Contact Document Selection

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To use Contact Document Selection, click the Documents button in the ribbon in Prospect Maintenance or Contact Maintenance.


Specify documents to deliver to a contact.


Use Contact Document Selection to select the documents delivered to a contact, and to specify the method of delivery for the documents.

If your company needs to send order acknowledgments after a customer's order is processed, the order acknowledgment document should be selected from the list of available documents. You would also need to specify a delivery option of print, fax, or email. The print option allows for printing of order acknowledgments after an order is processed in Order Entry.

For more information about order acknowledgments, see Order Acknowledgments FAQ.

Note To send order acknowledgments automatically, the location must be set up to send acknowledgments in Location Maintenance. The check box should be selected for sales locations used in order processing. Order acknowledgments are also printed based on specific sales locations. Also, the Require Order Acknowledgment check box must be selected for a customer on the Options tab in Customer Maintenance.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Contact Document Selection window.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Contact Name

This field displays the contact for which you are specifying documents.

Available Documents

This grid displays all documents that can be delivered to the contact. Double-click a document to add it to the Selected Documents grid, or select it, and then click Add. You can select a delivery option before you double-click a document.

Delivery Option

Select whether to deliver the selected document in the Available Documents grid by hard copy, email, fax, or phone. For the delivery options to function, an address, email address, fax number, or phone number must be entered for the contact.

Note The Phone delivery option is only available for the promise date change document.

All Documents/My Documents

Select whether the document is always sent to the contact or only if the contact is the order placer. This radio set is only enabled for invoices and order acknowledgments.


Enter a subject for the email to which the document is attached if you are delivering the document via email. This field is only enabled if you select the Email radio button, or the Fax radio button if the Use External Fax through Email Service check box is selected for your system ID in System ID Maintenance. If you leave this field blank, the subject is the report title.

For invoices, you can enter &inv to include the invoice number in the email subject. For order acknowledgments, you can enter &ord to include the sales order number in the email subject. For purchase orders, you can enter &po to include the purchase order number in the email subject.


Enter a body for the email to which the document is attached if you are delivering the document via email. This field is only enabled if you select the Email radio button, or the Fax radio button if the Use External Fax through Email Service check box is selected for your system ID in System ID Maintenance.

For invoices, you can enter &inv to include the invoice number in the email body. For order acknowledgments, you can enter &ord to include the sales order number in the email body. For purchase orders, you can enter &po to include the purchase order number in the email body.

Report File Prefix

Enter a prefix for the attached document file name if you are delivering the document via email. This field is only available if you select the Email radio button.

For invoices, you can enter &inv to include the invoice number in the file name. For order acknowledgments, you can enter &ord to include the sales order number in the file name. For purchase orders, you can enter &po to include the purchase order number in the file name.


Click this button to add a document selected in the Available Documents grid to the Selected Documents grid. This allows you to specify the documents delivered to the contact. You can select a delivery option before you click this button.


Click this button to remove a document from the Selected Documents grid.

Selected Documents

This grid displays documents selected to be delivered to the contact. Double-click a document to change settings for it. If you want to remove a document, select it, and then click the Remove button.