Scorecard Analysis

Menu Path: Profitability Scorecards Images\bluerarw.gif Analysis Images\bluerarw.gif Scorecard Analysis


Analyze profitability for a specific billing customer, product, or supplier.


Use Scorecard Analysis to display customer, product, and supplier profitability trends for a specific billing customer, product, or supplier. To display profitability for an entire scorecard profit group, use Scorecard Management Analysis instead.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Scorecard Analysis window.

Show Data

Click this button to display data on the Results tab based on the criteria selected on the Selection tab and the trend settings on the Trend Sensitivity tab.

Restore Defaults

Click this button to restore all the default settings in the Trend Sensitivity grid. This button is only available if you click the Trend Sensitivity tab.

Selection Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Profit Type

Select whether to display customer, product, or supplier profitability data.

Profit Group Code

Enter a scorecard profit group code for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a scorecard profit group code. For information on setting up scorecard profit groups, see Scorecard Profit Group Maintenance.

Name (Profit Group)

Enter a scorecard profit group name for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a scorecard profit group name. For information on setting up scorecard profit groups, see Scorecard Profit Group Maintenance.

Billing Customer Code/Product Code/Supplier Code

Enter a billing customer, product, or supplier code for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a billing customer, product, or supplier code.

Name (Billing Customer/Product/Supplier)

Enter a billing customer, product, or supplier name for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a billing customer, product, or supplier name.

Time Frame

Select whether to display data for months or periods.

Summarize Results

Select this check box to only display summary data. This check box is selected by default. For detailed analysis, clear this check box.

Starting Month/Period

Enter the first month in a range of dates for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a month or period.

Year (Starting)

Click the Lookup button to select the first year in a range of years for which to display data.

Ending Month/Period

Enter the last month in a range of dates for which to display data, or click the Lookup button to select a month or period.

Year (Ending)

Click the Lookup button to select the last year in a range of years for which to display data.

Months/Periods per Column

Enter the number of months to display per column. This defaults to 1.

Trend Sensitivity Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Trend Sensitivity

This grid displays profit categories and subcategories and allows you to configure how trends are highlighted on the Results tab. You can set data to display in a color for both increasing and decreasing percentages to draw attention to important trends.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays the billing customer, product, or supplier scorecard based on the selected criteria. You can change settings on the Trend Sensitivity tab to highlight trends. You can double-click to display data in Scorecard Detail Inquiry. You can change the display order of scorecard profit categories in Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

The Scorecard Revenue row displays totals for subcategories for which Revenue is entered as the profit subcategory type in Scorecard Profit Category Maintenance.

The Scorecard Profit row displays the total profit for all categories.

The Scorecard Profit Percent row displays the percentage of scorecard profit, which is equal to the Scorecard Profit row divided by the Scorecard Revenue row.

The Open Unresolved Chargebacks and Open Resolved Chargebacks rows display unresolved and resolved chargebacks for which a write-off, credit memo, or payment are not yet entered. These rows only are available in this grid if the Display open chargebacks on the scorecard check box is selected on the Accounts Receivable tab in Scorecard Control Maintenance.

Note You cannot graph data in this grid.