Wireless Warehouse Receiving Process Flow

You can use Wireless Warehouse to receive and count products as the products are unloaded from the truck.

To perform the process, use the following steps:

  1. Set up dock options for Wireless Warehouse receiving.

    1. In Dock Maintenance, select a dock for which you want to perform Wireless Warehouse receiving.

    2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

    3. In the Receipt Count Print Option field, select whether printed receipt count sheets are blank, contain only a list of expected products, or contain expected products and expected quantities.

    4. Select the Auto Create Putaway check box so that Wireless Warehouse receipt count putaway tasks are automatically created after products are received in Receiving Count Audit.

    5. If only part of the receiving process will be performed using Wireless Warehouse, select the Require License Plate in Non-Wireless check box. License plates are required to perform Wireless Warehouse receipt count putaway tasks.

    6. Select the Disable License Plate for Return Orders check box. Generally, return orders do not require license plates.

    7. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save the dock options. The dock options are updated.

    8. Repeat substeps a to g for all docks that will be used for Wireless Warehouse receiving.

  2. Allow users that will be counting with a handheld device to complete receipt counts.

    1. In User Profile Maintenance, select a user ID that you want to allow to complete receipt counts.

    2. Click the User Extended Options button in the ribbon.

    3. In User Extended Options, click the Update button in the ribbon.

    4. Click the Purchasing tab.

    5. Select the Can Complete Receipt Count check box.

    6. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The user ID is updated.

    7. Click the Exit button in the ribbon.

    8. Repeat substeps a to h for all users who you want to allow to complete receipt counts.

  3. Set up zone options for Wireless Warehouse receiving.

    1. In Zone Maintenance, select a zone in which receiving will occur, and click the Update button in the ribbon.

    2. Click the Task Options button in the ribbon.

    3. In Zone Task Options, verify that Receipt Count, Receipt Count Putaway, and Putdown are selected as task types for the zone.

    4. Set up options for the Receipt Count task type.

      1. Double-click Receipt Count in the Task Types grid to display receipt count task options.

      2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

      3. Select Handheld or Both in the Task Option field to allow Wireless Warehouse users to perform receipt count tasks.

      4. If you want receipt counts to be automatically assigned to users, select the Allow Auto Assign of Task Type check box.

      5. Enter a default priority for receipt count tasks in the Default Priority field. Zero is the highest priority and 999 is the lowest priority. Usually, you should not use zero as a priority, so that there is at least one higher priority number available.

      6. Select whether Wireless Warehouse users must scan each unit of products, or can enter a quantity when performing a task.

      7. Select whether Wireless Warehouse users must scan the bin and/or product when performing a task.

      8. Select whether license plate numbers are automatically generated, scanned for each product, or scanned for the first product on each pallet.

      9. Select the No Mixed Pallets check box if you do not want to allow users to enter two different products with the same license plate during the wireless receipt count process.

      10. If you want to allow duplicate serial numbers to be scanned, select the Allow Duplicate Serial # check box.

      11. If you want to require serial numbers to be scanned for products tracked by serial number, select the Disallow Product Code, UPC and GTIN in Serial # check box.

      12. If you want to allows users to create receipt count demands from the handheld device, select the Allow to Initiate Receipt Count check box.

      13. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save options for the receipt count task type.

    5. Set up options for the Receipt Count Putaway task type.

      1. Double-click Receipt Count Putaway in the Task Types grid to display receipt count putaway task options.

      2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

      3. Select Handheld or Both in the Task Option field to allow Wireless Warehouse users to perform receipt count putaway tasks.

      4. Select the Auto Print on Create check box if you want to automatically print the bin move demand when the task is created.

      5. Select an option in the Pick Bin Option radio set to indicate what to do when a user is not putting a product into the product's primary pick bin.

      6. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save options for the receipt count putaway task type.

    6. Set up options for the Putdown task type.

      1. Double-click Putdown in the Task Types grid to display putdown task options.

      2. Click the Update button in the ribbon.

      3. Select Handheld or Both in the Task Option field to allow Wireless Warehouse users to perform putdown tasks.

      4. If you want putdown tasks to be automatically assigned to users, select the Allow Auto Assign of Task Type check box.

      5. Enter a default priority for putdown tasks in the Default Priority field. Zero is the highest priority and 999 is the lowest priority. Usually, you should not use zero as a priority, so that there is at least one higher priority number available.

      6. Select whether Wireless Warehouse users must scan each unit of products, or can enter a quantity when performing a task.

      7. Select whether Wireless Warehouse users must scan the bin and/or product when performing a task.

      8. Select whether products are put down in the same order the products were received, in the reverse order, or in order by bin sequence number.

      9. Select the Allow Override Putdown Order check box if you want to allow users to put products down in the bin in an order other than the recommended order.

      10. Select the Allow All Product Putdown check box if you want to allow users to put down all products into bins without scanning each one.

      11. Select the Allow As Is check box if you want to allows users to put down all products in the recommended putaway bins without performing any scanning.

      12. Click the OK button in the ribbon to save options for the putdown task type.

    7. Click the Exit button in the ribbon.

    8. Repeat substeps a to g for all zones that will be used for Wireless Warehouse receiving.

  1. If receiving a purchase order or container from a supplier that issued an ASN, import the ASN in Receiving EDI Advanced Shipping Notice Import. This allows you to compare the quantities from the ASN and the receipt count in Receiving Count Audit.

  2. Create the receipt count task and count sheets. If receipt count tasks are allowed to be created from the handheld, see Wireless Warehouse - Receipt Count Create. Otherwise, perform the following steps:

    1. In Receiving Count Create, click the New button in the ribbon.

    2. Select a receiving location and dock in the Location and Dock fields.

    3. Select whether you are receiving products for a purchase order, container, or return.

    4. Enter the purchase order number, container number, or return order number in the Reference field.

    5. Click the Print Options tab.

    6. Select output and process options for the receipt count sheet.

    7. Click the OK button in the ribbon. The receipt count is created. The Question dialog box appears, and asks if you want to print the receipt count sheet.

    8. Click the Yes button. The count sheet prints and the receipt count Wireless Warehouse task is created.

    9. If more than one person will be performing the count, click the Create Additional Count Sheet button in the ribbon to print an extra count sheet. When you click this button, you are asked to confirm whether you want to create an additional Wireless Warehouse task for the extra count sheet. Click Yes to print the extra count sheet and create a second Wireless Warehouse task. You can repeat this process for as many count sheets as are needed.

Note You can also use the Create Additional Count Sheet button in the ribbon if the Wireless Warehouse task was cancelled in Warehouse Task Management, and you need to recreate it.

  1. Perform the receipt count task with a handheld device. This is performed by the warehouse employee.

    1. At the Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu on the handheld device, enter Get Next Task. The receipt count task screen appears, and the bin displays at the top of the handheld screen to direct you to go to a specific bin. For more information on receipt count tasks, see Wireless Warehouse - Receipt Count.

    2. If the bin into which you are receiving is not automatically entered in the Dock Bin field, scan the bin, or enter it in the field.

    3. Scan the product, or enter the product code, UPC, or GTIN in the SKU field. If you scan or enter a UPC that is associated with multiple product codes, a new handheld screen appears, which allows you to select the appropriate product code. If this screen appears, click a row in the grid to select a product.

    4. If the unit of measure is not automatically entered, enter the unit of measure for the product in the U/M field.

    5. If the product you scanned or entered in substep c is tracked by lot or serial number, scan the lot or serial number, or enter it in the Lot/Ser field.

    6. If the license plate number is not automatically entered in the License Plate field, scan the license plate number or enter it in the field. If the field is disabled and you want to use a new license plate number, select Tools Images\bluerarw.gif Next License Plate. Each license plate is used to create a separate receipt count putaway task, which is performed in step 8.

    7. If you are not required to scan each unit of the product, enter the quantity received in the Qty field. Put the product on a pallet as you count it.

    8. Repeat substeps c to g for all received products.

Note You can also count without the handheld device in Receiving Count Entry, but to do this, you must first cancel the receipt count task(s) in Warehouse Task Management.

    1. When you are finished receiving all products for the receipt count demand, select Tools Images\bluerarw.gif Done. This marks the Wireless Warehouse task as complete. The receipt count demand is marked as complete when everyone counting performs this step.

  1. Receive and post. This is performed by the warehouse manager.

    1. In Receiving Count Audit, enter the receipt count ID in the Receipt Count ID field.

    2. Review the count, and compare it to the imported ASN (if one was received and imported in step 4). If necessary, make corrections to the count. You can adjust the units of measure and quantities for the count. You can also adjust the lot and serial numbers for lot- and serial-tracked products. For returns, you can adjust the return authorization number, customer reference number, external receipt number, and disposition code.

    3. For receipt of a purchase order or container, select the Receipt Complete check box if it is not already selected and the count is correct.

    4. Click the Receive button in the ribbon. The Question dialog box appears, and asks you to confirm you want to receive the receipt count.

    5. Click the Yes button. The receipt is created. Inventory and landed costs are calculated based on the purchase order or container charges. A receipt count putaway Wireless Warehouse task is created for each license plate, and a receipt count putaway demand is printed.

    6. In Inventory Receipt Post, post the inventory receipt to the general ledger.

  2. Put the product away with a handheld device. This is performed by the warehouse employee.

    1. At the Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu on the handheld device, enter Initiate Task. The Initiate Task menu appears. For more information on the menu, see Wireless Warehouse Handheld Menu.

    2. Enter Receipt Count Putaway. The receipt count putaway task screen appears. For more information on receipt count putaway tasks, see Wireless Warehouse - Receipt Count Putaway.

    3. Scan or enter a license plate number to put away. This closes the receipt count putaway task and creates a putdown task, which immediately appears on the handheld device. For more information on putdown tasks, see Wireless Warehouse - Putdown.

    4. If the bin into which you are putting the product away is not automatically entered in the To Bin field, scan the bin, or enter it in the field. The product code, quantity to put down, and unit of measure display at the top of the handheld screen.

    5. Scan the product you are putting away, or enter the product code, UPC, or GTIN in the SKU field. If you are required to scan each unit of the product, scan all units until you have completed the task, and skip to substep h. If you are allowed to automatically record all products as put down, select Tools Images\bluerarw.gif Auto Putdown to complete the putdown task.

    6. If the unit of measure is not automatically entered, enter the unit of measure for the product in the U/M field. The expected quantity displays at the top of the handheld screen.

    7. Enter the quantity you are putting down in the Qty field.

    8. Repeat substeps d to g for all products. When you finish entering the last product, you have completed the task and the main menu appears.