Importing EDI 820 Transactions

If your customers transmit payment remittance information via EDI 820 transactions, you can set up Apprise to automatically import deposit and payment information from the 820 transaction data.

To set up the system for 820 processing:

  1. In Deposit and Payment Import Maintenance, set up a deposit and payment import format for each bank for which you want to import transactions.

    1. Click the New button in the ribbon, and leave the Bank, Deposit & Payment Application, and Excel radio buttons selected.

    2. Enter the bank account for which you will import deposits in the Bank Account field.

    3. Enter an ID for the import format in the Format ID field.

    4. Enter values in the Column Letter fields as follows:


Column Letter

Payment Amount


Payment ID


Payment Date




Bank Account #


Reference #




Credit Amount


Discount Amount


Store ID


PO #


Cust CB Reason Code


Billing Customer Code


    1. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

  1. In EDI Trading Partner Maintenance, for each trading partner from which you will receive 820 transactions, set up 820 transactions.

    1. Select a trading partner, and click the Update button in the ribbon.

    2. Click the Forms tab.

    3. Double-click 820 in the Available Forms grid. 820 appears in the Selected Forms grid.

    4. If you want deposit/payment import files generated automatically as soon as 820 transactions are received, select the check box in the Auto Import column for 820 in the Selected Forms grid.

    5. Click the ETM Forms tab.

    6. Click the New button.

    7. Enter the 820 transaction information.

    8. Enter a file name prefix to identify the trading partner for deposit/payment import files generated from 820 transactions in the 820 Import File Prefix field. Generated deposit/payment import files are named with this prefix, followed by the date, a three-digit sequential number, and the .csv file extension.

    9. Enter a valid folder path into which to generate the deposit/payment import files in the 820 Import File Path field.

    10. Click the OK button. The form information is updated.

    11. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save the trading partner. The trading partner information is updated.

    12. Click the OK button.

After the setup steps are performed, you can process incoming EDI 820 transactions.

To process EDI 820 transactions:

  1. In EDI Receive Process, receive the 820 transactions into Apprise. This should be scheduled to occur automatically using Scheduling Assistant. If 820 transactions are automatically set up to import, 820 data is converted to deposit/payment import CSV files, and you can skip to step 3.

  2. In EDI Task Management, process received 820 transactions.

    1. Select transaction filter criteria on the Select tab.

    2. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. Transactions display on the Results tab.

    3. Select the check box in the Select column for each received 820 transaction.

    4. Click the Process button in the ribbon. The 820 data is converted to deposit/payment import CSV files.

  3. Review the generated deposit/payment import files to ensure the data is correct.

  4. In Deposit Entry, import deposits and payments.

    1. Verify the deposit batch information is correct.

    2. Enter the deposit/payment import format ID in the Format ID field.

    3. Click the Import button in the ribbon.

    4. Click the Lookup button for the Import File field.

    5. Navigate to and select the import file generated in step 2.

    6. If you want to allow differences between the imported deposit amount and the sum of resolved payment application amounts, select the Allow Import When Applications do not Equal Deposit Total check box. If you select this check box, an on-account transaction is created if the deposit is greater than the payment applications, or a chargeback is created if the payment applications are greater than the deposit.

    7. Click the Import button in the ribbon.