Key Performance Indicator Wizard

Menu Path: None

To use Key Performance Indicator Wizard, click the button in the Key Performance Indicators panel in the Main Menu, and select New KPI Panel.


Set up a KPI panel.


Use Key Performance Indicator Wizard to set up a grid of vital company data in a KPI panel. Each row in a KPI panel grid is a separate KPI that can store separate data. There are two types of KPI panels, standard and time-phased. Standard KPI panels only display data for the current period and year, while time-phased KPI panels can display data in multiple columns for separate periods of time. You can use time-phased KPI panels to compare how the data has changed over time.

Setting Up KPI Panels

To set up a KPI panel:

  1. Enter a descriptive title for the KPI panel in the Panel Name field.

  2. Select whether you want to set up a standard or time-phased KPI panel. Select the Time Phased radio button if you want the KPI panel to include multiple columns for different time periods.

  3. Click the Next button in the ribbon. The Columns to Display tab appears. This tab enables you to set up the columns for the grid in the KPI panel.

  4. Specify the columns and column settings for the KPI panel. If you selected the Standard radio button in step 2, you can only include one column in the KPI panel for the current period and year.

  5. Click the Next button in the ribbon. The KPI Definition tab appears.

  6. Double-click one or more functions or previously created KPI values that you want to include in the calculated KPI. The Function Parameter Select window appears to enable you to select the parameters for the function. Select the parameters, and click the OK button.

  7. If you are unsure whether your KPI definition is valid, click the Validate button to verify the syntax is correct.

  8. Enter a name for the definition you created in step 6 in the KPI Name field.

  9. Click the Next button in the ribbon.

  10. Select the currency for the KPI.

  11. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The KPI is created.

  12. If you want to add additional KPI rows to the KPI panel, click the New button in the ribbon, and then repeat steps 6-12 for each kPI.

  13. Click the Finalize button in the ribbon. The KPI panel is added to the Main Menu.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to finalize a KPI panel, update the panel in the Main Menu, and close the Key Performance Indicator Wizard window.

Cancel (Panel Operations)

Click this button to cancel an action for a KPI panel.


Click this button to create a new KPI. This button is only available if the Defined KPIs tab is displayed.


Click this button to update the selected KPI. This button is only available if the Defined KPIs tab is displayed.


Click this button to delete the selected KPI. This button is only available if the Defined KPIs tab is displayed.


Click this button to accept an action for a KPI panel row. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.

Cancel (KPI Operations)

Click this button to cancel an action for a KPI panel row. This button is only available after you click the New, Update, or Delete button in the ribbon.


Click this button to return to the previous step in the KPI panel creation process.


Click this button to go to the next step in the KPI panel creation process.


Click this button to insert &P in the column name, which displays the current period. This button is only available if the Columns to Display tab is displayed.


Click this button to insert &Y in the column name, which displays the current year. This button is only available if the Columns to Display tab is displayed.

Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Panel Name

Enter the text to display as a title for the KPI panel. This should describe the purpose of the KPI panel.

Panel Type Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Panel Type

Select one of the following:

  • Standard - A KPI panel displaying one column only. The column only displays values for the current period and current year.

  • Time Phased - A KPI panel displaying multiple columns for various time periods for comparison. You can have up to 26 columns in a time-phased KPI panel.

Columns to Display Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Available Columns

This grid displays columns that you can add to the KPI panel. This grid is disabled if you selected the Standard radio button on the Panel Type tab.

The following columns are available by default:

  • Current Period and Current Year - Column displaying the current values.

  • Current Period and Previous Year - Column displaying  values from the current period in the previous year.

  • Current Period and Specific Year - Column displaying a values from the current period in a year entered in the Year column in the Selected Columns grid.

  • Previous Period and Current Year - Column displaying values from the previous period. If the current period is the first period of the year, the column displays values from the last period of the previous year.

  • Previous Period and Previous Year - Column displaying values from the previous period for the previous years.

  • Previous Period and Specific Year - Column displaying values from the previous period in a year entered in the Year column in the Selected Columns grid.

  • Period Prior to Current - Column displaying values from a period previous to the current period by the value entered in the Period / Prior Periods column in the Selected Columns grid.

Example You enter 2 in the Period / Prior Periods column in the Selected Columns grid for this type of column. The current period is June 2020 and your general ledger is set up with 12 periods. The column displays data for April 2020.

  • Specific Period and Current Year - Column displaying values from a period entered in the Period / Prior Periods column in the Selected Columns grid for the current year.

  • Specific Period and Previous Year - Column displaying values from a period entered in the Period / Prior Periods column in the Selected Columns grid for the previous year.

  • Specific Period and Specific Year - Column displaying values from a period entered in the Period / Prior Periods column in the Selected Columns grid for a year entered in the Year column in the Selected Columns grid.

Click this button to add the selected column in the Available Columns grid to the Selected Columns grid.

Click this button to remove the selected column in the Selected Columns grid.

Click this button to remove all columns from the Selected Columns grid.

Selected Columns

This grid displays columns that you are including in the KPI panel.

Note  If you selected the Standard radio button on the Panel Type tab, you can only include one column in the KPI panel.

This grid includes the following columns:

  • Column Name - Enter the text to display in the column header for each column. You can enter &P as a placeholder for the period and &Y as a placeholder for the year. You can also use the Period and Year buttons in the ribbon to enter these placeholder values. The column name must be unique for each column, and cannot be blank.

  • Period / Prior Periods - Enter the period or prior periods for which to display data for each Period Prior to Current, Specific Period and Current Year, Specific Period and Previous Year, or Specific Period and Specific Year column.

  • Year - Enter the year for which to display data for each Current Period and Specific Year, Previous Period and Specific Year, or Specific Period and Specific Year column.

  • To Date - Double-click to select whether each column displays year-to-date or period-to-date data.

  • Budget - Enter a budget for which to display data, or double-click to select a budget. For information on setting up budgets, see Budget Maintenance.

  • Option - This column displays the column data for each column.

To remove a column for time-phased KPI panels, double-click a non-editable cell in the row that represents the column in this grid.

Click this button to move the selected column up in the Selected Columns grid (left in the KPI panel).

Click this button to move the selected column down in the Selected Columns grid (right in the KPI panel).

Defined KPIs Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Defined KPIs

This grid displays defined grid rows for the KPI panel.

Click this button to move the selected grid row up in the KPI panel.

Click this button to move the selected grid row down in the KPI panel.

KPI Definition Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


System Defined Functions

This grid displays functions and financial ratios that you can use for a KPI definition. Double-click a function you want to use. If you double-click a function or financial ratio that requires you to specify parameters, Function Parameter Select appears, and allows you to select the parameters.

Note The available functions are determined by the security types you are allowed to access. For more information, see Alert and KPI User Access Maintenance.


Enter the definition of the KPI in this field. You can double-click a function or financial ratio in the System Defined Functions grid to enter it in this field. You can also use the following operators:

  • +

  • -

  • /

  • *

  • AND

  • OR

  • >

  • <

  • <=

  • >=

  • =

  • <>

You can also use parenthesis in the statement.

User Defined KPI Values

This grid displays previously saved user-defined KPI names.

KPI Name

Enter a name to use as a row label for the KPI entered in the Definition field. You can then use this definition in the future when creating KPI panels.


Click this button to validate the KPI definition entered in the Definition field. If the syntax is not valid, you must change it until it is valid.

Display Options Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



Click the Lookup button to select the currency for amounts displayed in the KPI grid row.