Date Change Reason Maintenance

Menu Path: Purchasing Images\bluerarw.gif Container Import Processing Images\bluerarw.gif Setup Images\bluerarw.gif Date Change Reason Maintenance



Use Date Change Reason Maintenance to create, edit, and delete date change reason codes, which are used to indicate the reason a date was changed for a purchase order, container, or shipment.

If you change the date for a purchase order, container, or shipment, and date change reason codes are set up as required in Purchasing Control Maintenance, Date Change Reason Maintenance appears to allow you to select the reason for the date change. For information on viewing date change reasons for specific purchase orders, containers, or shipments, see Purchasing Date Change Inquiry.

Creating Date Change Reasons

To create a date change reason:

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon.

  2. Enter a code for the date change reason in the Date Change Reason Code field.

  3. Enter a description of the date change reason in the Description field.

  4. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The date change reason is created.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Date Change Reason Maintenance window. This button is only available if you accessed this window directly from the Main Menu window.


Click this button to create a new date change reason code. This button is only available if you accessed this window directly from the Main Menu window or if you changed a date and no date change reasons exist.


Click this button to update the selected date change reason code. This button is only available if you accessed this window directly from the Main Menu window.


Click this button to delete the selected date change reason code. This button is only available if you accessed this window directly from the Main Menu window.


Click this button to accept an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon, or if this window appeared after you changed a date.


Click this button to cancel an action. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to display the first date change reason code.


Click this button to display the previous date change reason code.


Click this button to display the next date change reason code.


Click this button to display the last date change reason code.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Date Change Reason Code

Enter a date change reason code, or click the Lookup button to select a date change reason code.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Enter a description for the date change reason code. This field can store up to 50 characters. This field is only enabled if you are creating or editing a date change reason code.