Setting Up WMS Integration

Apprise includes functionality to integrate with a third-party WMS if your company uses one for warehouse and inventory management. Integration is set up in Apprise for each location in Location Maintenance. To set up the integration:

  1. In Location Maintenance, select a location that you want to integrate with a WMS.

  2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

  3. Select the Use External WMS check box. The WMS tab appears.

  4. Click the WMS tab.

  5. Enter a folder in which to store files exported from Apprise for the WMS in the Default Export Directory field.

  6. Enter a folder in which to store files that were imported into the WMS in the Default Export Archive Directory field.

  7. Click the Lookup button for the Default Export Method field and select WMS (or API if you will be exporting via a custom program that uses an Apprise API).

  8. If you do not want pick demands to be output (printed, emailed, etc.) when exporting pick demands to the WMS, select the Skip Printing Pick Demand for WMS check box.

  9. If you do not want work orders to be output (printed, emailed, etc.) when exporting material issues to the WMS, select the Skip Printing Material Issue for WMS check box.

  10. If you do not want product information exported when product information is imported, select the Skip Exporting Products for Imports check box.

  11. Enter a file prefix for exported files in the Primary Export File Prefix field.

  12. Enter a file extension for exported files in the Export File Extension field (e.g., txt).

  13. Enter a delimiter character for exported files in the Export File Delimiter field (e.g., ^).

  14. In the grid in the Export section, select the check box in the Enable column for each transaction you want to export to the WMS. Enter a file prefix to identify data for each transaction in the Secondary Export File Prefix column. You can also optionally override the default export settings entered in steps 5-7 for each transaction.

NOTE The file name for exported files is the file prefix entered in step 11, an underscore, the secondary prefix entered in step 14 (for the transaction), an underscore, the date of the export, an underscore, the time of the export, a period, and the file extension entered in step 12.

  1. Enter a folder in which to store files exported from the WMS to Apprise in the Default Import Directory field.

  2. Enter a folder in which to store files that were imported into Apprise in the Default Import Archive Directory field.

  3. Enter the default file type for imported files in the Default Import File Type field.

  4. If you want to send email when data was not imported and/or there is a quantity-on-hand discrepancy, select the Send Error Email and/or Send Email When Qoh Comparison Has Discrepancy check boxes, and then enter an email address and subject for each type of email you want to send.

  5. In the grid in the Import section, select the check box in the Enable column for each transaction you want to import from the WMS. You can also optionally override the default import settings entered in steps 15-17 for each transaction.

  6. Click the OK button to save the changes. The location is updated. Data is now automatically exported to the WMS for transactions based on the location's export settings, and data from the WMS can be imported into Apprise in WMS Import based on the location's import settings.

  7. In WMS Import, set up a Scheduling Assistant task to import data into Apprise on a scheduled basis.