Using a Routing Interface

Apprise enables you to set up a routing interface to transfer data to and from third-party routing software, such as Roadnet. Before you can use the routing interface, you must set up the interface in Routing Interface Maintenance. You can then export customer data to the routing software using Routing Interface Customer Export, and import customer routing data from the routing software back into Apprise, using Routing Interface Customer Import.

The routing interface is used during the picking process. Pick demands are created, but not printed, and then pick demand data is exported to the routing software using Routing Interface Pick Demand Export. When pick demands are exported, the pick demands are put on routing interface hold.

After the routing software determines the optimal routing for the pick demands, routing data is exported back for the pick demands using Routing Interface Pick Demand Import. This updates the waves, routes, and stops for the pick demands, and automatically releases the pick demands from routing interface hold.

Note You can also manually release pick demands from routing interface hold in Pick Demand Routing Interface Hold Release.

The pick demands can then be printed and picked.