Generate Data Extract

Menu Path: System Administration Images\bluerarw.gif Daily Administration Images\bluerarw.gif Generate Data Extract


Export customer, supplier, inventory, sales representative, and product data (based on the third-party company you work with).


Use Generate Data Extract to export data to Inventiv or to third-party companies that process the data for supplier analysis.

Note This data extract program is only used by beverage distributors who need to send data to Inventiv or the following companies: Beverage Data Network (BDN), Vermont Information Processing (VIP), SevenFifty, and/or TradePulse.

For BDN and TradePulse, the following files are exported:

For information on the export format of these files, see Beverage Data Network and TradePulse Export Format.

For VIP, the following files are exported:

For information on the export format of these files, see Vermont Information Processing Export Format.

Note For VIP, data is only exported for suppliers for which a distributor ID is entered in Supplier Maintenance. You must also set up supplier products for each product in Supplier Product Maintenance, and enter the supplier's ID for each supplier product.

For Inventiv, the following files are exported:

For information on the export format of these files, see Inventiv Export Format.

Data for third-party companies is only exported for suppliers associated with the data extract, and customers not excluded from the data extract in Data Extract Selection Maintenance.

NOTE For VIP, use Data Extract Selection Maintenance to set up inventory adjustment codes for breakages and additional charges for deposits.

You can also use filter criteria in Generate Data Extract to limit the exported data.

For each supplier, product data is only exported to third-party companies if the supplier is the primary supplier, or if products were associated with the supplier in Extract Supplier Product Maintenance.

Before exporting data, ensure that the following is set up:

For SevenFifty, the following files are exported:

For information on the export format of these files, see SevenFifty Export Format.

NOTE For SevenFifty, use Data Extract Selection Maintenance to set up a price source (either one of the list prices or a price matrix price) to export the product-pricing data. Before you export data to SevenFifty, contact the Aptean Professional Services Team or the Aptean Customer Success Team for more assistance on tailoring the standard export format to suit your business.

Exporting Data

To export data:

  1. Click the Lookup button for the Extract Name field, and select the third-party company or software for which you are exporting data.

  2. If you want to only export a specific file, clear the first All check box, click the Lookup button for the File field, and select the file.

  3. If you do not want to export data for all shipping locations, sales locations, suppliers, or product categories, clear the appropriate All check box(es), and enter the sales location, supplier, and/or product category. You can also click the List buttons to select multiple shipping locations, sales locations, suppliers, and/or product categories.

  4. If you want to export data for a range of dates, or a number of days prior to the current date, select the Date Range or Previous Days radio button. If you want to output data for a specific month and year, leave the Month/Year radio button selected.

  5. Enter the month/year, date range, and/or number of previous days for which to output data based on the option you selected in step 4.

  6. Enter your SRS ID, distributor ID, or company ID/name (whichever is applicable for the company you selected in step 1).

  7. Click the Print Options tab.

  8. Verify the folder to which you want to export data is entered in the Output File Name field (it defaults to your report directory). If you are only outputting a single file, you can select the Specify File Name check box, and enter a folder path and file name to use for exported data in the Output File Name field.

  9. If you want to export data using Scheduling Assistant, select the Schedule radio button, and then select when you want data to be exported.

  10. Click the Print button in the ribbon. Data extract files are output to the folder specified in step 8.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Generate Data Extract window.


Click this button to export data to a file.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Extract Name

Click the Lookup button to select the extract name.

All (Files)

Select this check box to export data for all files for the selected extract. This check box is selected by default. If this check box is selected, the files are output to the default report folder for your user ID.


Click the Lookup button to select a file to export. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it. The available file options depend on the data extract selected for the Extract Name field.

All (Shipping Locations)

Select this check box to output data for all shipping locations. This check box is selected by default.

Shipping Location

Enter a shipping location prefix for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location prefix. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Name (Shipping Location)

Enter a shipping location name for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a shipping location name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

List (Shipping Locations)

Click this button to display Location List, which allows you to select multiple shipping locations for which to output data. If you click this button and select locations, the check box to the right of the button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

All (Sales Locations)

Select this check box to output data for all sales locations. This check box is selected by default.

Sales Location

Enter a sales location prefix for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a sales location prefix. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Name (Sales Location)

Enter a sales location name for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a sales location name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

List (Sales Locations)

Click this button to display Location List, which allows you to select multiple sales locations for which to output data. If you click this button and select locations, the check box to the right of the button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

All (Suppliers)

Select this check box to output data for all active suppliers. This check box is selected by default, and is only enabled if you select BDN, TradePulse, or VIP for the Extract Name field.

Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Name (Supplier)

Enter a supplier name for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

List (Suppliers)

Click this button to display Supplier List, which allows you to select multiple suppliers for which to output data. If you click this button and select suppliers, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Note For VIP, you can only select suppliers for which a distributor ID is entered in Supplier Maintenance.

All (Product Categories)

Select this check box to output data for all product categories. This check box is selected by default.


Enter a product category for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a product category. This field is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

List (Product Categories)

Click this button to display Category List, which allows you to select multiple product categories for which to output data. If you click this button and select product categories, the check box to the right of the button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All check box to the left of it.

Date Type

Select one of the following options to indicate the range of data to output:

  • Month/Year

  • Date Range

  • Previous Days


Enter the month for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a month. This field is only available if you select the Month/Year radio button.


Enter the year for which to output data, or click the Lookup button to select a year. This field is only available if you select the Month/Year radio button.

From Date

Enter the first date in a range of dates for which to output data, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only available if you select the Date Range radio button. If you are outputting the report via Scheduling Assistant, you can select a virtual date for this field.

To Date

Enter the last date in a range of dates for which to output data, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date. This field is only available if you select the Date Range radio button. If you are outputting the report via Scheduling Assistant, you can select a virtual date for this field.

Previous Days

Enter the number of previous days for which to output data. This field is only available if you select the Previous Days radio button.

EXAMPLE Today is April 3rd. You enter 2 in this field. Data is only output for April 1-3.

Distributor ID

Enter your company's distributor ID assigned by the third-party company to which you are exporting data. This field is only available if you select BDN or TradePulse for the Extract Name field.

Company ID

Enter your company ID. This field is only available if you select Inventiv for the Extract Name field.


This field displays 0147. This field is only available if you select VIP for the Extract Name field.

Company Name

Enter your company name. This is output in the fourth position of the type 10 row in the detail file. This field is only available if you select Inventiv for the Extract Name field.


Enter your company's SRS ID. This value is used in extract file names. This field is only available if you select VIP for the Extract Name field.

Price Region

Enter a price region to export the product file with the pricing information, or click the Lookup button to select a price region. This field defaults to All. This field is only available if you select SevenFifty for the Extract Name field.

Print Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Output Option

The File radio button is selected to indicate you will output to files.

Output File Type

The Delimited radio button is selected to indicate you will output to delimited files.

Specify File Name

Select this check box to specify a file name for an output file. This check box is only enabled if you clear the All (Files) check box on the Select tab.

Output Directory

Enter the location for the output file(s), or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location. This field is only available if the Specify File Name check box is cleared. This defaults to the folder entered for your user ID in the Report Directory field in User Profile Maintenance.

Output File Name

Enter a location and file name for the output file, or click the Lookup button to navigate to and select a location and file name. This field is only available if you select the Specify File Name check box. This defaults to the folder entered for your user ID in the Report Directory field in User Profile Maintenance.

Save As Type

This field indicates the file will be saved as a text (.txt) file.

Include header

This check box is selected to indicate a row of header information is included in the exported delimited file, which labels the data.


This field is disabled in this window.

Enclosing Character

This field is disabled in this window.


Select whether the data export is run now or run by Scheduling Assistant. If you select the Schedule radio button, you can specify when the process occurs. These radio buttons are only enabled if the Disable Scheduling Assistant check box is cleared for your user ID in User Profile Maintenance.


Enter the time to output or process, and select AM or PM.

These fields are only enabled if the Schedule radio button is selected, and only available if the Once or Every radio button is selected.


Enter the date (or first date) to output or process. This field is only enabled if the Schedule radio button is selected, and only available if the Once or Every radio button is selected.

Task Occurs

Select one of the following options:

  • Once - Output or process at a specified date and time.

  • Every - Output or process on a recurring basis. You can select to output/process at a specific time:

    • every week on specified days

    • after a specified number of days

    • on the first or last day of each month

    • after a specified number of minutes

  • After - Output/process after a specified task is completed.

These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button.


Select one of the following:

  • Day of Week - Output or process every week on the selected days.

  • Days - Output or process after a specified number of days, starting on a specified date.

  • Month - Output or process on the first or last day of each month, starting on a specified date.

  • Time - Output or process after a specified number of minutes, starting on a specified date.

These radio buttons are only available if you select the Every radio button.

Day of Week

Select the day(s) of the week to output or process.

These check boxes are only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button, and select the Every and Day of Week radio buttons.

Repeat Every X Days

Enter a number of days after which to output or process. This field is only available if you select the Days radio button.

Repeat On

Click the Lookup button and select whether to output or process on the first or last day of the month. This field is only available if you select the Month radio button.

Repeat Every X Minutes

Enter a number of minutes after which to output or process. This field is only available if you select the Time radio button.

Triggering Task Id

Click the Lookup button to select a task ID that will trigger the task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Name

This field displays the name of the triggering task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Triggering Task Description

This field displays the description of the triggering task. This field is only available if the After radio button is selected.

Task Description

Enter a description of the task. This can help users understand the purpose of a recurring task.

Scheduling Assistant Queue

Enter an active Scheduling Assistant queue for the task, or click the Lookup button to select a Scheduling Assistant queue. This defaults to the default queue for your user ID. This field is only enabled if you select the Schedule radio button, and you are assigned to a queue other than the Default queue.

External Email

Select this check box to send an email (outside of Apprise, using SMTP) when the task is completed.

Screen Alert

Select this check box to display an alert when the task is completed.

Internal Email

Select this check box to send an internal Apprise email when the task is completed.

Report Files

This grid displays report files set up for the report, and is only available if report files are set up for the program in Report File Maintenance. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Print - Select the check box in this column to output the report file.

  • Number of Copies - Enter the number of copies of the report file to print. This column is only available if you select the Printer radio button.

  • Report Description - This column displays the description of each report file.

  • Report Filename - This column displays the .rpt file name for each report file.

  • Report Name - This column displays the name of each report file.