon in O/E Line Item Entry or Style Matrix Entry.


Select a product shipping location.


Use Location Selection to select a shipping location for a product other than the default shipping location selected in Order Entry. This window displays locations, quantities available, quantities on order, future quantities, and backordered quantities for each location.

Note The location you select should contain a sufficient available quantity to fill the order.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Location Selection window and save the selected shipping location.


Click this button to close the Location Selection window without selecting a shipping location.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This field displays the product code and name for which you are selecting a shipping location.

Qty Ordered

These fields display the quantity ordered and unit of measure for the product in the current location.

Qty Allocated

This field displays the quantity allocated for the product in the current location.

Qty Backordered

This field displays the quantity backordered for the product in the current location.


This grid displays the shipping locations and quantities for the product. Select the location you want to use, and then click OK. You also can double-click a location in the grid to select it and close the Location Selection window.


This field displays the current shipping location for the product.


Select whether to update the shipping location for the selected line or for all lines on the order.