Supplier Portal Task Management

Menu Path: Portals Images\bluerarw.gif Supplier Portal Images\bluerarw.gif Supplier Portal Task Management


Manage supplier portal tasks.


Use Supplier Portal Task Management to review supplier portal tasks, which are created when supplier portal users update data in supplier portal sites.

Note Tasks are only created for a supplier portal user if the user or the user's role are set up to create the tasks.

Managing Supplier Portal Tasks

To manage supplier portal tasks:

  1. Select filter criteria for the tasks you want to review.

  2. Click the Show Data button in the ribbon. The Results tab displays the tasks that meet the criteria you selected in step 1.

  3. Review each task, and select the check box in the Reviewed column. If you need to make changes to the data associated with a task, select the task, and then click the appropriate ribbon button.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Supplier Portal Task Management window.

Show Data

Click this button to display data on the Results tab based on selected criteria.

Purchase Order

Click this button to display Purchase Order Maintenance, which allows you to update purchase order information for a selected supplier portal task.

Container Management

Click this button to display Container Management, which allows you to update container information for a selected supplier portal task.

Shipment Management

Click this button to display Shipment Management, which allows you to update shipment information for a selected supplier portal task.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


All Sites

Select this check box to display supplier portal tasks for all supplier portal sites. This check box is selected by default.

Site ID

Enter a supplier portal site ID for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier portal site ID. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Sites check box.

Site Name

Enter a supplier portal site name for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier portal site name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Sites check box.

List (Sites)

Click this button to display Site List, which allows you to select specific supplier portal sites for which to display supplier portal tasks. This button is only enabled if you clear the All Sites check box. If you click this button and select supplier portal sites, the check box to the right of the button is selected.

All Suppliers

Select this check box to display supplier portal tasks for all suppliers. This check box is selected by default.

Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier code. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Suppliers check box.

Supplier Name

Enter a supplier name for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Suppliers check box.

List (Suppliers)

Click this button to display Supplier List, which allows you to select specific suppliers for which to display supplier portal tasks. This button is only enabled if you clear the All Suppliers check box. If you click this button and select suppliers, the check box to the right of the button is selected.

All Shippers

Select this check box to display supplier portal tasks for all shippers. This check box is selected by default.


Enter a shipper for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a shipper. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Shippers check box.

List (Shippers)

Click this button to display Shipper List, which allows you to select specific shippers for which to display supplier portal tasks. This button is only enabled if you clear the All Shippers check box. If you click this button and select shippers, the check box to the right of the button is selected.

All Roles

Select this check box to display supplier portal tasks for all supplier portal roles. This check box is selected by default, and is only enabled if you enter a supplier portal site ID or name in the Site ID or Site Name field.


Enter a supplier portal role for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier portal role. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Roles check box.

List (Roles)

Click this button to display Role List, which allows you to select specific supplier portal roles for which to display supplier portal tasks. This button is only enabled if you clear the All Roles check box. If you click this button and select supplier portal roles, the check box to the right of the button is selected.

All Portal Users

Select this check box to display supplier portal tasks for all supplier portal users. This check box is selected by default.

User Name

Enter a supplier portal user name for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a supplier portal user name. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Portal Users check box.

List (Portal Users)

Click this button to display Portal User List, which allows you to select specific supplier portal users for which to display supplier portal tasks. This button is only enabled if you clear the All Portal Users check box. If you click this button and select supplier portal users, the check box to the right of the button is selected.

All Dates

Select this check box to display supplier portal tasks created on all dates. This check box is selected by default.


Enter the first date in a range of dates for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.


Enter the last date in a range of dates for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the drop-down arrow to select a date.

All Transactions

Select this check box to display supplier portal tasks for all transaction types. This check box is selected by default.

Transaction Type

Click the Lookup button to select a transaction type for which to display supplier portal tasks. The Lookup button is only enabled if you clear the All Transactions check box.

List (Transaction Types)

Click this button to display Transaction List, which allows you to select specific transaction types for which to display supplier portal tasks. This button is only enabled if you clear the All Transactions check box. If you click this button and select transaction types, the check box to the right of the button is selected.

All Task Types

Select this check box to display supplier portal tasks for all task types. This check box is selected by default.

Task Type

Enter a task type for which to display supplier portal tasks, or click the Lookup button to select a task type. This field is only enabled if you clear the All Task Types check box.

List (Task Types)

Click this button to display Task Type List, which allows you to select specific task types for which to display supplier portal tasks. This button is only enabled if you clear the All Task Types check box. If you click this button and select task types, the check box to the right of the button is selected.


Select whether to display supplier portal tasks that have not been reviewed, that have been reviewed, or both tasks that have and have not been reviewed.

Results Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button



This grid displays supplier portal tasks based on the criteria selected on the Select tab. You can select the check box in the Reviewed column for a task if you want to mark it reviewed.