The following table lists the format for exporting in EDI Invoice Export.
Record |
M |
Description |
Data Type |
Pos |
Len |
X12 |
Apprise Map |
x |
Auditing Record |
x |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
x |
Trade ID |
String |
7 |
35 |
ISA06 |
Uses edi-form.outbound-id unless it is blank, then uses |
x |
Form Type "810 " |
String |
42 |
6 |
ST01 |
edi-partner.form-type |
x |
Application Name |
String |
48 |
7 |
x |
EDI Standards Agency Code |
String |
55 |
1 |
GS07 |
"X" |
x |
Transmission Control # |
Number |
56 |
6 |
seq-upd(editrans-num) |
x |
Orig=00 Conf=06 Dup=07 |
Number |
62 |
2 |
If arinvhdr.edi-count = 0, uses "00" to signal Original. If it is not equal to zero, uses "07" to signal Duplicate. |
x |
Test Document |
String |
64 |
1 |
"T" |
x |
Production Document |
String |
65 |
1 |
"P" |
x |
Trade ID Inbound |
String |
66 |
35 |
| |
x |
Store ID |
String |
101 |
20 |
| |
x |
Header Record |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
Invoice Number |
String |
7 |
12 |
BIG02 |
arinvhdr.ref-num |
Invoice Date |
19 |
10 |
BIG01 |
arinvhdr.ref-date |
Invoice Time |
String |
29 |
8 |
Invoice Type |
String |
37 |
2 |
arinvhdr.ref-type |
Purchase Order Number |
String |
39 |
20 |
BIG04 |
arinvhdr.cust-po-number |
Purchase Order Date |
59 |
10 |
BIG03 |
oe-header.order-date |
Currency |
String |
69 |
8 |
arinvhdr.entered-currency |
Shipper ID |
String |
77 |
12 |
Uses bol-hdr.shipper-id unless it is blank, then uses oe-pick-ticket-pkg.ship-via |
Customer Name |
String |
89 |
30 |
custname.cust-name |
Customer Number Internal |
String |
119 |
15 |
custname.cust-code |
Shipper ID Xref (Short) |
String |
134 |
15 |
Batch Number |
String |
149 |
12 |
arinvhdr.batch-num |
Standard Carrier Alpha Code |
String |
161 |
12 |
Uses shipper.scac-code unless it is blank, then uses bol-hdr.scac-code |
Department Number |
String |
173 |
30 |
REF02 |
Uses arinvhdr.dept-num unless it is blank, then uses oe-header.dept-num unless it is also blank, then uses edi-partner.dept-num |
Internal Vendor Code (EDI) |
String |
203 |
20 |
REF02 |
Uses oe-header.edi-internal-vendor unless it is blank, then uses edi-partner.edi-internal-vendor |
Order Placer |
String |
223 |
30 |
oe-header.order-placer |
Order Placer Phone Number |
String |
253 |
12 |
oe-header.order-placer-phone |
User Defined Field 1 |
String |
265 |
8 |
oe-header.edi-spare-1 |
User Defined Field 2 |
String |
273 |
8 |
oe-header.edi-spare-2 |
User Defined Field 3 |
String |
281 |
8 |
oe-header.edi-spare-3 |
User Defined Field 4 |
String |
289 |
8 |
oe-header.edi-spare-4 |
User Defined Field 5 |
String |
297 |
8 |
oe-header.edi-spare-5 |
Contract Number |
String |
305 |
20 |
oe-header.contract-num |
Order Class |
String |
325 |
10 |
oe-header.order-class |
Consign |
String |
335 |
8 |
If arinvhdr.ref-type = "CO", uses "Consign" |
Miscellaneous Data 1 |
String |
343 |
60 |
oe-header.misc-data-1 |
Miscellaneous Data 2 |
String |
403 |
60 |
oe-header.misc-data-2 |
Transportation Mode |
String |
463 |
2 |
shipper.transportation-mode |
Pick Demand Number |
String |
465 |
12 |
arinvitm.pick-ticket-num |
Freight Collection Terms |
String |
477 |
20 |
Uses bol-hdr.prepaid-collect-third if the order is part of a bill of lading. Otherwise, it uses oe-header.freight-collection-terms. |
Tracking Number |
String |
497 |
30 |
oe-pick-ticket-pkg.tracking-num |
PRO Number |
String |
527 |
15 |
| |
Bill of Lading Number |
String |
542 |
30 |
bol-hdr.bol-num |
Bill of Lading Seal Number |
String |
572 |
25 |
bol-hdr.seal-num |
Bill of Lading Appointment Number |
String |
597 |
30 |
bol-hdr.appointment-num |
Bill of Lading Truck Number |
String |
627 |
25 |
bol-hdr.trailer-num |
Order Number |
String |
652 |
25 |
arinvitm.order-num |
Return Order Customer Reference Number |
String |
677 |
20 |
arinvhdr.cust-ref-num |
Return Order Authorization Number |
String |
697 |
12 |
arinvhdr.ra-num |
Merch Amount |
Number |
709 |
18 |
arinvhdr.merch-amt |
Additional Charge Amount |
Number |
727 |
19 |
arinvhdr.misc-charge-amt |
Freight Amount |
Number |
746 |
18 |
arinvhdr.freight-amt |
String |
764 |
12 |
fob.fob-code |
Alternate PO |
String |
776 |
60 |
oe-header.alternate-po |
Ship-From Name |
String |
836 |
35 |
| (small parcel) / (BOL). Both use the physical address type. |
Ship-From Address 1 |
String |
871 |
35 |
address.address1 / bol-prt-addr.address1 |
Ship-From Address 2 |
String |
906 |
35 |
address.address2 / bol-prt-addr.address2 |
Ship-From Address 3 |
String |
941 |
35 |
address.address3 / bol-prt-addr.address3 |
Ship-From City |
String |
976 |
30 |
| / |
Ship-From Country |
String |
1006 |
20 |
| / |
Ship-From State |
String |
1026 |
2 |
address.state / bol-prt-addr.state |
Ship-From Postal Code |
String |
1028 |
12 |
address.postal-code / bol-prt-addr.postal-code |
Ordered by Name |
String |
1040 |
30 |
cust-shipto.shipto-name / custname.cust-name |
Ordered by Address 1 |
String |
1070 |
35 |
cust-shipto.address-1 / custname.address-1 |
Ordered by Address 2 |
String |
1105 |
35 |
cust-shipto.address-2 / custname.address-2 |
Ordered by Address 3 |
String |
1140 |
35 |
cust-shipto.address-3 / custname.address-3 |
Ordered by City |
String |
1175 |
30 |
| / |
Ordered by State |
String |
1205 |
2 |
cust-shipto.state / custname.state |
Ordered by Postal Code |
String |
1207 |
12 |
cust-shipto.postal-code / custname.postal-code |
Ordered by Country |
String |
1219 |
20 |
| / |
Shipment Number |
String |
1239 |
12 |
oe-pick-ticket-hdr.shipment-num |
CIT Approval Code |
String |
1251 |
15 |
| |
Shipper Name |
String |
1266 |
25 |
| |
Ship Date |
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) |
1291 |
10 |
bol-hdr.completed-date/oe-pick-ticket-hdr.confirmed-date |
Total Amount (No Discounts) |
Number |
1301 |
15 |
Calculated Field |
User Defined Field 1 |
String |
1316 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-01 |
User Defined Field 2 |
String |
1716 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-02 |
User Defined Field 3 |
String |
2116 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-03 |
User Defined Field 4 |
String |
2516 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-04 |
User Defined Field 5 |
String |
2916 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-05 |
User Defined Field 6 |
String |
3316 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-06 |
User Defined Field 7 |
String |
3716 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-07 |
User Defined Field 8 |
String |
4116 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-08 |
User Defined Field 9 |
String |
4516 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-09 |
User Defined Field 10 |
String |
4916 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-10 |
User Defined Field 11 |
String |
5316 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-11 |
User Defined Field 12 |
String |
5716 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-12 |
User Defined Field 13 |
String |
6116 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-13 |
User Defined Field 14 |
String |
6516 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-14 |
User Defined Field 15 |
String |
6916 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-15 |
User Defined Field 16 |
String |
7316 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-16 |
User Defined Field 17 |
String |
7716 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-17 |
User Defined Field 18 |
String |
8116 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-18 |
User Defined Field 19 |
String |
8516 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-19 |
User Defined Field 20 |
String |
8916 |
400 |
oe-header.user-defined-20 |
Shipper ID Xref |
String |
9316 |
50 |
x |
Bill To Address Record |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
Bill To Code |
String |
7 |
16 |
Uses oe-address.edi-address-code unless there is no record, then uses customer-ar.db-code unless there is no record, then uses cust-billing-code.db-code |
Bill To Name |
String |
23 |
35 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-name |
Bill To Address Line 1 |
String |
58 |
35 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-address1 |
Bill To Address Line 2 |
String |
93 |
35 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-address2 |
Bill To Address Line 3 |
String |
128 |
35 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-address3 |
Bill To City |
String |
163 |
30 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-city |
Bill To State |
String |
193 |
2 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-state |
Bill To Postal Code |
String |
195 |
12 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-zip |
Bill To Country |
String |
207 |
20 |
| |
Bill To Phone |
String |
227 |
12 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-phone |
Bill To Fax |
String |
239 |
12 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-fax |
Bill To Name |
String |
251 |
40 |
arinvhdr.bill-to-name |
x |
Ship To Address Record |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
Ship To Code |
String |
7 |
16 |
Uses bol-hdr.edi-address-code unless blank, then uses oe-address.edi-address-code unless blank, then uses customer-ar.db-code |
Ship To Name |
String |
23 |
35 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-name |
Ship To Address Line 1 |
String |
58 |
35 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-address1 |
Ship To Address Line 2 |
String |
93 |
35 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-address2 |
Ship To Address Line 3 |
String |
128 |
35 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-address3 |
Ship To City |
String |
163 |
30 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-city |
Ship To State |
String |
193 |
2 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-state |
Ship To Postal Code |
String |
195 |
12 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-zip |
Ship To Country |
String |
207 |
20 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-country |
Ship To Phone |
String |
227 |
12 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-phone |
Ship To Fax |
String |
239 |
12 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-fax |
Store ID |
String |
251 |
20 |
| |
Ship To Name |
String |
271 |
40 |
arinvhdr.ship-to-name |
x |
Remit Address Record |
This is the first address in the following hierarchy:
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
Remit To Code |
String |
7 |
16 |
n/a (ARIES=duns-number) |
Remit To Name |
String |
23 |
35 |
Uses ar-payment-remit.remit-to-name unless there is no record, then uses |
Remit To Address Line 1 |
String |
58 |
35 |
Uses ar-payment-remit.address1 unless there is no record, then uses address.address1 |
Remit To Address Line 2 |
String |
93 |
35 |
Uses ar-payment-remit.address2 unless there is no record, then uses address.address2 |
Remit To Address Line 3 |
String |
128 |
35 |
Uses ar-payment-remit.address3 unless there is no record, then uses address.address3 |
Remit To City |
String |
163 |
30 |
Uses unless there is no record, then uses |
Remit To State |
String |
193 |
2 |
Uses ar-payment-remit.state unless there is no record, then uses address.state |
Remit To Postal Code |
String |
195 |
12 |
Uses ar-payment-remit.postal-code unless there is no record, then uses address.postal-code |
Remit To Country |
String |
207 |
20 |
Uses unless there is no record, then uses |
Remit To Phone |
String |
227 |
12 |
Uses unless there is no record, then uses |
Remit To Fax |
String |
239 |
12 |
Uses ar-payment-remit.fax unless there is no record, then uses address.fax |
Terms |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
Terms Code Internal |
String |
7 |
12 |
payment-terms.terms-code |
Terms Code External |
String |
19 |
12 |
Invoice Date (basis date) |
31 |
10 |
arinvhdr.ref-date |
Discount Percent |
Number |
41 |
8 |
Uses payment-terms.prox-discount-amount if payment-terms.term-type = 4. If not, uses |
Net Days |
Number |
49 |
4 |
Uses (arinvhdr.due-date - arinvhdr.ref-date) if payment-terms.term-type = 4. If not, uses payment-terms.balance-due-days |
Discount Amount |
Number |
53 |
18 |
| |
Discount Date |
71 |
10 |
| |
Due Date |
81 |
10 |
arinvhdr.due-date |
Terms Description |
String |
91 |
60 |
payment-terms.description |
Discount Days |
Number |
151 |
3 |
Uses ( - arinvhdr.ref-date) if payment-terms.term-type = 4. If not, uses |
Discount Percent |
Number |
154 |
7 |
Same as above 'Discount Percent', just removes all '.' from the number |
Discount Amount |
Number |
161 |
17 |
Same as above 'Discount Amount', just removes all '.' from the number |
x |
Line Item Record |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
Quantity Shipped |
Number |
7 |
10 |
arinvitm.qty |
Quantity UM Internal |
String |
17 |
2 |
arinvitm.un-key |
Quantity UM External |
String |
19 |
2 |
Unit Price |
Number |
21 |
14 |
arinvitm.unit-price + arinvitm.price-adjustment Note The unit price also includes VAT if the EDI Invoice Unit Price Includes VAT check box is selected for the trading partner in EDI Trading Partner Maintenance. |
UPC Code Internal |
String |
35 |
14 |
product.upc-code |
UPC Code External |
String |
49 |
14 |
oe-cust-prod.cust-upc-code |
Item Number Internal |
String |
63 |
40 |
arinvitm.item-code |
Item Number External |
String |
103 |
40 |
Uses oe-cust-prod.customer-product-id unless edi-partner.use-supp-prod is true, then uses supp-prod.supplier-prod-code |
Item Description Internal |
String |
143 |
30 |
arinvitm.item-name |
Total Additional Charges |
Number |
173 |
15 |
calculated field |
Line Extended Total |
Number |
188 |
15 |
calculated field |
Line Number |
Number |
203 |
9 |
arinvitm.sequence |
Line Weight |
Number |
212 |
13 |
calculated field |
Order Number |
String |
225 |
12 |
arinvitm.order-num |
Purchase Order Number |
String |
237 |
20 |
Uses oe-trailer.po-num unless it is blank, then uses oe-header.cust-po-number |
User Defined 1 |
String |
257 |
8 |
oe-trailer.edi-spare-1 |
User Defined 2 |
String |
265 |
8 |
oe-trailer.edi-spare-2 |
User Defined 3 |
String |
273 |
8 |
oe-trailer.edi-spare-3 |
User Defined 4 |
String |
281 |
8 |
oe-trailer.edi-spare-4 |
User Defined 5 |
String |
289 |
8 |
oe-trailer.edi-spare-5 |
String |
297 |
14 |
Uses product-um.gtin unless it is blank, then uses product.gtin |
Full UM Code |
String |
311 |
8 |
| |
Miscellaneous Data 1 |
String |
319 |
60 |
oe-trailer.misc-data-1 |
Miscellaneous Data 2 |
String |
379 |
60 |
oe-trailer.misc-data-2 |
Pick Demand Number |
String |
439 |
12 |
arinvitm.pick-ticket-num |
Conversion Factor 1 |
String |
451 |
20 |
um-rates.conversion-factor (from inner pack unit of measure to product unit of measure) |
Conversion Factor 2 |
String |
471 |
20 |
um-rates.conversion-factor (from master carton unit of measure to inner pack unit of measure) |
Master Carton UM Cube |
String |
491 |
11 |
product-um.cube |
Master Carton UM Length |
String |
502 |
11 |
product-um.length |
Master Carton UM Width |
String |
513 |
11 |
product-um.width |
Master Carton UM Height |
String |
524 |
11 |
product-um.height |
Master Carton UM Net Weight |
String |
535 |
11 |
| |
Master Carton UM Gross Weight |
String |
546 |
11 |
product-um.gross-pkgd-weight |
Country of Origin |
String |
557 |
10 |
| |
EDI Order Line Number |
String |
567 |
20 |
oe-trailer.edi-order-line-num |
Tracking Number |
String |
587 |
30 |
oe-pick-ticket-pkg.tracking-num |
User Defined Field 1 |
String |
617 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-01 |
User Defined Field 2 |
String |
1017 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-02 |
User Defined Field 3 |
String |
1417 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-03 |
User Defined Field 4 |
String |
1817 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-04 |
User Defined Field 5 |
String |
2217 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-05 |
User Defined Field 6 |
String |
2617 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-06 |
User Defined Field 7 |
String |
3017 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-07 |
User Defined Field 8 |
String |
3417 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-08 |
User Defined Field 9 |
String |
3817 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-09 |
User Defined Field 10 |
String |
4217 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-10 |
User Defined Field 11 |
String |
4617 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-11 |
User Defined Field 12 |
String |
5017 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-12 |
User Defined Field 13 |
String |
5417 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-13 |
User Defined Field 14 |
String |
5817 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-14 |
User Defined Field 15 |
String |
6217 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-15 |
User Defined Field 16 |
String |
6617 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-16 |
User Defined Field 17 |
String |
7017 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-17 |
User Defined Field 18 |
String |
7417 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-18 |
User Defined Field 19 |
String |
7817 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-19 |
User Defined Field 20 |
String |
8217 |
400 |
oe-trailer.user-defined-20 |
Order Line Number |
String |
8617 |
9 |
oe-trailer.line-num |
Tax Record |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
Tax Code |
String |
7 |
20 |
When the internal tax functionality is used, it exports When AvaTax interface is used, it exports product.commodity-code or oe-charge-def.commodity-code that is assigned to the product or charge respectively. |
External Tax Code |
String |
27 |
16 |
Amount Which Tax Is Based |
Number |
43 |
10 |
When the internal tax functionality is used, it exports arinvitm.extended-price. When AvaTax is used, it exports |
Tax Amount |
Number |
53 |
10 |
arinvtax.amount |
Tax Percentage |
Number |
63 |
8 |
When the internal tax functionality is used, it uses (100 * arinvtax.amount / arinvitm.extended-price) unless oe-ctl.external-tax-interface is false, then uses oe-tax-rates.rate. When AvaTax interface is used, it uses * 100. |
Additional Charges Record |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
n/a |
Charge Description |
String |
7 |
40 |
ITA13 |
arinvmsc.misc-item-desc |
Charge Code Internal |
String |
47 |
10 |
arinvmsc.misc-code |
Charge Code External |
String |
57 |
15 |
Charge Amount |
Number |
72 |
15 |
ITA07 |
arinvmsc.misc-amt |
Charge Line Number |
String |
87 |
8 |
arinvmsc.misc-charge-source |
Charge Type C or A |
String |
95 |
1 |
ITA01 |
If arinvmsc.misc-amt is less than zero uses "A." If not, uses "C." |
Method Of Handling |
String |
96 |
2 |
ITA04 |
"02"=off invoice |
Charge Unit Of Measure |
String |
98 |
2 |
ITA11 |
"EA"=eaches |
Charge Tax Amount |
Number |
100 |
10 |
calculated field |
Charge VAT Amount |
Number |
110 |
10 |
calculated field |
Charge Percent |
Number |
120 |
10 |
arinvmsc.percentage, or if there is no arinvmsc.percentage value, calculate the percentage as arinvmsc.misc-amt / arinvitm.extended-price |
Charge Amount (No Decimal) |
Integer |
130 |
15 |
arinvmsc.misc-amt |
Charge Tax Amount (No Decimal) |
Integer |
145 |
10 |
calculated field |
Charge VAT Amount (No Decimal) |
Integer |
155 |
10 |
calculated field |
Order and Line Comments |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
n/a |
String |
7 |
3 |
NTE01 |
"INV" |
Note |
String |
10 |
100 |
NTE02 |
remarks.remark-data |
Tax Summary Record |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
Internal Tax Code |
String |
7 |
20 |
| |
External Tax Code |
String |
27 |
16 |
Amount Which Tax Is Based |
Number |
43 |
10 |
arinvitm.extended-price (sum) |
Tax Amount |
Number |
53 |
10 |
arinvtax.amount (sum) |
Tax Percentage |
Number |
63 |
8 |
oe-tax-rates.rate |
Tax Charge Amount |
Number |
71 |
10 |
arinvtax.amount (sum of charge tax) |
x |
Ending Record |
x |
String |
1 |
6 |
n/a |
n/a |
x |
Total Line Items |
Number |
7 |
6 |
CTT01 |
calculated field |
x |
Total Weight |
Number |
13 |
12 |
ISS03 |
calculated field |
x |
Total Volume |
Number |
25 |
12 |
ISS05 |
calculated field |
x |
Total Monetary Amount |
Number |
37 |
15 |
TDS02 |
calculated field |
x |
Total Units Shipped |
Number |
52 |
10 |
ISS01 |
calculated field |
x |
Total Packages |
Number |
62 |
10 |
calculated field |
Tracking Number |
Number |
72 |
8 |
Uses oe-pick-ticket-pkg.bol-num unless it is blank, then uses oe-pick-ticket-pkg.tracking-num |
Total Monetary Amount wo/tax |
Number |
80 |
15 |
calculated field |
Total Tax Amount |
Number |
95 |
15 |
calculated field |
Full Tracking Number |
Number |
110 |
30 |
Uses oe-pick-ticket-pkg.bol-num unless it is blank, then uses oe-pick-ticket-pkg.tracking-num |
Total Monetary Amount |
Number |
154 |
15 |
Same as above 'Total Monetary Amount', just removes all '.' |
Total Monetary Amount wo/tax |
Number |
169 |
15 |
Same as above 'Total Monetary Amount wo/tax", just removes all '.' |
Total Tax Amount |
Number |
184 |
15 |
Same as above 'Total Tax Amount', just removes all '.' |
Total Monetary Amount w/disc |
Number |
199 |
15 |
Total Monetary Amount - with all '.' removed |
Bill of Lading PRO Number |
String |
234 |
15 |
| |
Bill of Lading Number |
String |
249 |
30 |
bol-hdr.bol-num |
Bill of Lading Seal Number |
String |
279 |
25 |
bol-hdr.seal-num |
Bill of Lading Appointment Number |
String |
304 |
30 |
bol-hdr.appointment-num |
Bill of Lading Truck Number |
String |
334 |
25 |
bol-hdr.trailer-num |
Load Number |
String |
359 |
25 |
Shipment ASN uses oe-pick-ticket-hdr.load-number and BOL uses bol-hdr.load-num |
Master Bill of Lading Number |
String |
384 |
30 |
bol-hdr.master-bol-num |
Shipment Number |
String |
414 |
12 |
oe-pick-ticket-hdr.shipment-num |
Total Merch Amount |
Number |
426 |
15 |
arinvhdr.merch-amt |
Total Merch Amount (No Decimal) |
Number |
441 |
15 |
arinvhdr.merch-amt |
Discount Amount |
Number |
456 |
15 |
| |
Discount Amount (No Decimal) |
Number |
471 |
15 |
| |
Total VAT Amount |
Number |
486 |
15 |
arinvhdr.tot-vat-amt |
Total VAT Amount (No Decimal) |
Number |
501 |
15 |
arinvhdr.tot-vat-amt |