Receipt Item Return

Menu Path: None

To use Receipt Item Return, click the Return button in the ribbon in Return Order Receipt Confirm.



Use Receipt Item Return to enter the disposition code, quantity returned, and bin for a line item on a return order receipt. For a single product, you can enter multiple line items that are a combination of disposition code, quantity, and bin. You can also verify the quantity received is equal to the quantity returned.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Receipt Item Return window, and accept the entered receipt item information.


Click this button to delete the selected line in Line Items grid.


Click this button to enter the receipt item return information in the Line Items grid.

Inventory Matrix

Click this button to display Inventory Matrix Inquiry, which allows you to view inventory information for the selected product.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Product Code

This field displays the product code of the product that is being returned.

Product Name

This field displays the name of the product that is being returned.

Disposition Code

Enter a disposition code to decide how returned product is handled (restocked, thrown away, etc), or click the Lookup button to select a disposition code. For information on setting up disposition codes, see Return Disposition Maintenance.

Short Description

This field displays the short description for the selected disposition code.

Qty Received

This field displays the quantity received for the selected product.

Qty Returned

Enter the quantity returned for the selected product. You can click the Lookup button to change the unit of measure for the product.


Enter the bin into which the product is being received, or click the Lookup button to select a bin. This field is only enabled if the Restock check box is selected in Return Disposition Maintenance for the selected disposition code.

Use Primary Putaway Bin

Select this check box to use the primary putaway bin. This check box is only available if a primary putaway bin is selected for the selected product and location in Product Location Maintenance. This check box is only enabled if the Restock check box is selected in Return Disposition Maintenance for the selected disposition code.


Enter a lot number for the returned product, or click the Lookup button to select a lot number. This field is only available for products tracked by lot. Lot tracking is set up for products in Product Maintenance.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date for the returned product, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only available for products tracked by lot. Lot tracking is set up for products in Product Maintenance.

Best Before Date

Enter the date that the product is best before, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only available for products tracked by lot.


Enter the serial number for the returned product, or click the Lookup button to select a serial number. This field is only available for products tracked by serial number. Serial number tracking is set up for products in Product Maintenance.

Line Items

This grid displays entered return receipt line items.

Total Returned

These fields displays the total returned quantity, and the unit of measure code and name.