Price Change Reason Code and Comments

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To use Price Change Reason Code and Comments, change the price of a product in O/E Line Item Entry.

Note This window only appears if a price change reason is required. For more information, see Price Change Reason Code FAQ.


Enter a price change reason code and comments for a price change.


Use Price Change Reason Code and Comments to specify a price change reason code when changing pricing during order entry. You can also enter comments to explain the reason you are changing the price. For information on setting up price change reason codes, see Price Change Reason Maintenance.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Price Change Reason Code and Comments window.


Click this button to save the price change reason code and comments for the price change.

Main Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Reason Code

Enter a price change reason code, or click the Lookup button to select a price change reason code. For information on setting up price change reason codes, see Price Change Reason Maintenance.


Enter comments to explain the price change.