General Ledger Account Resolution

Account resolution is used to construct a valid general ledger account from multiple possible sources. Many of the Customer Service and Purchasing module setup windows require you to enter account masks, and these account masks are joined together to form the full general ledger account for transactions. For more information on account resolution, see the following topics:

Overview and Hierarchy of Account Resolution

Many modules interface with the General Ledger module. This interface is very flexible. The following describes how this flexibility can be used to control posting to the general ledger.

Each time a posting is made to the General Ledger module, the system uses a hierarchical generation of the general ledger account code.

For example, the general ledger account resolution is required when the general ledger structure requires a division, which corresponds to the inventory location that does the shipping. In addition, products that are shipped have a different inventory and sales general ledger account based on the shipping location.

Example The inventory hierarchy is set up, as shown below:

Type of Mask



G/L Code


XX is the shipping location division. YYYY is the account number part of the general ledger code.



11000 represents the inventory general ledger code.



In this example, the sales order is not used to resolve the inventory general ledger code.



01 is the location that ships the inventory.

The final result is 01-110000.

Order of Resolution

The order of resolution for general ledger accounts is set up for each module. For details, see Account Resolution Order. Depending on the process involved, different business transactions use different resolution parameters.

Example Stock adjustments use only the inventory and inventory adjustment expense parameters, while invoicing uses accounts receivable, sales, additional charges, etc.

The following table lists the masks for an inventory adjustment (write off inventory).

Type of Mask



G/L structure


XX is the shipping location division. YYYYY is the account number part of the general ledger code. ZZZ is an area.



22000 represents the inventory write-off general ledger code.



11000 represents the inventory general ledger code.



01 is the location that ships the inventory. 010 is the West Coast area associated with this location.

The final result is 01-010-22000. Notice that the product mask was not used because it was superseded by the adjustment code.

The following table lists the masks for sales for a location with a cost center.

Type of Mask



G/L structure


XX is the shipping location division. YYYYY is the account number part of the general ledger code. ZZZ is a cost center.



11000 represents the inventory general ledger code.



100 represents the cost center for this type of order class.



01 is the location that ships the inventory.

The final result is 01-100-11000. Notice that the product mask was used.

For more information, see General Ledger Resolution FAQ.