Accounts Receivable Prepayment Process Flow

If your customers provide you with payments for products before the products are shipped and invoiced, you can record these payments as prepayments in Apprise, and then associate the prepayments with the appropriate quotes or sales orders.

Note A single prepayment can be associated with one or more orders.

After each sales order is invoiced, the prepayment and the invoice must both be cleared by performing the process described below.

If you want to track prepayment amounts in a specific general ledger account for prepayments, enter the account in the AR Prepayment Account field in Accounts Receivable Control Maintenance.

If you want the system to generate prepayment invoice reminder collection tasks to indicate when invoiced orders and prepayments are ready to be cleared, select the Create Prepayment Invoice Reminder Tasks check box in Customer Collection Rule Maintenance or for the customer's group/division in Group Collection Rule Maintenance.

To process an accounts receivable prepayment:

  1. In Deposit Entry, enter a deposit for the prepayment.

  2. In Customer Prepayment Entry, associate the prepayment with sales orders. If you need to later make changes, you can use Customer Prepayment Management. After the sales orders are invoiced, continue to the next step.

  3. In Open Item Apply and Resolve, apply the prepayment transaction and the invoice transaction(s). This clears all the transactions.