Wireless Warehouse - Manual Receipt Putaway

Wireless Warehouse manual receipt putaway tasks are performed with a handheld device. When you perform a manual receipt putaway task, the handheld appears, as follows:


Manually put away received products.


Use the manual receipt putaway task to enter a purchase order or container you want to manually receive. This task is self-initiated. You can enter the purchase order number or container code by manually typing it, or selecting it from a list.

Performing the Task

To perform a manual receipt putaway task:

  1. At the Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu, enter Initiate Task. The Initiate Task menu appears. For more information on this menu, see Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu.

  2. Enter Manual Receipt Putaway. The manual receipt putaway task screen appears.

  3. Scan the dock where the products are being received, or enter the dock in the Dock field or select a dock from the drop down.

  4. Enter the type of putaway in the Type field or select a type from the drop down. If you are putting away products for a purchase order, enter PO. If you are putting away products for a container, enter Container.

  5. Enter the purchase order number or container code in the Ref # field. You can use the command on the Tools menu to find a purchase order number or container code if you do not know the number or code you are receiving. You have completed the task, and the manual putaway task screen appears. For more information, see Wireless Warehouse - Manual Putaway.





Scan or enter the dock where the products are being received.


Enter PO if you are putting away products for a purchase order.

Enter Container if you are putting away products for a container.

Ref #

Enter the purchase order number or container code.

Tools Menu

Menu Command


Find PO/Container

Select this option to display Wireless Warehouse - PO Selection or Wireless Warehouse - Container Selection, which allows you to find a purchase order or container that you want to receive.


Select this option to return to the Initiate Task menu. For more information on the menu, see Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu.