Open Item Apply and Resolve

If you edit this topic, review Payment Apply and Customer Payment Application Inquiry.

Menu Path: Accounts Receivable Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Payments Images\bluerarw.gif Open Item Apply and Resolve

Note You can also access Open Item Apply and Resolve by clicking the Resolve button in the ribbon in Chargeback Task Management.


Apply and resolve open accounts receivable transactions.


Use Open Item Apply and Resolve to apply and resolve specific accounts receivable transactions.

Example You can use Open Item Apply and Resolve to manually apply credit memos to invoices and/or chargebacks.

For information on how to close open invoices, see Closing Open Invoices.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Open Item Apply and Resolve window. This button is only available if a customer is not selected.

Show Data

Click this button to display or refresh accounts receivable data on the Results tab based on criteria selected on the Select tab. This button is only enabled if you enter a customer.

Select Customer

This button is not used in this window.


Click this button to accept a transaction application. This button is only available after you select a customer.


Click this button to cancel a transaction application. This button is only available after you select a customer.


Click this button to display Write Off Reason Entry, which allows you to enter a write-off reason code and general ledger distribution for a selected transaction. You can only use this button after you have entered a write-off amount in the Transactions grid.

Note When you enter a write-off amount, Write Off Reason Entry also appears so that you can enter write-off detail information.

On Account

Click this button to display On Account Entry, which allows you to add on account transactions for a selected customer.


Click this button to display Chargeback Entry, which allows you to enter customer deductions (chargebacks) taken on a payment that do not correspond to any reference number on that customer’s account.


Click this button to display Chargeback Redistribute, which allows you to break up a large, master chargeback into the detail chargebacks supplied on the customer’s payment remittance.

Payment Image

Click this button to display the payment image (if one was entered for a selected payment).

Amount Lookup

Click this button to display A/R Amount Lookup, which allows you to find accounts receivable transactions of a specific amount. This is useful if it is difficult to determine who the customer is on a payment (for example, the name on the check is a dba name), and there is no payment stub identifying reference numbers and corresponding amounts. If the payment is intended to pay for a single invoice, A/R Amount Lookup allows you to enter an amount and view all reference numbers with that amount, to help you determine the correct customer for the payment.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to enter notes for a selected payment.

Prepayment Inquiry

Click this button to display Customer Prepayment Management, which allows you to view orders associated with a selected prepayment. This button is only available if you select a prepayment transaction.

Ribbon Batch Tab Buttons




Click this button to display Select a New Batch, which allows you to select a previously created batch.


Click this button to display Open a New Batch, which allows you to create a new batch.


Click this button to display Close A Batch, which allows you to close a batch.


Click this button to display Edit A Batch, which allows you to edit an existing batch.


Click this button to display Accounts Receivable Post, which allows you to post payments for the selected batch.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Customer Code

Enter a customer code for which you want to display transactions, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field defaults to the customer for the selected chargeback if you accessed Open Item Apply and Resolve from Chargeback Task Management.


Enter a customer name for which you want to display transactions, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. This field defaults to the customer for the selected chargeback if you accessed Open Item Apply and Resolve from Chargeback Task Management.

Customer Payment Date

This field displays the customer payment date.

Batch ID

This field displays the current batch. It defaults to an open batch if one is open. You can use the Select, Open, Edit, and Close buttons on the Batch tab in the ribbon to work with batches.

Payment ID

This field is disabled in this window.

Payment Date

Enter the payment date, or click the drop-down arrow to select the payment date. This date defaults to the current date.

Payment Amount

This field is disabled in this window.


This field is disabled in this window.


This field displays the currency of the batch entered in the Batch ID field.


This field displays the accounts receivable default period.


This field displays the accounts receivable default year.


Select this check box to absorb the balance.

All (Due Dates)

Select this check box to display transactions for all due dates.

From (Due Date)

Enter the first due date in a range of due dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Due Date)

Enter the last due date in a range of due dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Reference Dates)

Select this check box to display transactions for all reference dates.

From (Reference Date)

Enter the first reference date in a range of reference dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Reference Date)

Enter the last reference date in a range of reference dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Reference Numbers)

Select this check box to display transactions for all reference numbers.

From (Reference Number)

Enter the first reference number in a range of reference numbers for which to display transactions, or click the Lookup button to select a reference number. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Reference Number)

Enter the last reference number in a range of reference numbers for which to display transactions, or click the Lookup button to select a reference number. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Reference Types)

Select this check box to display transactions for all accounts receivable reference types.


Select this check box to display invoice transactions. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

Finance Charge

Select this check box to display finance charge transactions. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

Credit Memo

Select this check box to display credit memo transactions. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

Non-Sufficient Funds

Select this check box to display non-sufficient funds transactions. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

Debit Memo

Select this check box to display debit memo transactions. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

On Account

Select this check box to display on account transactions. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you clear the All check box.


Select this check box to display chargeback transactions. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you clear the All check box.


Select this check box to display prepayment transactions. This check box is cleared by default, and is only enabled if you clear the All check box.


Select whether to display open, closed or both open and closed transactions. Open transactions have an open amount not equal to zero. Closed transactions have an open amount equal to zero.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Sort Changed Browser Items First

Select this check box to display transactions to which you are applying amounts at the top of the Transactions grid.


Select one of the following sort options:

  • Ref # - Sort by invoice number or transaction ID.

  • Due Date / Ref#  - Sort by transaction due date, and then by invoice number or transaction ID.

  • Due Date / Ref Type - Sort by transaction due date, and then by type of transaction (i.e. invoice or credit memo).

  • Open Amt / Ref# - Sort by the transaction balance, and then by invoice number or transaction ID.

  • Ref Type / Due Date - Sort by the type of transaction (i.e. invoice or credit memo), and then by the transaction due date.

  • Expected Pay Date / Ref # - Sort by transaction expected payment date, and then by invoice number or transaction ID.

  • Store ID / Ref Date - Sort by the transaction’s store ID, and then by the reference date (i.e. invoice date).

  • PO# / Ref Date - Sort by the customer’s purchase order number, and then by the reference date (i.e. invoice date).

  • RA# / Ref Date - Sort by the transaction’s return authorization number, and then by the reference date (i.e. invoice date).

  • Billing Customer Code / Ref# - Sort by the customer code, and then by invoice number or transaction ID.

  • Billing Customer Name / Ref# - Sort by the customer name, and then by invoice number or transaction ID.


This grid displays transactions based on the criteria selected on the Select tab. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Apply As is - Select the check box in this column to apply payment to the open amount of a transaction.

  • Ref Type - This column displays the two-character code for the accounts receivable reference type of each transaction.

  • Ref# - This column displays the accounts receivable reference number for each transaction.

Note This also includes a suffix if the invoice has split terms (for example, HBG000060031-01)

  • Expected Pay Date - This column displays the due date or the discount date, whichever is earlier, for each transaction (this assumes that a customer will take a cash discount if it is available).

  • Discount Date - This column displays the discount date, if applicable, for each transaction if the payment terms has a cash discount associated with it.

  • Ref Date - This column displays the reference date of each transaction.

  • Due Date - This column displays the due date of each transaction.

  • Orig Amt - This column displays the original amount of each transaction.

  • Open Amt - This column displays the current open amount of each transaction.

Note The open amount is independent of the reference type. If there was an invoice for $100 that was paid twice, this invoice could now have an open amount of -$100.

  • Apply Amt - Enter the amount being applied to each transaction. If you click the check box in the Apply As is column for a transaction, this amount is entered automatically, and is equal to the open amount for the transaction.

Note The apply amount should use the same sign (positive or negative) as the open amount.

Example Enter 100 in the Apply Amt column to pay off an invoice with an open amount of 100. Enter -100 in the Apply Amt column to pay off an credit memo with an open amount of -100.

  • Unapplied Amt - This column displays the unapplied amount for each transaction, which is equal to the open amount minus the apply amount.

  • Auto Absorb Amt - Enter an automatic absorption amount for each transaction. Sometimes a customer overpays or underpays for a transaction and you want to completely apply (pay off) that transaction anyway instead of keeping it open for a minor amount. If the transaction is not a chargeback, the reference payment absorption tolerance percentage and reference payment absorption tolerance amount rules are used. If the transaction is a chargeback, the chargeback absorption tolerance percentage and chargeback absorption tolerance amount rule are used.

Note Individual transaction-level absorption amounts are subject to an overall payment maximum absorption amount rule.

  • Cust Ref# - This column displays the customer's reference number for each transaction. This is typically found on chargebacks and credit memos.

  • Remarks - The check box in this column is selected for each transaction that has associated remarks.

  • Entered Currency - This column displays the entered currency of each transaction.

  • Orig Amt (Entered Currency) - This column displays the original amount of each transaction in the entered currency.

  • Open Amt (Entered Currency) - This column displays the open amount of each transaction in the entered currency.

  • Chargeback Reminder Date - This column displays the reminder date.

  • Chrgbck Date - This column displays the chargeback date.

  • Expiration Date - This column displays the expiration date.

  • Chrgbck Reason - Enter a chargeback reason for a chargeback transaction.

  • Chrgbck Status - Enter the chargeback status for a chargeback transaction.

  • Write-Off Apply As is - Select the check box in this column for a transaction to write off the entire open amount of the transaction. You can only enter a write-off amount that is below the limit entered in the Collection Writeoff Limit field on the Credit and Collections tab in User Extended Options.

  • Write-Off Amt - Enter the write-off amount for any transaction that has a write-off. You can only enter a write-off amount that is below the limit entered in the Collection Writeoff Limit field on the Credit and Collections tab in User Extended Options.

Note When you enter a write-off amount, the Write Off Reason Entry window appears, and allows you to enter a write-off reason code and general ledger distribution for the transaction.

  • Store ID - This column displays the store ID for each transaction. This is typically used for mass merchant accounts with retail store identification numbers to help in the resolution of a chargeback.

  • Cust PO# - This column displays the customer purchase order number for each transaction.

  • RA# - This column displays the return authorization number for each transaction.

  • Payment Applied Amt - This column displays the payment applied amount.

  • Billing Customer Code - This column displays the billing customer code associated with each transaction.

  • Billing Customer Name - This column displays the billing customer name associated with each transaction.

  • Auto Forex Amt - This column displays the automatic currency exchange gain or loss amount for each transaction. This is calculated if the entered currency of the transaction is different than the currency of the batch.

  • NSF - Select the check box in this column to indicate a transaction had an NSF payment. If you select this check box, enter a note to add more information about the bounced payment.

  • First Order Number - This column displays the first order number associated with each transaction. This column is only used for invoices, credit memos, and prepayments.

  • Contains Notes - The check box in this column is selected for each transaction that has notes entered for it.

  • Chargeback User Defined 1-10 - These user-defined columns display appropriate information for chargebacks. For information on setting up the labels, formats, and validation for these columns, see User Defined Fields Maintenance.

Amount to Apply

This field displays the starting amount to be applied for this transaction in this session.

Applied Amount

This field displays the cumulative amount applied so far for this transaction in this session.

Cash Discount Amount

This field displays the cumulative cash discount amount applied so far for this transaction in this session.

Charge Back Amount

This field displays the cumulative chargeback amount applied so far for this transaction in this session.

On Account Amount

This field displays the on account amount for the transaction.

Absorption Amount

This field displays the cumulative absorption amount applied so far for the transaction in this session.

Resolution Balance

This field displays the summary balance left to apply.

Write-off Amount

This field displays the total write-off amount for the transaction.

Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All (Billing Customers)

Select this check box to display transactions for all billing customer ID's. This check box is selected by default.


Enter a billing customer code for which you want to display transactions, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.


Enter a billing customer name for which you want to display transactions, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Reminder Dates)

Select this check box to display transactions for all reminder dates. This check box is selected by default.

From (Reminder Date)

Enter the first reminder date in a range of reminder dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Reminder Date)

Enter the last reminder date in a range of reminder dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Chargeback Dates)

Select this check box to display transactions for all chargeback dates. This check box is selected by default.

From (Chargeback Date)

Enter the first chargeback date in a range of chargeback dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Chargeback Date)

Enter the last chargeback date in a range of chargeback dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Expiration Dates)

Select this check box to display transactions for all expiration dates. This check box is selected by default.

From (Expiration Date)

Enter the first expiration date in a range of expiration dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Expiration Date)

Enter the last expiration date in a range of expiration dates for which to display transactions, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Customer Reference Numbers)

Select this check box to display transactions for all customer reference numbers. This check box is selected by default.

From (Customer Reference Number)

Enter the first customer reference number in a range of customer reference numbers for which to display transactions. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Customer Reference Number)

Enter the last customer reference number in a range of customer reference numbers for which to display transactions. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Store ID's)

Select this check box to display transactions for all store ID's. This check box is selected by default.

From (Store ID)

Enter the first store ID in a range of store ID's for which to display transactions. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Store ID)

Enter the last store ID in a range of store ID's for which to display transactions. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Purchase Order Numbers)

Select this check box to display transactions for all purchase order numbers. This check box is selected by default.

From (Purchase Order Number)

Enter the first purchase order number in a range of purchase order numbers for which to display transactions. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Purchase Order Number)

Enter the last purchase order number in a range of purchase order numbers for which to display transactions. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Return Authorization Numbers)

Select this check box to display transactions for all return authorization numbers. This check box is selected by default.

From (Return Authorization Number)

Enter the first return authorization number in a range of return authorization numbers for which to display transactions. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

To (Return Authorization Number)

Enter the last return authorization number in a range of return authorization numbers for which to display transactions. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

All (Reason Codes)

Select this check box to display transactions for all reason codes. This check box is selected by default.

List (Reason Code)

Click this button to display the Available Reason Codes and Selected Reason Codes grid, which you can use to specify specific reason codes for which to display transactions.

Available Reason Codes

This grid displays available reason codes. This grid is only available after you click List. To display transactions for a reason code, double-click it in this grid.

Selected Reason Codes

This grid displays reason codes for which you want to display transactions. This grid is only available after you click List. Double-click a reason code to remove it from the grid.

All (Status Codes)

Select this check box to display transactions for all status codes. This check box is selected by default.

List (Status Code)

Click this button to display the Available Status Codes and Selected Status Codes grid, which you can use to specify specific status codes for which to display transactions.

Available Status Codes

This grid displays available status codes. This grid is only available after you click List. To display transactions for a status code, double-click it in this grid.

Selected Status Codes

This grid displays status codes for which you want to display transactions. This grid is only available after you click List. Double-click a status code to remove it from the grid.