Batch Inquiry

Menu Path: None

To use Batch Inquiry, perform one of the following:


View batch details.


Use Batch Inquiry to display detailed information for a selected batch.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Batch Inquiry window.

Show Data

Click this button to refresh the batch information. This button may not be available, depending on how you accessed this window.

Customer Prepayment Entry

Click this button to display Customer Prepayment Entry, which allows you to associate sales orders with a selected prepayment. This button is only enabled if you select a prepayment.

Inquiry Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Batch Type

This field displays the type of the batch.

Expected Count

This field displays the expected number of invoices in the batch. This number was entered when the batch was opened.

Expected Amount

This field displays the expected amount of all invoices in the batch. This amount was entered when the batch was opened.

Batch ID

This field displays the batch number for the selected batch.

Actual Count

This field displays the actual number of invoices in the batch.

Actual Amount

This field displays the actual amount of all invoices in the batch.


This field displays the description of the batch.

Batch Currency

This field displays the currency for the batch.

Sort by

Select a method for sorting the Customer Payments grid. This field may not be available, depending on how you accessed this window.

Position to

Enter a record to display at the top of the Customer Payments grid (based on the selection in the Sort by field. This field may not be available, depending on how you accessed this window.

Customer Payments

This grid displays detailed information for the batch. Double-click a row to display details, as follows:

Note If you are not authorized to use Invoice Entry, the Invoice Inquiry window appears instead, and allows you to view information for the invoice.

Miscellaneous Payments

This grid displays detailed miscellaneous payment information for the batch. Double-click a row to display Miscellaneous Payment. This grid may not be available, depending on how you accessed this window.