Account Activity Graph Analysis

Menu Path: Executive Information Systems Images\bluerarw.gif Financial Images\bluerarw.gif Account Activity Graph Analysis

Alternate Menu Path: General Ledger Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Account Activity Graph Analysis


Graph general ledger account balance and transactions.


Use Account Activity Graph Analysis for at-a-glance comparison between general ledger accounts. You can graph up to five general ledger accounts simultaneously.

Graphing Data

To graph data:

  1. If your company uses consolidation ledgers, verify the ledger ID for which you want to graph data is entered in the Ledger ID field.

  2. Enter up to five general ledger accounts to graph in the G/L Account fields. If you enter fewer than five accounts, clear the Graph Account check box to the right of any blank G/L Account field.

  3. Enter the data to graph in the Data fields for each entered account.

  4. Enter the period to graph in the Period fields for each entered account.

  5. Select whether to graph account balances or transactions.

  6. Click the Show Graph button in the ribbon.

  7. Right-click the Results grid. The grid shortcut menu appears.

  8. Point to My Graphs on the shortcut menu.

  9. Click Create New Layout. The Graph Maintenance window appears.

  10. Enter a name for the layout in the Layout Name field.

  11. Select the check box for the columns you want to graph.

  12. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

Saving a Graph

To save a graph:

  1. Enter criteria for the graph.

  2. Enter an ID for the graph in the Graph ID field.

  3. Enter a description of the graph in the Description field.

  4. Click the Save Graph button in the ribbon. The graph is created.

To view a previously saved graph, click the Lookup button to the right of the Graph ID field, and select the graph ID. The saved information will appear, and you can click the Show Graph button in the ribbon to display the data. You may, however, add to or delete from the graph information to view an updated graph. You may save any updated information using the Save Graph button in the ribbon. Change the graph name if you do not want to replace the original graph. You are asked to confirm the replacement if you do not change the name.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Account Activity Graph Analysis window.

Save Graph

Click this button to save the graph layout. You must enter a graph ID in the Graph ID field before you can save the graph layout.

Show Graph

Click this button to display data on the Results tab based on the criteria selected on the Lookup tab.


Click this button to display Account Detail Inquiry, which allows you to view detailed account information for the account selected in the Results grid.

Lookup Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


G/L Account

Enter a general ledger account ID for which you want to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a general ledger account ID.

Graph Account

Select this check box for each account that you want to include in the graph layout. These check boxes are selected by default.

Note You must select this check box if you want to graph data for the selected account. If you clear this check box, the selected account is not graphed. If you leave the G/L Account field blank, you must clear the corresponding Graph Account check box.

Ledger ID

Enter a ledger ID for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a ledger ID.

Note This field is only available if at least one consolidation ledger is set up.


Enter a general ledger account description for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a general ledger account.


Enter the account data you want to include in the graph layout, or click the Lookup button to select the data.


Enter a period for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a period.

Graph ID

Enter a unique identification for the graph layout, or click the Lookup button to select a graph ID of an existing graph layout.

Description (Graph)

Enter a description for the graph layout.

Data Option

Select whether to display account balance or transaction data for the selected period(s).

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays general ledger account activity based on the criteria selected on the Lookup tab.