Customer Prepayment Entry

Menu Path: None

To use Customer Prepayment Entry, click the Link Prepayment Orders button in the ribbon in Deposit Entry.

Note This button is only available if you select a prepayment in the Payments grid.


Associate sales orders with a prepayment.


Use Customer Prepayment Entry to specify prepayment amounts that are associated with specific sales orders. For information on processing accounts receivable prepayments, see Accounts Receivable Prepayment Process Flow.

Associating Orders with Prepayments

To associate orders with a prepayment:

  1. Enter a customer code or name for an order you want to associate with the prepayment in the Customer Code or Name field. If you will be associating multiple orders for the same customer, select the Retain Customer check box.

  2. Enter an order number you want to associate with the prepayment in the Order Number field.

  3. If you want to change the amount of the prepayment applied to the order, enter the amount in the Prepayment Amount field.

  4. Click the Add button.

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for all orders you want to associate with the prepayment. The Balance field should display a zero amount when you have fully applied the prepayment to orders.

  6. Click the OK button in the ribbon.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to save the linked orders and close the Customer Prepayment Entry window. If there is an undistributed amount, the Question dialog box appears and asks if you want to continue. If you click the Yes button, an open item is created for the undistributed amount.


Click this button to close the Customer Prepayment Entry window without saving changes.

Order Relationship Inquiry

Click this button to display Order Relationship Inquiry, which allows you to view pick demands and invoices for the selected order.

Order Detail

Click this button to display Order Edit, which allows you to view detailed information for the selected order.

Note If you are not authorized to use Order Edit, Order Entry appears instead, and allows you to view and update information for the selected order. If you are not authorized to use Order Edit or Order Entry, Order Inquiry appears instead, and allows you to view order information for the selected order.


Click this button to display Notes Entry, which allows you to view and enter notes for the prepayment.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Batch #

This field displays the batch for the prepayment.


This field displays the description of the batch for the prepayment.


The field displays the number of deposits in the batch.


This field displays the total deposit amount in the currency selected.


This field displays the currency of the prepayment.

Cash Account

This field displays the bank account for the prepayment.


This field displays the accounting period for the prepayment.


This field displays the accounting year for the prepayment.

Deposit Date

This field displays the date the deposit was recorded by the bank or financial institution.

Payment ID

This field displays the check number or payment identification number associated with the prepayment.

Customer Code/Name

These fields displays the customer code and name associated with the prepayment.


This field displays the prepayment amount (in the batch currency).

Payment Date

This field displays the prepayment date (the date the payment was received).

Prepayment Ref #

This field displays the reference number created for the prepayment.

Customer Code

Enter the customer code of the customer that made an order you want to select for the prepayment, or click the Lookup button to select a customer code.

Note The paying customer for this customer must be the customer entered for the prepayment.


Enter the customer name of the customer that made an order you want to select for the prepayment, or click the Lookup button to select a customer name.

Note The paying customer for this customer must be the customer entered for the prepayment.

Retain Customer

Select this check box to retain the customer code and name in the Customer Code and Name fields after entering a sales order so that you can enter multiple sales orders for the same customer.

Order Number

Enter the order number of an order you want to associate with the prepayment, or click the Lookup button to select an order number.

Note This typically is an open order, but you can manually enter a closed order if necessary.

Prepayment Amount

Enter the prepayment amount for the order. This defaults to the amount of the order entered in the Order Number field, or if it is less, the balance of the prepayment that has not been applied to orders. The prepayment amount must be less than or equal to the balance of the prepayment that has not yet been applied to orders.


Click this button to associate the order with the prepayment.


Click this button to remove the selected open item in the Open Items grid.

Open Items

This grid displays orders and open items associated with the prepayment. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Customer Name - This column displays the name of the customer for each order associated with the prepayment.

  • Customer Code - This column displays the customer code for each order associated with the prepayment.

  • Ref # - This column displays the reference number created for the prepayment and each order.

  • Prepayment Amount - This column displays the amount of the prepayment in the currency of the batch.

  • Unapplied Amount - This column displays the amount of the prepayment that has not yet been applied.

  • Order Number - This column displays each order number associated with the prepayment.

  • Seq - This column displays the entered sequence of each order associated with the prepayment.

  • Order Amount (Payment Currency) - This column displays the amount of each order in the currency of the prepayment.

  • Payment Currency - This column displays the currency of the prepayment.

  • Order Amount (Entered Currency) - This column displays the order amount of each order in the currency of the order.

  • Order Currency - This column displays the currency of each order.

  • Customer PO # - This column displays the customer purchase order associated with each order.

  • Order Date - This column displays the order date for each order.

  • Required Date - This column displays the required date for each order.

  • Order Class - This column displays the order class for each order.

  • Order Status - This column displays the status of each order.

  • Order Type - This column displays the type of each order.

  • Billing Customer Code - This column displays the billing customer code for each order.

  • Billing Customer Name - This column displays the billing customer name for each order.

  • Order Payment Terms - This column displays the payment terms for each order.

  • Invoice Number - This column displays the first invoice number for each order.

  • Original Order Number - This column displays the original quote order number for each order (if applicable).

To change a prepayment amount associated with an order, double-click the prepayment, change the amount, then click the Add button to re-enter the changed prepayment information.


This field displays the remaining balance of the prepayment that has not yet been applied to sales orders.