Unrelated Customer Payment Inquiry

Menu Path: None

To use Unrelated Customer Payment Inquiry, perform one of the following:


View unrelated customer type payments.


Use Unrelated Customer Payment Inquiry to view information for unrelated customer type payments.

Ribbon Home Tab Buttons




Click this button to close the Unrelated Customer Payment Inquiry window.


Click this button to display Remark Entry, which allows you to view remarks for a selected payment.

Select Tab Fields and Buttons

Field or Button


Batch #

This field displays the batch for the deposit.


This field displays the description of the batch.


The field displays the number of payments in this batch.


This field displays the total deposit amount in the currency selected.


This field displays the currency of the deposit.

Cash Account

This field displays the bank account for the deposit.


This field displays the accounting period for the deposit.


This field displays the accounting year for the deposit.

Deposit Date

This field displays the date the deposit was recorded by the bank or financial institution.

Payment ID

This field displays the check number or payment identification number associated with the payment.

Customer Code/Name

These fields displays the customer code and name associated with the payment.


This field displays the payment amount (in the batch currency).

Payment Date

This field displays the payment date (the date the payment was received).

Multi-Customer Ref #

This field displays the reference number created for the payment.

Customer Code

This field displays the customer code of the customer for a selected payment.


This field displays the customer name of the customer for a selected payment.

Apply Ref #

This field displays the reference number of the accounts receivable transaction to which the selected payment was applied.


This field displays the amount for the selected payment.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This button is disabled in this window.


This grid displays payments that have been entered in the current batch. This grid includes the following columns:

  • Customer Name - This column displays the name of the customer making the payment.

  • Customer Code - This column displays the customer code of the customer making the payment.

  • Ref # - This column displays the reference number created for the payment. Every payment first becomes a reference type of UP (unapplied payment) and has a prefix of UP.

  • Payment Amount - This column displays the amount of the payment in the currency of the batch.

  • Unapplied Amount - This column displays the amount of the payment that has not yet been applied.

  • Apply Ref # - This column displays a reference number associated with the payment.

  • Seq - This column displays the entered sequence of the prepayment.

To view the payment amount, customer, and any other information on a payment already entered, double-click the payment.


This field displays the amount of the deposit that is not yet applied to a customer.