Lifecycle Task Management

If you edit this topic, review Monitoring Task Management.

Menu Path: Product Lifecycle Management Images\bluerarw.gif Processing Images\bluerarw.gif Lifecycle Task Management


View and manage product lifecycle management tasks and alerts.


Use Lifecycle Task Management to view product lifecycle management tasks assigned to your product lifecycle management team(s) and to view alerts for tasks.

Note Alerts are generated based on alert rules set up in Lifecycle Rule Entry.

Lifecycle Task Management also enables you to update data for the tasks and/or mark tasks as completed.

You can select to view tasks and alerts based on status or review status. You can filter displayed tasks by product lifecycle management team, alert rule, workflow type, workflow level, task name, reference number, or a range of dates. Additionally, you can filter by criteria specific to a selected workflow type and workflow level.

Managing Product Lifecycle Management Tasks

To manage product lifecycle management tasks:

  1. If you want to only review open tasks and alerts, skip to step 4. If you want to specify task and/or alert statuses to review, clear the All Open Items check box.

  2. Select whether you want to view tasks and/or alerts, and tasks with and/or without alerts.

  3. Select the status of tasks and/or alerts to display.

  4. If you want to display all the individual tasks (instead of the tabs/sections), select the Detail radio button.

  5. Select whether you want to display reviewed or unreviewed tasks.

  6. Select filter criteria for the tasks you want to display.

  7. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays the tasks that meet the criteria you selected in steps 1 to 6.

  8. Perform data entry for displayed tasks. If you selected the Detail radio button in step 4, click the Update button in the ribbon, enter data, and click the OK button in the ribbon to save the data.  If you did not select the Detail radio button, double-click each task for which you want to enter data, and enter data in Lifecycle Task Completion.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Lifecycle Task Management window.

Show Data

Click this button to display task information on the Results tab based on the criteria selected on the Selection tab.


Click this button to update task data and/or statuses on the Results tab. This button is only available if you select the Detail radio button on the Selection tab.


Click this button to save changes to updated task data/statuses. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.


Click this button to cancel any changes you have made to task data/statuses. This button is only available after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

Data Entry Tab

Click this button to display Lifecycle Data Entry, which allows you to perform data entry for the selected task. This button is only available if you selected the Detail radio button on the Selection tab, the Results tab is displayed, and you have not clicked the Update button in the ribbon.

Selection Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All Open Items

Select this check box to display both open tasks and open alerts. This check box is selected by default.


Select one of the following options:

  • Tasks With Alerts - Display only tasks that are associated with alerts.

  • Tasks Without Alerts - Display only tasks that are not associated with alerts. If you select this option, the Tasks/Alerts Display, Alert Status, and Reviewed radio buttons are disabled.

  • Both - Display both tasks that are and are not associated with alerts.

These radio buttons are only enabled if you clear the All Open Items check box and select the Tasks Only or Both radio button for the Tasks/Alerts Display option.

Tasks/Alerts Display

Select one of the following options:

  • Tasks Only - Display only task information. If you select this option, the Alert Status and Reviewed radio buttons are disabled.

  • Alerts Only - Display only alert information. Alert information includes information on tasks associated with the alerts. If you select this option, the Tasks With Alerts radio button is automatically selected, and the Display and Task Status radio buttons are disabled.

  • Both - Display both task and alert information.

These radio buttons are only enabled if you clear the All Open Items check box and select the Tasks With Alerts or Both radio button for the Display option.

Task Status

Select whether to display open, completed, or both open and completed tasks. These radio buttons are only enabled if you clear the All Open Items check box and select the Tasks Only or Both radio button for the Tasks/Alerts Display option.

Alert Status

Select whether to display open, closed, or both open and closed alerts. These radio buttons are only enabled if you clear the All Open Items check box, select the Tasks With Alerts or Both radio button for the Display option, and select the Alerts Only or Both radio button for the Tasks/Alerts Display option.


Select one of the following display options for data on the Results tab.

  • Summary - Display sections and/or tabs instead of individual tasks.

  • Detail - Display individual tasks that are included on sections/tabs.

If you select the Detail radio button, you can update task data and/or statuses directly in the Tasks grid on the Results tab.


Select whether to display reviewed, unreviewed, or both reviewed and unreviewed alerts. These radio buttons are only enabled if you select the All Open Items check box, or if you select the Tasks With Alerts or Both radio button for the Display option, and select the Alerts Only or Both radio button for the Tasks/Alerts Display option.

All (Product Lifecycle Management Teams)

Select this check box to display tasks or alerts assigned to all product lifecycle management teams. This check box is selected by default.


Enter a product lifecycle management team to display tasks or alerts assigned to the team, or click the Lookup button to select a team. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Lifecycle Management Teams) check box.

Name (Product Lifecycle Management Team)

Enter a product lifecycle management team name to display tasks or alerts assigned to the team, or click the Lookup button to select a team name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Lifecycle Management Teams) check box.

List (Product Lifecycle Management Teams)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product lifecycle management teams for which to display assigned tasks. After you select workflow teams, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only available if you clear the All (Product Lifecycle Management Teams) check box.

All (Assigned Users)

Select this check box to display tasks assigned to all users. This check box is selected by default.

Assigned User

Enter a user to display tasks assigned to the user, or click the Lookup button to select a user. This field is only enabled if the All (Assigned Users) check box is cleared.

Name (Assigned User)

Enter a user name to display tasks assigned to the user, or click the Lookup button to select a user name. This field is only enabled if the All (Assigned Users) check box is cleared.

List (Assigned Users)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select users for which to display assigned tasks. After you select users, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only available if you clear the All (Assigned Users) check box.

All (Alert Rules)

Select this check box to display tasks created for all alert rules. This check box is selected by default.

Alert Rule

Enter an alert rule for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a alert rule. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Alert Rules) check box.

List (Alert Rules)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select alert rules for which to display tasks. After you select alert rules, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only available if you clear the All (Alert Rules) check box.

All (Workflow Types)

Select this check box to display tasks for all workflow types. This check box is selected by default.

Workflow Type

Enter a workflow type for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a workflow type. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Workflow Types) check box.

List (Workflow Types)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select workflow types for which to display tasks. After you select workflow types, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only available if you clear the All (Workflow Types) check box.

All (Workflow Levels)

Select this check box to display tasks for all workflow levels. This check box is selected by default, and only enabled if you clear the All (Workflow Types) check box.

Workflow Level

Enter a workflow level for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a workflow level. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Workflow Levels) check box.

List (Workflow Levels)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select workflow levels for which to display tasks. After you select workflow levels, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Workflow Levels) check box.

All (Tasks)

Select this check box to display all tasks that meet the filter criteria. This check box is selected by default, and only enabled if you clear the All (Workflow Levels) check box.


Enter a task to display, or click the Lookup button to select a task. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Tasks) check box.

List (Tasks)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select tasks to display. After you select tasks, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Tasks) check box.

All (Reference Numbers)

Select this check box to display tasks for all reference numbers (product codes, product lines, etc.). This check box is selected by default, and only enabled if you clear the All (Workflow Types) check box.

Reference Number

Enter a reference number (product code, product line, etc.) for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a reference number. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Reference Numbers) check box.

List (Reference Numbers)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select reference numbers for which to display tasks. After you select reference numbers, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Reference Numbers) check box.

All (Definition Codes)

Select this check box to display tasks for all workflow definition codes. This check box is selected by default, and only enabled if you clear the All (Workflow Levels) check box.

Definition Code

Enter a workflow definition code for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a workflow definition code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Definition Codes) check box.

List (Definition Codes)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select workflow definition codes for which to display tasks. After you select workflow definition codes, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Definition Codes) check box.

All (Categories)

Select this check box to display tasks for all product categories. This check box is selected by default, and only available if you enter Product Project in the Workflow Type field and Product in the Workflow Level field.


Enter a product category for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product category. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Categories) check box.

List (Categories)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product categories for which to display tasks. After you select product categories, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Categories) check box.

All (Subcategories)

Select this check box to display tasks for all product subcategories. This check box is selected by default, only available if you enter Product Project in the Workflow Type field and Product in the Workflow Level field, and only enabled if you clear the All (Categories) check box.


Enter a product subcategory for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product subcategory. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Subcategories) check box.

List (Subcategories)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product subcategories for which to display tasks. After you select product subcategories, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Subcategories) check box.

All (Reminder Dates)

Select this check box to display tasks for all reminder dates. This check box is cleared by default.

Start Date

Enter the first date in a range of dates for which to display tasks, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date from a calendar. This field is only enabled if the All (Reminder Dates) check box is cleared.

End Date

Enter the last date in a range of dates for which to display tasks, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date from a calendar. This field is only enabled if the All (Dates) check box is cleared.

Additional Filters Tab Fields and Buttons

Note The available options on this tab depend on the settings you select on the Selection tab.

Field or Button


All (Harmonization Codes)

Select this check box to display tasks for all harmonization codes. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.

Harmonization Code

Enter a harmonization code for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a harmonization code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Harmonization Codes) check box.

List (Harmonization Codes)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select harmonization codes for which to display tasks. After you select harmonization codes, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Harmonization Codes) check box.

All (Product Categories)

Select this check box to display tasks for all product categories. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.


Enter a product category for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product category. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Categories) check box.

List (Product Categories)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product categories for which to display tasks. After you select product categories, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Categories) check box.

All (Product Subcategories)

Select this check box to display tasks for all product subcategories. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.


Enter a product subcategory for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product subcategory. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Subcategories) check box.

List (Product Subcategories)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product subcategories for which to display tasks. After you select product subcategories, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Subcategories) check box.

All (Products)

Select this check box to display tasks for all products. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.

Product Code

Enter a product code for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Products) check box.

Product Name

Enter a product name for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Products) check box.

List (Products)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select products for which to display tasks. After you select products, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Products) check box.

All (Product Lines)

Select this check box to display tasks for all product lines. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.

Product Line Code

Enter a product line code for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product line code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Lines) check box.

Product Line Name

Enter a product line name for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product line name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Lines) check box.

List (Product Lines)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product lines for which to display tasks. After you select product lines, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Lines) check box.

All (Product Styles)

Select this check box to display tasks for all product styles. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.

Product Style

Enter a product style for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a product style. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Styles) check box.

List (Product Styles)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product styles for which to display tasks. After you select product styles, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Styles) check box.

All (Colors)

Select this check box to display tasks for all product colors. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.

Color Code

Enter a color code for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a color code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Colors) check box.

Color Name

Enter a color name for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a color name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Colors) check box.

List (Colors)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product colors for which to display tasks. After you select product colors, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Colors) check box.

All (Sizes)

Select this check box to display tasks for all product sizes. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.

Size Code

Enter a size code for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a size code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Sizes) check box.

Size Name

Enter a size name for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a size name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Sizes) check box.

List (Sizes)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select product sizes for which to display tasks. After you select product sizes, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Product Sizes) check box.

All (Price Classes)

Select this check box to display tasks for all price classes. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.

Price Class

Enter a price class for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a price class. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Price Classes) check box.

List (Price Classes)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select price classes for which to display tasks. After you select price classes, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Price Classes) check box.

All (Family Price Codes)

Select this check box to display tasks for all family price codes. This check box is selected by default, and only available for applicable workflow levels.

Family Price Code

Enter a family price code for which to display tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a family price code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All (Family Price Codes) check box.

List (Family Price Codes)

Click this button to display Lifecycle Rule Value List Selection, which allows you to select family price codes for which to display tasks. After you select family price codes, the check box to the right of this button is selected. This button is only enabled if you clear the All (Family Price Codes) check box.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays task information after you click the Show Data button in the ribbon.

Note Depending on the options selected on the Selection tab, this grid may include rows for tasks and/or alerts. Alert rows include both alert and task information.

You can view summary or detail task information in this grid. If you are viewing summary information, you can double-click a task to display Lifecycle Task Completion, which allows you to perform data entry for a task and/or mark a task as completed. If you are viewing detail information, you can click the Update button in the ribbon to allow you to update the task data and status directly in the grid, double-click a row to display Lifecycle Audit Trail Inquiry, or you can click the Data Entry Tab button in the ribbon to enter task data.

This grid includes the following columns:

  • Workflow Type - This column displays the workflow type for each task/alert.

  • Workflow Level - This column displays the workflow level for each task/alert.

  • Definition Code - This column displays the workflow definition code for each task/alert.

  • Workflow ID - This column displays the workflow ID number for each task/alert.

  • Workflow Description - This column displays the workflow description for each task/alert.

  • Reference # - This column displays the reference number for each task (such as a product code).

  • Task - This column displays the task name for each task.

  • Sequence - This column displays the display sequence for each task. This column is only available if you select the Detail radio button on the Selection tab.

  • Value - If you click the Update button in the ribbon, you can enter a value for each task in this column. For grid tasks, this column displays a value of Grid. You can double-click this cell for a grid task to display Lifecycle Task Completion, which enables you to enter values for the grid.

  • Completed - If you click the Update button in the ribbon, you can select the check box in this column for completed tasks and the check box is selected automatically if you enter a value in the Value column.

  • Task Status - This column displays the status of each task.

  • Assigned to Team - If you click the Update button in the ribbon, you can enter the product lifecycle management team assigned to each task, or double-click to select a team.

  • Assigned User - If you click the Update button in the ribbon, you can enter the user assigned to each task, or double-click to select a user.

  • User Type - This grid column displays the type of user (Supplier Portal or Apprise) that is assigned to each task.

  • Reminder Date - This column displays the reminder date for each task. You can filter by this date on the Selection tab. You can also update this date after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

  • Alert Rule - This column displays the alert rule for the tasks. You can filter by alert rules on the Selection tab.

  • Alert Description - This column displays the description of each alert rule.

  • Reviewed - The check box in this column is selected for reviewed tasks.

  • Alert Closed - The check box in this column is selected if the alert is closed. You can select this check box to close the alert associated with a task after you click the Update button in the ribbon.

  • Project Name - This column displays the project name for each task/alert.

  • Category - This column displays the product category for each task/alert. This column only applies to product project/product workflows.

  • Subcategory - This column displays the product subcategory for each task/alert. This column only applies to product project/product workflows.

  • Status Note - Enter additional information for each task.


This field displays the total number of displayed tasks.