Wireless Warehouse - Receipt Count Putaway

Wireless Warehouse receipt count putaway tasks are performed with a handheld device. When you perform a receipt count putaway task, the handheld appears, as follows:


Put away received products.


Use the receipt count putaway task to enter a license plate number after performing a receipt count. This task is self-initiated. You can enter the license plate number by scanning, or by manually typing it. After you enter the license plate number, a Wireless Warehouse - Putdown task is automatically created, and you immediately start working on that task. For more information on Wireless Warehouse receiving, see Wireless Warehouse Receiving Process Flow.

Performing the Task

To perform a receipt count putaway task:

  1. At the Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu, enter Initiate Task. The Initiate Task menu appears. For more information on this menu, see Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu.

  2. Enter Receipt Count Putaway. The receipt count putaway task screen appears.

  3. Scan or enter a license plate number to put away. You have completed the task, and the putdown task screen appears. For more information, see Wireless Warehouse - Putdown.




License Plate

Scan or enter the license plate number you want to put away.

Tools Menu

Menu Command



Select this option to return to the Initiate Task menu. For more information on the menu, see Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu.

Info Menu

Menu Command


User ID

Select this option to display your user ID.

Next Step

This option is not used for this task.