Customer Reward Inquiry

Menu Path: Customer Service Images\bluerarw.gif Customers Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Rewards Images\bluerarw.gif Customer Reward Inquiry


View the rewards status of customers.


Use Customer Reward Inquiry to display the current status of rewards customer program(s). You can export this information to Excel for other analysis or for an accounting calculation of a month-end accrual.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Customer Reward Inquiry window.

Show Data

Click this button to display rewards customer data on the Results tab, based on the criteria selected on the Select tab.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Select this check box to display rewards customer data for all rewards programs.

Reward Program ID

Enter a customer rewards program ID, or click the Lookup button to select a rewards program ID. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

Name (Reward Program)

Enter a rewards program name, or click the Lookup button to select a rewards program name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.


Select this check box to display rewards customer data for all rewards customers.

Reward Customer Code

Enter a rewards customer code, or click the Lookup button to select a rewards customer code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

Name (Reward Customer)

Enter a rewards customer name, or click the Lookup button to select a rewards customer name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box.

As of Date

Enter a date for the rewards customer, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This date defaults to today.

Primary Sort Option

Select a primary method for sorting customer rewards. You can sort by the following:

  • Program ID

  • Customer ID

  • Customer Name

  • Reward Months-to-Date

  • Projected Rewards %

Secondary Sort Option

Select a secondary method for sorting customer rewards. You can sort by the following:

  • Program ID

  • Customer ID

  • Customer Name

  • Reward Months-to-Date

  • Projected Rewards %

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Customer Rewards

This grid displays customer rewards data for the criteria specified on the Select tab. The grid includes the following columns:

  • Program ID - This column displays the customer rewards program ID.

  • Program Name - This column displays the customer rewards program name.

  • Customer Code - This column displays the rewards customer code.

  • Customer Name - This column displays the rewards customer name.

  • Start Date - This column displays the start date of the program.

  • End Date - This column displays the end date of the program.

  • Projection & Accrual % - This column displays projected amounts based on actual results, and also displays calculated accruals. The numerator is calculated by determining the number of days from the as-of date to the start date. The denominator is calculated by determining the number of days from the end date to the start date.

  • Net Sales Amount - This column displays actual net sales from the start date to the as-of date.

  • Qualified Returns Amount - This column displays actual returns from the start date to the as-of date where there was no internal operating error that caused the return. For more information, see Return Code Maintenance.

  • Qualified Returns % - This column displays the qualified returns percentage, which is calculated as the qualified returns amount divided by the net sales amount.

  • Minimum Net Sales Amount - This column displays the minimum net sales amount  from Reward Customer Maintenance.

  • Maximum Returns Amount - This column displays the maximum returns amount  from Reward Customer Maintenance.

  • Maximum Returns % - This column displays the maximum returns percentage from Reward Customer Maintenance.

  • Projected Net Sales - This column displays the net sales amount divided by the projection and accrual percentage.

  • Projected Rewards % - This column displays the projected rewards percentage if the customer’s projected net sales amount exceeds its minimum net sales amount, its qualified returns amount is below the maximum returns amount, and its qualified returns percentage is below the maximum returns percentage. This value is determined based on the setup in Reward Level Maintenance.

  • Projected Bonus Rewards % - This column displays the projected bonus rewards percentage based upon the bonus criteria set up for returns in Reward Level Maintenance.

  • Projected Rewards Amount - This column displays the projected rewards amount calculated as the projected net sales amount multiplied by the sum of the projected rewards percentage and projected bonus rewards percentage.

  • Accrued Rewards Amount - This column displays the accrued rewards amount calculated as the projected rewards amount multiplied by the projection and accrual percentage.