Write Off Reason Entry

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To use Write Off Reason Entry, click the Write-Off button in the ribbon or enter a write-off amount in Payment Apply or Open Item Apply and Resolve.


Enter the write-off reason code and general ledger distribution.


Use Write Off Reason Entry to assign a write-off reason and general ledger distribution. You can also enter profitability information for the write-off.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close Write Off Reason Entry, and save the write-off reason and general ledger distribution.

Note The general ledger distribution must equal the write-off amount before you click this button.


Click this button to close Write Off Reason Entry without entering a write-off reason and general ledger distribution. If you click this button, the Question dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm whether you want to cancel.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to enter notes for a selected write-off.

Write Off Details Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Write-Off Reason Code

Enter a write-off reason code, or click the Lookup button to select a write-off reason code. For information on setting up write-off reason codes, see Write Off Reason Maintenance.

Write off Amount

This field displays the write-off amount entered in Payment Apply or Open Item Apply and Resolve.

GL Account

Enter the general ledger account for the write-off distribution, or click the Lookup button to select a general ledger account. This field defaults to the account set up for the selected write-off reason code.

GL Amount

Enter the positive or negative amount to be charged to the selected general ledger account.

Output VAT Account

Enter the output VAT general ledger account for the write-off distribution, or click the Lookup button to select a general ledger account. This defaults to the default output VAT account entered in Account Maintenance for the selected general ledger account, or if no output VAT account is entered for the account, the default entered in Tax Control Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance, and if the write-off is for a VAT transaction.

Output VAT Amount

Enter the output VAT amount for the write-off.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance, and if the write-off is for a VAT transaction.

VAT Class Code

Enter a VAT class for the write-off, or click the Lookup button to select a VAT class. For information on setting up VAT classes, see VAT Class Maintenance.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance, and if the write-off is for a VAT transaction.

VAT Rate

This field displays the current VAT rate for the VAT class entered in the VAT Class Code field.

Note This field is only available if Show is selected for the VAT Display Level field in Tax Control Maintenance, and if the write-off is for a VAT transaction.


Click this button to add the general ledger distribution for the write-off.


Click this button to remove the selected general ledger distribution in the Distribution grid.


Click this button to clear the current general ledger distribution and amount.


This grid displays the general ledger distributions for the write-off.

Balance to Apply

This field displays the amount of the write-off that has yet to be applied to a general ledger distribution.

Profitability Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Write-Off Reason Code (Product)

Enter a write-off reason code, or click the Lookup button to select a write-off reason code. This defaults to the write-off reason code entered on the Write Off Details tab. For information on setting up write-off reason codes, see Write Off Reason Maintenance.

Description (Product)

This field displays the description of the write-off reason code entered in the Write-Off Reason Code field.

Product Code

Enter a product code to associate with the write-off, or click the Lookup button to select a product code.

Product Name

Enter a product name to associate with the write-off, or click the Lookup button to select a product name.

G/L Account (Product)

Enter the general ledger account for the write-off distribution, or click the Lookup button to select a general ledger account. This defaults to the general ledger account entered on the Write Off Details tab.

Amount (Product)

Enter an amount for the write-off distribution. This field defaults to the write-off amount minus the sum of all amounts in the Products grid.

Unapplied Amount (Product)

This field displays the unapplied amount of the write-off.

Add (Product)

Click this button to add the selected product to the Products grid.

Remove (Product)

Click this button to remove the selected product from the Products grid.

Remove All (Product)

Click this button to remove all products from the Products grid.


This grid displays products associated with the write-off.

Write-Off Reason Code (Supplier)

Enter a write-off reason code, or click the Lookup button to select a write-off reason code. This defaults to the write-off reason code entered on the Write Off Details tab. For information on setting up write-off reason codes, see Write Off Reason Maintenance.

Description (Supplier)

This field displays the description of the write-off reason code entered in the Write-Off Reason Code field.

Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code to associate with the write-off, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code.

Supplier Name

Enter a supplier name to associate with the write-off, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name.

G/L Account (Supplier)

Enter the general ledger account for the write-off distribution, or click the Lookup button to select a general ledger account. This defaults to the general ledger account entered on the Write Off Details tab.

Amount (Supplier)

Enter an amount for the write-off distribution. This field defaults to the write-off amount minus the sum of all amounts in the Suppliers grid.

Unapplied Amount (Supplier)

This field displays the unapplied amount of the write-off.

Add (Supplier)

Click this button to add the selected supplier to the Suppliers grid.

Remove (Supplier)

Click this button to remove the selected supplier from the Suppliers grid.

Remove All (Supplier)

Click this button to remove all suppliers from the Suppliers grid.

Suppliers (Supplier)

This grid displays suppliers associated with the write-off.