Account Detail Inquiry

Menu Path: General Ledger Images\bluerarw.gif Inquiries Images\bluerarw.gif Account Detail Inquiry


View detailed account activity for posted and unposted entries.


Use Account Detail Inquiry to review all General Ledger and subledger activity.

Viewing Account Detail Information

To view account detail information:

  1. If your company uses consolidation ledgers, verify the ledger ID for which you want to view account detail information is entered in the Ledger ID field.

  2. Enter a general ledger account number in the G/L Account field.

  3. Enter a range of periods for which you want to view account information in the From Period and To Period fields.

  4. Enter a range of years for which you want to view account information in the From Year and To Year fields.

  5. If you want to view subledger information, select the Show Sub-Ledger Level check box, and select whether you want to be able to drill down to journal entries or transactions. If you want to view journal entry information, clear the check box, and select whether you want to view posted or unposted entries.

  6. If you only want to view tax only adjustments, select the View Tax Only Adjustment check box.

  7. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The information appears in the grid at the bottom of the window. You can drill down for more detailed information, or click the Line Items or Budget buttons in the ribbon to view line item information or compare amounts to a budget.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Account Detail Inquiry window.

Show Data

Click this button to display account information, based on the criteria selected.

Line Items

Click this button to display Journal Entry Trailers, which allows you to view journal entry line items for the selected journal entry. This button is only enabled if a journal entry is selected.


Click this button to Budget Comparison, which allows you to compare budget amounts to actual amounts for a selected general ledger account.

Source Transaction Detail

Click this button to display journal entry account or transaction detail information for the source journal entry related to a selected journal entry in a consolidation ledger. When you click this button, one of the following windows appears:

This button is only available if a consolidation ledger is entered in the Ledger ID field, and is only enabled if a journal entry is selected.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


G/L Account

Enter a general ledger account number for which you want to display information, or click the Lookup button to select an account number.

Ledger ID

Enter a ledger ID for which you want to display information, or click the Lookup button to select a ledger ID.

Note This field is only available if at least one consolidation ledger is set up.

Opening Amount

This field displays the opening amount of the selected account. Depending on the account default, this amount is reflected as either a credit or debit.


This field displays the description of the selected account.

Total Posted

This field displays the total amount posted for all types of transactions for the selected account. Depending on the account default, this amount is reflected as either a credit or debit.


This field displays the two-letter abbreviation for the account type.

Closing Amount

This field displays the closing amount for the selected account, which is equal to the difference between the opening amount and the total posted. Depending on the account default, this amount is reflected as either a credit or debit.

From Period

Click the Lookup button to select the first period in a range of periods for which to display account information.

To Period

Click the Lookup button to select the last period in a range of periods for which to display account information.

Total Unposted

This field displays the total unposted amount of manual journal entries for the selected account. Depending on the account default, this amount is reflected as either a credit or debit.

From Year

Click the Lookup button to select the first year in a range of years for which to display account information.

To Year

Click the Lookup button to select the last year in a range of years for which to display account information.

Functional Currency

This field displays the currency for the selected ledger ID.

Account Currency

This field displays the currency for the selected account. This field is only available if the account currency is different from the currency for the selected ledger ID.

Show Sub-Ledger Level

Select this check box to display subledger information for the selected account.


Select whether to display journal entries or transactions when drilling down to the subledger level. This radio set is only enabled if the Show Sub-Ledger Level check box is selected. This radio set is disabled if a ledger ID is entered in the Ledger ID field that is not the functional ledger for your system ID.

Click this button to display subledger information if journal entry or transaction information is currently displayed. This button is only enabled if the Show Sub-Ledger Level check box is selected, and you drill down to view a specific journal entry.

Click this button to drill down to journal entry or transaction detail information. If a journal entry or transaction is selected, when you click this button, the A/P Vouchers for Journal Entry, A/R Items for Journal Entry, A/R Transaction Detail for Journal Entry, I/C G/L Transactions for Journal Entry, or Journal Detail for Entry window appears.

Journal Entries

Select whether to display posted or unposted manual journal entries. These radio buttons are only enabled if you clear the Show Sub-Ledger Level check box.

View Tax Only Adjustment

Select this check box if you want to only view transactions marked as tax only.

Drill Down

Select how to drill down into displayed transactions.

For the Inv subledger, select one of the following:

For the PUR subledger, select one of the following:

For the WO subledger, select one of the following:

For the A/R subledger, select one of the following:

For the A/P subledger, select one of the following:

These radio buttons are only available if the Transactions radio button is selected and you are viewing transactions for the Inv, PUR, WO, A/R, or A/P subledger.

Display Currency

Select one of the following options for displaying monetary amounts:

  • Functional - Display amounts in the currency of the selected ledger ID.

  • Account - Display amounts in the currency of the selected account.

These radio buttons are only available if the account currency is different from the currency for the selected ledger ID.

Journal Entries/Subledgers/Transactions

This grid displays journal entry, transaction, or subledger information for the selected account, based on the selected criteria. Double-click a journal entry to display journal entry account or transaction detail information in A/P Payments for Journal Entry, A/P Vouchers for Journal Entry, A/R Items for Journal Entry, A/R Transaction Detail for Journal Entry, Foreign Currency Transactions for Journal Entry, I/C G/L Transactions for Journal Entry, Inventory Rounding Inquiry, Journal Detail for Entry, PO Receipts for Journal Entry, or PO Releases for Journal Entry. Double-click a subledger to display journal entry or transaction information in the grid. For transactions, the Drill Down radio set controls the drill down functionality. If you select the Show Sub-Ledger Level check box, you can use the up and down arrow buttons to switch between the subledger and journal entry or transaction information. If journal entry or transaction information is displayed in the grid, you can click the down arrow button to display the account or transaction detail information.